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Ramjattan should get his facts right before talking


I have never ceased to wonder at the tenacity of the leaders of the AFC to fabricate and peddle lies to the public with the hope of getting through to a few of them. They are of the opinion if you peddle a lie long enough then not only will people believe those lies but you yourself will make those lies indelible in your psyche.Loyalty to Country First The Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan, once again used fabricated lies to get away from the real issues at hand. I made it clear that I moved that motion in support of the Anti-Money Laundering Bill simply because I put my country first. This Bill is too vital to play politics with. If members of the Opposition take some time to reflect on our National Pledge they will understand where I was coming from. But many persons cannot afford to think and act independently. I have done that. Is that a crime if I can show my blinded leaders the way forward? But alas those who are blinded by the greed for power cannot see the light! Of Rogue Councillor and Rogue MPs The very first impression that came to my mind upon reading the article in INEWS GUYANA entitled “Haseef Yusuf is a ‘Rogue’ AFC councillor- Ramjattan” was ‘Look who’s talking!’ Does this man have a moral standing to condemn anyone who has taken such a position? Is this man suffering from amnesia? How can he not recall that when he was kicked out of the PPP, he clung to the MP position for dear life! He cannot afford to lose the status, the money and the duty free perks! If I am a ‘rogue’, then I submit Khemraj Ramjattan, Leader of the Alliance For Change, Attorney –at-Law and Honourable Member of Parliament is a bigger rogue that I am! Furthermore, with all due respect, the Honourable Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman falls into that same category! Blatant Lies of Ramjattan I now want to address once again the deliberate lies he stated in that article. I was never officially expelled from the AFC nor do I care. But he kept saying publicly that I have failed to pay my ‘subscriptions in years.’ I had stated emphatically before that, I paid my subscriptions up to 2012 or else I could not have attended the AFC Conference which was held in that same year. The then General Secretary, Sixtus Edwards can vouch for this. Furthermore, I have valid reasons for not paying subscriptions for 2013. At the Conference in 2012 I presented a motion with regards to accountability within the party (this was after the Ramayya issue). Inter alia, I said that party groups should have bank accounts and all monies collected by way of fund raising and donations should be properly accounted for and deposited into a bank account. This motion was unanimously passed. Everyone agreed, including Ramjattan, Nigel Hughes, Cathy Hughes, Patterson and Moses Nagamootoo. Until now no such accounts have been opened in Berbice! How can I even pay a dollar to this party when there is a total lack of accountability? Many top AFC members have since resigned because of this mismanagement and fraudulent misappropriation of party funds. These people want the Procurement Commission in order to stop corruption, but is unwilling to establish accountability within their own political organisation. (The PPP/C Government is not against the establishment of such a Commission but the Opposition wants to behave as though they are in government. They must have all the powers.) I have written exhaustively on the theft and misappropriation of funds but how can the leaders put system in place when they themselves are guilty? Hypocrisy The AFC Constitution has provisions for the appointment of an auditor and audited statements. These have never been complied with. At the Conference in 2012 inaccurate and unaudited statements were foisted at the members, many of them having no clue as to what was going on. Yet these AFC leaders are adamant about the Procurement Commission when they themselves within the AFC can procure without proper accountability. This is hypocrisy and shamelessness. Friend of Anil Nandlall As for being a friend of the Honourable Mr Anil Nandlall-let me say this, this gentleman is one of the finest legal minds this country has ever produced. He is a statesman par excellence and will one day make a fine President, if God wills. I wish to see that day. However, until this moment I have never spoken to this gentleman or met him personally but I will definitely be honoured to be his friend! Moreover, I have never sought any personal favour from any member of the PPP/C Government or the Party or neither have I personally received any benefits from them. I am a patriot who wants the economic prosperity of this Nation to continue. I do not want the ‘Dark Age’ to return and I will never be a ‘ Chamar’ or a ‘Namak Haram’. People like Ramjattan will never be able to comprehend what it means to be a patriot! Conclusion Lastly, Ramjattan should start vigorously disposing of the garbage in the AFC but I guess that means disposing of himself with those garbage as well! Next time get your facts straight before opening your mouth! By HASEEF YUSUF AFC Councillor Suelle Findlay-Williams

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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Ramjattan should get his facts right before talking


