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The OPPOSITION don't care RAT"S ASS ABOUT THE GUYANESE PEOPLE. This is what the OPPOSITION saying to the Guyanese People: "EAT SHIT"



sc-disappointed-at-oppositions-non-support-for-hydro-power-bill-chides-it-for-the-give-us-this-and-we-will-give-you-that-tactics-it-uses-to-bargain-on-major-national-developmental-projects&catid=4:top-story&Itemid=8#" id="FALINK_3_0_2">bargain on major national, developmental projectsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Leroy Smith   
Friday, 19 July 2013 23:25

CHAIRMAN of the Private Sector Commission, Ron Webster, has expressed disappointment at the lack of support by the parliamentary Opposition parties (APNU and AFC) for the crucial Hydro-Electric Power Bill.

Webster said that while the Commission wishes not to get into the blame game and politics, it is “very sad” that something of the magnitude of the Hydro Power  Bill did not receive the full support by parliamentarians in the National Assembly. Further, Webster said the Commission considers the Amaila Hydro Power  project as one that represents a national issue with regard  to the present electricity situation in the country and the fact that it provides an avenue for competiveness among businesses. The PSC chairman  was speaking at a sc-disappointed-at-oppositions-non-support-for-hydro-power-bill-chides-it-for-the-give-us-this-and-we-will-give-you-that-tactics-it-uses-to-bargain-on-major-national-developmental-projects&catid=4:top-story&Itemid=8#" id="FALINK_2_0_1">press conference held at  PSC headquarters, Waterloo Street, Georgetown, yesterday afternoon,  during which he reiterated that the Commission is willing to work with the government and the parliamentary Opposition, especially on this issue, as it considers it very critical.

MEDIATOR He said that there should be no politicking in relation to this particular project, since it has very dire consequences for the future of the country and  generations  to come. Webster said the PSC, the umbrella organisation for  Guyana’s private sector businesses,  has repeatedly made known its interest in being the mediator between the government and the Opposition parties (APNU and AFC). However, he said no side has  taken up the offer to invite the PSC to mediate in meetings in relation to the hydro power project. Asked if the PSC cannot be invited with  the agreement of just two sides,  Webster explained that it might not be in the best interest of discussions among the parties since the two sides may find it ok with them, but if the third party refuses to accommodate the PSC, the purpose will be defeated. He stressed that all three sides have to agree for the sitting-in of the PSC representatives. The Commission, however, has been meeting with all three parties in parliament on different issues. Asked if the Commission ever made the issue of mediating the subject of any letter,  PSC member Kit Nascimento responded in the negative, but stated that the interest has been communicated via footnotes on  other subject letters. The Commission  indicated that it does not intent to write formally expressing their  interest in  mediation since it believes that the footnotes have been seen and all parties are well aware of the interest of the PSC to assist the process. “We are not going to be running around the place saying here we are, because we are not a political party,” Webster declared.

HORRIFIC SITUATION Nascimento told reporters it has become increasingly evident that the parties are unable to find common ground on almost anything,  the end result  being that Guyanese are faced with  a horrific situation and consequential burden. The PSC said it is not just concerned about losing the hydro project but many other projects which Guyana may be unable to secure in the future.  However, despite the odds, the PSC has decided to sc-disappointed-at-oppositions-non-support-for-hydro-power-bill-chides-it-for-the-give-us-this-and-we-will-give-you-that-tactics-it-uses-to-bargain-on-major-national-developmental-projects&catid=4:top-story&Itemid=8#" id="FALINK_1_0_0">continue engaging the parties. Meanwhile, what is bothering the PSC, according to its chairman,  is that while not forthcoming in the first stages, the Government has given the Opposition parties the information and documentation it needed  in relation to the now stalled project. This includes information which is  also classified in keeping with the contract, but while the PSC was not privy to some of the documents, the Opposition has been handed those by the government.

