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Moral values are fast disappearing from Guyana

I have lived in and studied Guyana for all my life and I don’t think there has been any period, whether months or years, where moral values were so butchered than the last five months – March 4 to August 4. It is a logical thought to put the question to Guyanese as to whether we will survive.
Here is a brief journey down those poisonous pathways of the most shocking abandonment of the use of any criterion or set of criteria to arrive at what is decent and what is unacceptable. We start with Barrington Braithwaite. In his columns in the Chronicle during those five months of election rigging, Braithwaite endorsed the Mingo/Lowenfield report and was a strong defender of GECOM chairman, Claudette Singh.
Then Braithwaite suddenly morphed into psychiatrist and declared in his Sunday July 19 column that Singh was suffering from mental problems and proceeded to diagnose those problems. And to think an editor allowed that piece to go which has been withdrawn from online circulation since there is new editorial management at the Chronicle. What is shocking about this derogation of Ms. Singh? It came from a man who is a sitting member of the Ethnic Relations Commission.
We move to Lincoln Lewis. In his Kaieteur News columns, Lewis, like Braithwaite, defended the Mingo/Lowenfield tabulation. Lewis went further. He frenetically criticized those who questioned Singh’s professionalism and emotionally defended her.
He also stated Guyanese must respect our judicial system. The metamorphosis of Lewis was identical to Braithwaite’s. As the court cases came to an end and Singh ruled that the election results must be based on the Caricom-observed recount, Lewis called upon APNU+AFC presidential candidate, David Granger, to use his presidential powers and institute an inquiry into GECOM. What is disturbing about Lewis’ action? This man is the General-Secretary of the Trade Union Congress that has to negotiate with the government and society’s business owners on workers’ rights.
Henry Jeffrey used his Stabroek News columns to argue that the registration list had over 600,500 names thus a free and fair election could not have emerged from such a bloated document. It turned out that only 440,000 persons voted. This meant that over 200,000 persons on the electoral roll did not show up. And who is Jeffrey? Not an uneducated labourer but a man who taught at UG for 15 years and was a Cabinet Minister for 16 years.
Next is Vincent Alexander. As a PNC GECOM commissioner, Alexander stood firmly behind the Mingo/Lowenfield submission that gave victory to the APNU+AFC. He even tabled a motion for GECOM to accept that declaration thus bringing the election saga to an end.
When five CARICOM Prime Ministers came here to seek an end to the election insanity, Alexander wrote them in his capacity as head of the International Decade for People of African Descent-Guyana. He asked for a meeting to discuss fundamental problems of ethnic competition which periodic elections only exacerbate, and postulated that these PMs find a solution beyond the necessity of having the 2020 election results.
Looked at from any angle, this is horrible hypocrisy. How can you request CARICOM intervention to go beyond election which you say is of lesser importance than finding a solution to ethnic domination, yet you are a GECOM commissioner strenuously seeking an election result based on fraud to catapult your ethnic party in power. Could there be a more infamous example of lost moral compass?
Then there is Cathy Hughes who said in parliament a few days ago that the PPP overlooked the APNU+AFC that won 217,000 votes to offer the position of deputy speaker to Lenox Shuman of a small party. Was this the Freudian veil that has finally come off? Ms. Hughes was in court for the filing of the election petition in which her entity will argue that the election was massively fraudulent. How she arrived at 217,000 when they are claiming that is not a true figure?
Finally, Vincent Adams. How can any newspaper or any academic or any independent mind argue a case for one of the leaders of APNU+AFC remaining at the helm of the Environmental Protection Agency when that person is part of an entity that is seeking the removal of the political leadership of the government through an election petition?
By what argument can a case of professional strictness be applied? His immediate boss is a Cabinet minister from the PPP. His ultimate boss is the president. What relation can they have when he is part of the leadership of APNU+AFC that wants the PPP administration removed? This is really mixed up moral values that Adams and his backers need to explain.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)


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Freddy is right. None of those who he mentioned there has any credibility. Had they been smart they would have done the right thing and surrendered the government on March 4th and begin reconstructing their image for the next elections as the PPP did after 'losing' the 2015 elections. But they chose the self destructive path and are now running mad with their silly assertions.