I have never ceased to wonder at the tenacity of the leaders of the AFC to fabricate and peddle lies to the public with the hope of getting through to a few of them. They are of the opinion if you peddle a lie long enough then not only will people believe those lies but you yourself will make those lies indelible in your psyche.Loyalty to Country First The Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan, once again used fabricated lies to get away from the real issues at hand. I made it clear that I moved that motion in support of the Anti-Money Laundering Bill simply because I put my country first. This Bill is too vital to play politics with. If members of the Opposition take some time to reflect on our National Pledge they will understand where I was coming from. But many persons cannot afford to think and act independently. I have done that. Is that a crime if I can show my blinded leaders the way forward? But alas those who are blinded by the greed for power cannot see the light! Of Rogue Councillor and Rogue MPs The very first impression that came to my mind upon reading the article in INEWS GUYANA entitled “Haseef Yusuf is a ‘Rogue’ AFC councillor- Ramjattan” was ‘Look who’s talking!’ Does this man have a moral standing to condemn anyone who has taken such a position? Is this man suffering from amnesia? How can he not recall that when he was kicked out of the PPP, he clung to the MP position for dear life! He cannot afford to lose the status, the money and the duty free perks! If I am a ‘rogue’, then I submit Khemraj Ramjattan, Leader of the Alliance For Change, Attorney –at-Law and Honourable Member of Parliament is a bigger rogue that I am! Furthermore, with all due respect, the Honourable Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman falls into that same category! Blatant Lies of Ramjattan I now want to address once again the deliberate lies he stated in that article. I was never officially expelled from the AFC nor do I care. But he kept saying publicly that I have failed to pay my ‘subscriptions in years.’ I had stated emphatically before that, I paid my subscriptions up to 2012 or else I could not have attended the AFC Conference which was held in that same year. The then General Secretary, Sixtus Edwards can vouch for this. Furthermore, I have valid reasons for not paying subscriptions for 2013. At the Conference in 2012 I presented a motion with regards to accountability within the party (this was after the Ramayya issue). Inter alia, I said that party groups should have bank accounts and all monies collected by way of fund raising and donations should be properly accounted for and deposited into a bank account. This motion was unanimously passed. Everyone agreed, including Ramjattan, Nigel Hughes, Cathy Hughes, Patterson and Moses Nagamootoo. Until now no such accounts have been opened in Berbice! How can I even pay a dollar to this party when there is a total lack of accountability? Many top AFC members have since resigned because of this mismanagement and fraudulent misappropriation of party funds. These people want the Procurement Commission in order to stop corruption, but is unwilling to establish accountability within their own political organisation. (The PPP/C Government is not against the establishment of such a Commission but the Opposition wants to behave as though they are in government. They must have all the powers.) I have written exhaustively on the theft and misappropriation of funds but how can the leaders put system in place when they themselves are guilty? Hypocrisy The AFC Constitution has provisions for the appointment of an auditor and audited statements. These have never been complied with. At the Conference in 2012 inaccurate and unaudited statements were foisted at the members, many of them having no clue as to what was going on. Yet these AFC leaders are adamant about the Procurement Commission when they themselves within the AFC can procure without proper accountability. This is hypocrisy and shamelessness. Friend of Anil Nandlall As for being a friend of the Honourable Mr Anil Nandlall-let me say this, this gentleman is one of the finest legal minds this country has ever produced. He is a statesman par excellence and will one day make a fine President, if God wills. I wish to see that day. However, until this moment I have never spoken to this gentleman or met him personally but I will definitely be honoured to be his friend! Moreover, I have never sought any personal favour from any member of the PPP/C Government or the Party or neither have I personally received any benefits from them. I am a patriot who wants the economic prosperity of this Nation to continue. I do not want the ‘Dark Age’ to return and I will never be a ‘ Chamar’ or a ‘Namak Haram’. People like Ramjattan will never be able to comprehend what it means to be a patriot! Conclusion Lastly, Ramjattan should start vigorously disposing of the garbage in the AFC but I guess that means disposing of himself with those garbage as well! Next time get your facts straight before opening your mouth! By HASEEF YUSUF AFC Councillor Suelle Findlay-Williams

i guess any coward low live worm can write a article,as i say they is more truth in a tip of a sword that a thousand words

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

FACTS BABY FACTS. Those two swindlers will be out in the cold!!!

as we speak or type they have the ppp crying and begging,true sons of the soil 

Tell them to REJECT the entire Budget nah if dem gat any Balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

FACTS BABY FACTS. Those two swindlers will be out in the cold!!!

as we speak or type they have the ppp crying and begging,true sons of the soil 

Tell them to REJECT the entire Budget nah if dem gat any Balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the power to make the ppp worthless,to reject or not to reject that is the question.power to the people 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

FACTS BABY FACTS. Those two swindlers will be out in the cold!!!

as we speak or type they have the ppp crying and begging,true sons of the soil 

Tell them to REJECT the entire Budget nah if dem gat any Balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the power to make the ppp worthless,to reject or not to reject that is the question.power to the people 