UNDISCLOSED CONCERNS What the PSC is  not sure of,  however, is what aspects of the documents  the Opposition is unhappy about,  since  those concerns are the best kept secret of the Opposition as  they have not made those known to the government. The PSC is calling on the Opposition parties to say what are  their concerns so that those can be addressed and, where necessary, clarified (again) by the government so that there can be some movement forward. It added that, “should the Opposition continue with its ‘give us this and we will give you that’ tactics, we will get what we got…a non-functioning nation.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thyis has nothing to do with Elections. Originally Posted by baseman:

In the end, the nation will have to hold new elections.

This has nothing to do with Elections. The fundamental question is whether the Guyanese People deserve reliable Power supply. Power Supply that will result in PROGRESS in every Sector.  THE DOGS are saying NO!!!


Oh shut up you dummy, you already know the reason they said NO, the PPP Govt are trying their bullying tactics and when it doesn't work, they pout and stomp and you are doing.

Read and weep about your SWEET govt wanting to raise the guarantee of loans by public corporations and companies to $150 billion from 1 billion, this will ensure they stick it to the people in years to come.


"Despite securing the principled support of the AFC for the Hydroelectric Bill, the PPP/C Members of Parliament attempted to force the AFC to support either both the Bill and the Motion, or none at all.

The  'bullyism' and attempt to  dominate the National Assembly by the minority PPPC Government forced the AFC to withhold its support for the Hydroelectric Bill."


The opposition has no other choice but to say NO, to this.



Newsletter Banner
July 19th, 2013


At the Sitting of Parliament on Thursday, July 18, 2013, the Alliance For Change was fully prepared to support the Hydro-Electric Power (Amendment) Bill 2013. This Bill provides for the conservation and preservation of the environment and eco-systems surrounding the hydroelectric resources of Guyana. The AFC supports any rational measure to protect the environment.


A Motion brought by the Government seeking approval to raise the guarantee of loans by public corporations and companies to $150 billion was not going to be supported by the AFC given our concerns that to do so could result in greater debt burden that would eventually have to be borne by taxpayers.

In pledging its support for the Hydroelectric Bill, the AFC sought to ensure that the Government in turn would support the four Local Government Bills which had already passed through Special Select

The behaviour of the government, in not even speaking on these Bills clearly demonstrated total reluctance on their part to have Local Government Elections.

Despite securing the principled support of the AFC for the Hydroelectric Bill, the PPPC Members of Parliament attempted to force the AFC to support either both the Bill and the Motion, or none at all.

The  'bullyism' and attempt to  dominate the National Assembly by the minority PPPC Government forced the AFC to withhold its support for the Hydroelectric Bill.

The AFC remains committed to clean energy and in this context will await the findings of the IDB feasibility study on the Amaila Hydropower Project. The AFC's support for the Project hinges on the results of the study.

The government's position yesterday clearly indicates that the holding of Local Government Elections; a must for most Guyanese citizens, is not a priority for the PPPC. [END]

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Thyis has nothing to do with Elections. Originally Posted by baseman:

In the end, the nation will have to hold new elections.

This has nothing to do with Elections. The fundamental question is whether the Guyanese People deserve reliable Power supply. Power Supply that will result in PROGRESS in every Sector.  THE DOGS are saying NO!!!

Guyana has good goverance at last.


Papa Jagan bullies meet their match.


The other camp of Jagan bullies in the AFC.


Duh fuh duh nah obeah.

Originally Posted by JB:

Nehru were you a PYO terrorist who bombed the Sun Chapman? You must have taken to the bottle to forget about your wicked deeds. 

Whoever told you that story is a DUMB ASS!!!


Jagdeo & Ramotar Top Dogs

Former Black PNC Thugs & House of Isreal Killers and Bandits.....

Kit Nascimento, Jerry Gouviea, Lamumba, Norman McClean, Kwame McCoy, Philip Bynoe & Hamilton........

now forced to defend Jagdeo, Ramotar, Office of the President and Freedom House ......

against an onslaught from Guyana Parliament Majority and Electorate.

