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LETTER: Basil Williams is shameless, according to former President

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Dear Editor,
I have noticed the response of the Attorney General, Mr. Basil Williams in the Chronicle newspaper, to the piece I wrote in relation to issues in the Ministry which he heads.
I wish to thank him publicly for acknowledging that so many persons have left the Ministry since the change of government and in particular, his Ministry.  It has been a virtual exodus.
Attorney General Basil Williams and former President Donald Ramotar


It is indeed more than passing strange that in the present economic environment where there is no job creation, no programme for such either, that so many people have left their employ.
Incidentally, as I noted in my piece, the vast majority were persons of Indian Guyanese descent. They were replaced by persons of non-Indian origin.
Note also, that this is a relatively small Ministry and Indian Guyanese were always in the minority.
I note also Mr. Cecil Dhurjon’s response as well.  I know Mr. Dhurjon still has substantial benefits for his long service to the Ministry and the country.
It is apposite to recall that Mr. Dhurjon’s wife is still in the employ of that Ministry.
I have no desire to jeopardise either the jobs nor the receipt of benefits for anyone.  Further, I say not.
The vindictiveness that this regime has displayed is intimidating to many.
In relation to the Attorney General, I have seen his explanations for the exodus of so many in his employ.
I do not wish to respond to them.
I will merely recite his recent known actions.
You, the readers, will decide on how credible and what weight you wish to put to his most recent explanation.
This is the same man who denied that he ever sought to compulsory acquire two private lots in Carmichael Street when this was publicly advertised in the Official Gazette.
This is the same man who, together with his colleagues in the APNU+AFC, voted against the AML/CFT Bill brought by the PPP/C administration. That placed our country in grave danger of being blacklisted.  Yet Basil Williams shamelessly and barefacedly blames the PPP/C.
This is the same person who blamed the PPP/C for the more than one billion dollar judgment that the Courts awarded to the Rudisa Company. The whole country knows that it was Williams and all of his colleagues in the APNU+AFC that voted against the Bill being passed in the National Assembly by the PPP/C government. The failure to pass this Bill led to a humongous cost to the country.
This is the same Basil Williams who placed his name on a case when he was never a party in the case involving Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo, Opposition Leader and Magistrate Charlyn Artiga.  He refused to take the advice of the Solicitor General and the Deputy Solicitor General not to do so.  However, when the case was thrown out he blamed the Deputy Solicitor General for his folly.
This is the same Basil Willaims who denied that Brian Tiwari was paid US$5.7 million on a mere letter threatening litigation.  All Guyanese know that it was Minister Bulkan who disclosed that information. Yet Basil Williams continue to deny.
This is the same Attorney-General who viciously attacked the Chancellor (Ag) in the state-owned Chronicle newspaper.  Later, he denied doing so and threatened journalists who reported on the issue.
This is the same Basil Williams who was recorded thanking Winston Felix, then Commissioner of Police, for diverting the public attention from the criminal link (Fine Man Gang) with the PNC after the East Bank slaughter were eight persons lost their lives.
Further, I say not.
Donald Ramotar
Former President

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