But if you think they are running mad now, wait till next Wednesday when the Grand Ayatollah Dr. Jagdeo will stand up in Parliament to present the National Budget. All those who wished to see the back of Jagdeo will now have no choice but to look him straight in his face. Poetic Justice.


Sometime or somewhere in the future there WILL BE A CIVIL war in Guyana. 

We have had many quiet conflicts from the 1950's to the time of Independence. From then to now, we have witnessed the PNC government twice. Once they had it for 28 years, then a spell for 23 years.

The last 5 years, we have experienced a concerted effort to influence the outcome of the elections. Their last 5 months, it shows that the elite negroes made a great effort use a law in their favor. Threats from the USA done them all in without objections to Granger's acceptance of defeat.

It is there, in the minds of powerful negroes not to unite. There is Rwanda lurking.

Next time, bullets and bleeding. 

Indians are not a proactive race of people, dey believe in karma. 

@seignet posted:


Next time, bullets and bleeding. 

Indians are not a proactive race of people, dey believe in karma. 

What Pi** you talking.

Jagdeo and Indians took on the racist PNC cabal after they attempted to steal an election and Jagdeo is now bussing the riggers balls. PNC turned into poodles thanks to Jagdeo.

They had to vacate as quiet as a church mouse. 

You are probably referring to coward Jagan's Indos who have been kicked out of the PPP.

You are living in the past bai. Kuiles of today are not like Kuiles of yesterday. 

@Former Member posted:

Gail told them to F off. They are calling the PPP illegal. Too bad for them, let them rot in their stupidity.

They actually know where the soup is leaking.  Guyanese don't want riggers and cowardly Indians who abandoned the Party to sit on the state boards.

@Former Member posted:

What Pi** you talking.

Jagdeo and Indians took on the racist PNC cabal after they attempted to steal an election and Jagdeo is now bussing the riggers balls. PNC turned into poodles thanks to Jagdeo.

They had to vacate as quiet as a church mouse. 

You are probably referring to coward Jagan's Indos who have been kicked out of the PPP.

You are living in the past bai. Kuiles of today are not like Kuiles of yesterday. 

I guess that is why Jagdeo created the Phantom Gang of Negroes to kill Black criminals. Where was dem badazz kulies, afraid of the bruddahs or scared to pick up a gun? 


Bai, you talking like a lil bai.

You use the necessary resources in a politically safe environment to take care of the Phantom Gangs. Look how PNC is shaking in their boots now and are bawling like a lil picky.

Same army, same police. Jagdeo is a genius, unlike Jagan's Jackasses who rolled over every time PNC sneezed. 

Indos of today are not Indos of yesterday and PPP of today is not PPP of yesterday. Get with the times man !


@seignet posted:

I guess that is why Jagdeo created the Phantom Gang of Negroes to kill Black criminals. Where was dem badazz kulies, afraid of the bruddahs or scared to pick up a gun? 

No! They were the Black ops police created by the PNC to kill coolies.

@Former Member posted:

Bai, you talking like a lil bai.

You use the necessary resources in a politically safe environment to take care of the Phantom Gangs. Look how PNC is shaking in their boots now and are bawling like a lil picky.

Same army, same police. Jagdeo is a genius, unlike Jagan's Jackasses who rolled over every time PNC sneezed. 

Indos of today are not Indos of yesterday and PPP of today is not PPP of yesterday. Get with the times man !


Indos will always remain the same, they are caste controlled. Their handlers have changed from Jagan to Jagdeo but the same message embolden them, exactly the same message. 