DEm gat Nuff fat talk but those COWARDS will only talk. This is their chance to do it. CHICHEN!!   CHICKEN!!! 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

FACTS BABY FACTS. Those two swindlers will be out in the cold!!!

as we speak or type they have the ppp crying and begging,true sons of the soil 

Tell them to REJECT the entire Budget nah if dem gat any Balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the power to make the ppp worthless,to reject or not to reject that is the question.power to the people 

DEm gat Nuff fat talk but those COWARDS will only talk. This is their chance to do it. CHICHEN!!   CHICKEN!!! 

i think you have this backward,its the government that is the minority.when a minority government cannot pass what they budget for they always call a election,but me and you know this ppp government will not call no election,a little power is better than no power

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

FACTS BABY FACTS. Those two swindlers will be out in the cold!!!

as we speak or type they have the ppp crying and begging,true sons of the soil 

Tell them to REJECT the entire Budget nah if dem gat any Balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the power to make the ppp worthless,to reject or not to reject that is the question.power to the people 

DEm gat Nuff fat talk but those COWARDS will only talk. This is their chance to do it. CHICHEN!!   CHICKEN!!! 

i think you have this backward,its the government that is the minority.when a minority government cannot pass what they budget for they always call a election,but me and you know this ppp government will not call no election,a little power is better than no power

The Govt did fine last year after they cut. They gun be fine again. The matter IS the Scamps trying to fool the People that they CARE BUT everyone know they just want Power.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

FACTS BABY FACTS. Those two swindlers will be out in the cold!!!

as we speak or type they have the ppp crying and begging,true sons of the soil 

Tell them to REJECT the entire Budget nah if dem gat any Balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the power to make the ppp worthless,to reject or not to reject that is the question.power to the people 

DEm gat Nuff fat talk but those COWARDS will only talk. This is their chance to do it. CHICHEN!!   CHICKEN!!! 

i think you have this backward,its the government that is the minority.when a minority government cannot pass what they budget for they always call a election,but me and you know this ppp government will not call no election,a little power is better than no power

@ warrior, you are nothing but ungrateful, hope you don't run like a sissy again, are you a shame to accept the truth, we are better off now that your acolytes. Your family and you a a brighter tomorrow, and food to eat, no line for bread and water. Remove the mask from your face. We all know you.


AFC shud stand up like wan man. Meh tink dem a help PPP. Dare is talk dat de AFC will gang up wid PPP to fight APNU. Ow...poor APNU. Dem goh gang up pun dem poor black people.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

AFC shud stand up like wan man. Meh tink dem a help PPP. Dare is talk dat de AFC will gang up wid PPP to fight APNU. Ow...poor APNU. Dem goh gang up pun dem poor black people.

AFC walks out of budget presentation sitting

Monday, 24 March 2014 14:49

AFC walks out of budget presentation sitting 


The Alliance For Change on Monday walked out of the National Assembly ahead of the reading of the 2014 budget by finance minister Dr. Ashni Singh.

The party in a statement it issued to the media said that the walkout was in protest of the government's failure to hold "meaningful consultation" with the opposition parties as provided for by the Constitution.

"Judged  from the raves and rants of his previous speeches the AFC has no reason to believe that Minister Singh would make a sober presentation this year," it said.

The party concluded that it thought it best not to "dignify" the speech with its presence. 

APNU Chairman David Granger had earlier told Demerara Waves Online News that they expected "the worst" from this year's budget since there had been no consultation with the opposition poarties.

The AFC's full statement is reproduced below.

The Alliance For Change (AFC) absented itself from the reading of the 2014 Budget by Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh to register its protest against the violation of our Constitution by this government in not holding meaningful consultation on the budget, whilst it had the time to do so.
Article 13 of the Guyana Constitution provides that the principal objective of the political system of the State is to establish an inclusionary democracy.  In this regard, government-opposition consultation is not only useful political behavior but promotes the type of democracy that Guyana needs..
Unfortunately, in keeping with its misguided winner takes all posture this government tries to reduce the role of the majority opposition from an active participant in national decision-making to one of a passive listener,
Judged from the rave and rants of his previous speeches, the AFC has no reason to believe that Minister Singh would make a sober presentation this year. High on a propaganda blitz against the opposition, he would not resist the blame-game, and the sojourn into the past, to buttress evident failures.
More importantly, the Capital Estimates would be padded to include high profile, pet projects for which multi-billion contracts would be “approved” by Cabinet under the “no objection” status quo, in anticipation of the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission.
The Alliance for Change (AFC) thought it best therefore to not dignify the speech with our presence in the National Assembly.  This budget is being presented by a Minister who is accused with disobeying the decisions of the National Assembly and, in disregard of those decisions, restored funds that were not approved by the said assembly, for which acts he has been placed before the Privileges Committee of the National Assembly.
For us, as a patriotic and national movement, we have a vested interest to  support increased allocations for the social sectors including education, health, housing, water, environment, and security. AFC will demand more dollars for wages, pensions and social assistance. We support subventions to organizations that promote assistance to the vulnerable in the society.
However, this 2014 budget is overshadowed by the ruling of the Chief Justice that the National Assembly may approve or not approve the estimates of expenditure. this ruling, has since been appealed. , AFC states that whilst we respect the ruling of our Courts, we reserve our right to abide with the people’s mandate to guard the national purse, and to fight squandermania, waste and corruption by whatever means available to us under the Standing Orders of the National Assembly, in the Committee of Supply. 