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) on Friday dismissed efforts by the political opposition to link approval for the Amaila Falls hydro power project to governance issues on grounds that the generation facility is a “national” matter.
Chairman of the PSC’s Communications sub-committee, Kit Nascimento said the umbrella business organisation wanted the opposition to detail aspects of the 165 megawatt facility that it found objectionable.

Greenridge has a valid point, considering the debt on Skeldon and its subsequent failures, why should Amelia falls be any different? I haven't seen any evidence that there is merit in this project over the continued use of fossil fuels to generate energy. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Greenridge has a valid point, considering the debt on Skeldon and its subsequent failures, why should Amelia falls be any different? I haven't seen any evidence that there is merit in this project over the continued use of fossil fuels to generate energy. 

See what happens when you remove your head from your poop chute?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bgurd_see told me the other day to remove my dead from the sand because I differ with him on the security issues facing Guyana. Is that a fair comment?

Bturd knows a lot about the dead since he used to help his "dad" at the Le Repentir. I would not argue with him on that topic. Perhaps he meant that the sand will wash way and expose your dead.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Nehru were you a PYO terrorist who bombed the Sun Chapman? You must have taken to the bottle to forget about your wicked deeds. 

Whoever told you that story is a DUMB ASS!!!


So you accept?

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Nehru were you a PYO terrorist who bombed the Sun Chapman? You must have taken to the bottle to forget about your wicked deeds. 

Whoever told you that story is a DUMB ASS!!!


So you accept?

You are indeed a DUMB ASS!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Nehru were you a PYO terrorist who bombed the Sun Chapman? You must have taken to the bottle to forget about your wicked deeds. 

Whoever told you that story is a DUMB ASS!!!


So you accept?

You are indeed a DUMB ASS!!!!


The alcohol is again getting the better of you. Do not repeat this behaviour at home. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Nehru were you a PYO terrorist who bombed the Sun Chapman? You must have taken to the bottle to forget about your wicked deeds. 

Whoever told you that story is a DUMB ASS!!!


So you accept?

You are indeed a DUMB ASS!!!!


The alcohol is again getting the better of you. Do not repeat this behaviour at home. 


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Nehru were you a PYO terrorist who bombed the Sun Chapman? You must have taken to the bottle to forget about your wicked deeds. 

Whoever told you that story is a DUMB ASS!!!


So you accept?

You are indeed a DUMB ASS!!!!


The alcohol is again getting the better of you. Do not repeat this behaviour at home. 



Have you thought about checking into an alcohol rehab centre? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Nehru were you a PYO terrorist who bombed the Sun Chapman? You must have taken to the bottle to forget about your wicked deeds. 

Whoever told you that story is a DUMB ASS!!!


So you accept?

You are indeed a DUMB ASS!!!!


The alcohol is again getting the better of you. Do not repeat this behaviour at home. 



Have you thought about checking into an alcohol rehab centre? 

It must be good to you since you're recommending it 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Nehru were you a PYO terrorist who bombed the Sun Chapman? You must have taken to the bottle to forget about your wicked deeds. 

Whoever told you that story is a DUMB ASS!!!


So you accept?

You are indeed a DUMB ASS!!!!


The alcohol is again getting the better of you. Do not repeat this behaviour at home. 



Have you thought about checking into an alcohol rehab centre? 

It must be good to you since you're recommending it 

DEh Sagewang got it from his father.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bgurd_see told me the other day to remove my dead from the sand because I differ with him on the security issues facing Guyana. Is that a fair comment?

Its a fair statement, you neglected to look at the big picture and played into the hands of the AFC/pnC operatives who manipulated you into believing that one man is to blame for the crime situation in Guyana. Instead you should have analyzed the situation instead of being reactionary in calling for the head instead of looking at the details. 


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