@seignet posted:

Indos will always remain the same, they are caste controlled. Their handlers have changed from Jagan to Jagdeo but the same message embolden them, exactly the same message. 

Bai, you are really losing your marbles. How de rass caste come into this discussion ? 

Had it not been for Jagdeo, Indos would have been kicking bricks in the streets as Granger and his racist Cabal rig and rule. 

Jagdeo will kick PNC ass any day of the week ! I guess you have been shellshocked since Granger lost. I recall you saying that Granger will not vacate office.

Last edited by Former Member
@seignet posted:

Indos will always remain the same, they are caste controlled. Their handlers have changed from Jagan to Jagdeo but the same message embolden them, exactly the same message. 

Well! If you put it that way, it is better than your criminally controlled PNC. Jagdeo is now the supreme Leader in all Guyana. 

@Former Member posted:

Bai, you are really losing your marbles. How de rass caste come into this discussion ? 

Had it not been for Jagdeo, Indos would have been kicking bricks in the streets as Granger and his racist Cabal rig and rule. 

Jagdeo will kick PNC ass any day of the week ! I guess you have been shellshocked since Granger lost. I recall you saying that Granger will not vacate office.

Thank the USA that they asked him politely to leave of which he obliged. 

I waiting for Granger's Guyanese response. What he does from here on in, has no international consequences.


Thank Jagdeo for leading the charge. Give credit where credit is due !

Jackass Japan would have roller over and don't forget that PPP hired a firm to lobby US administration officials. Get with the times man !

The sanction hit him hard on his backside. PPP is rounding up the cabal members. Never again !

Granger is like a Christmas Blow Blow 

Last edited by Former Member
@seignet posted:

I want yuh to ketch sense to them loose marbles rolling around in kulie ppl heads, you included and Rama too.

All this because the PPP kicked your asses at the polls. What the dickens you get against me? I am an easy-going guy. Don't stress your self out.

Stress kills.

@Former Member posted:

Thank Jagdeo for leading the charge. Give credit where credit is due !

Jackass Japan would have roller over and don't forget that PPP hired a firm to lobby US administration officials. Get with the times man !

The USA going to be sorry as soon as the PPP get back to its old business. I expect Priya and Gail to cuss dem out moh bad. Dis time goan be like dem ladies fighting at Gaumont. Ask Nehru abot those fights.

Bai, leading what charge. Jagdeo knew eventually help will be coming, bcz of democracy.

Believe me, if the USA could find another person to move the PPP base dey will pour tons of money in that effort. Suh, dey doan like the PPP eversince in the 1950's. 

@seignet posted:

The USA going to be sorry as soon as the PPP get back to its old business. I expect Priya and Gail to cuss dem out moh bad. Dis time goan be like dem ladies fighting at Gaumont. Ask Nehru abot those fights.

Bai, leading what charge. Jagdeo knew eventually help will be coming, bcz of democracy.

Believe me, if the USA could find another person to move the PPP base dey will pour tons of money in that effort. Suh, dey doan like the PPP eversince in the 1950's. 

Stop stressing bai. PPP won ! Get used to it !

First you were stating that Jagdeo and PPP are weak and now that they buss granger and PNC balls, you are bringing in Cold War politics. You were also bragging that Jagdeo will never dislodge PNC and Granger, remember ?

Listen, USA ambassador Sarah is friendly with Gail and Priya. Dem ladies seem to be knocking glass while you are fretting. 

Pompeo defended the PPP and democracy ! Get your act together bai. PPP of today is not PPP of yesterday. They will govern for another 25 years, get used to it and stop fretting. PPP will do what PPP has to do and Guyanese now have a comparison to make between the PPP and PNC. 

Given a choice between a hapless PNC, they will pick PPP seven days of the week. Picking Burnham's Dinosaur Harmon was PNC's biggest mistake. It was the biggest gift to the PPP. 

I am cool too. 

Last edited by Former Member

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