Moses is like a RATTLE SNAKE. He voted for Jadges's pension package.

The parliament has a record of his vote. Listen to his denial in Parliament when in fact the clerk had a copy of him voting.


Do you really trust Moses ?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Ramjattan should get his facts right before talking


I have never ceased to wonder at the tenacity of the leaders of the AFC to fabricate and peddle lies to the public with the hope of getting through to a few of them. They are of the opinion if you peddle a lie long enough then not only will people believe those lies but you yourself will make those lies indelible in your psyche.Loyalty to Country First The Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan, once again used fabricated lies to get away from the real issues at hand. I made it clear that I moved that motion in support of the Anti-Money Laundering Bill simply because I put my country first. This Bill is too vital to play politics with. If members of the Opposition take some time to reflect on our National Pledge they will understand where I was coming from. But many persons cannot afford to think and act independently. I have done that. Is that a crime if I can show my blinded leaders the way forward? But alas those who are blinded by the greed for power cannot see the light! Of Rogue Councillor and Rogue MPs The very first impression that came to my mind upon reading the article in INEWS GUYANA entitled “Haseef Yusuf is a ‘Rogue’ AFC councillor- Ramjattan” was ‘Look who’s talking!’ Does this man have a moral standing to condemn anyone who has taken such a position? Is this man suffering from amnesia? How can he not recall that when he was kicked out of the PPP, he clung to the MP position for dear life! He cannot afford to lose the status, the money and the duty free perks! If I am a ‘rogue’, then I submit Khemraj Ramjattan, Leader of the Alliance For Change, Attorney –at-Law and Honourable Member of Parliament is a bigger rogue that I am! Furthermore, with all due respect, the Honourable Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman falls into that same category! Blatant Lies of Ramjattan I now want to address once again the deliberate lies he stated in that article. I was never officially expelled from the AFC nor do I care. But he kept saying publicly that I have failed to pay my ‘subscriptions in years.’ I had stated emphatically before that, I paid my subscriptions up to 2012 or else I could not have attended the AFC Conference which was held in that same year. The then General Secretary, Sixtus Edwards can vouch for this. Furthermore, I have valid reasons for not paying subscriptions for 2013. At the Conference in 2012 I presented a motion with regards to accountability within the party (this was after the Ramayya issue). Inter alia, I said that party groups should have bank accounts and all monies collected by way of fund raising and donations should be properly accounted for and deposited into a bank account. This motion was unanimously passed. Everyone agreed, including Ramjattan, Nigel Hughes, Cathy Hughes, Patterson and Moses Nagamootoo. Until now no such accounts have been opened in Berbice! How can I even pay a dollar to this party when there is a total lack of accountability? Many top AFC members have since resigned because of this mismanagement and fraudulent misappropriation of party funds. These people want the Procurement Commission in order to stop corruption, but is unwilling to establish accountability within their own political organisation. (The PPP/C Government is not against the establishment of such a Commission but the Opposition wants to behave as though they are in government. They must have all the powers.) I have written exhaustively on the theft and misappropriation of funds but how can the leaders put system in place when they themselves are guilty? Hypocrisy The AFC Constitution has provisions for the appointment of an auditor and audited statements. These have never been complied with. At the Conference in 2012 inaccurate and unaudited statements were foisted at the members, many of them having no clue as to what was going on. Yet these AFC leaders are adamant about the Procurement Commission when they themselves within the AFC can procure without proper accountability. This is hypocrisy and shamelessness. Friend of Anil Nandlall As for being a friend of the Honourable Mr Anil Nandlall-let me say this, this gentleman is one of the finest legal minds this country has ever produced. He is a statesman par excellence and will one day make a fine President, if God wills. I wish to see that day. However, until this moment I have never spoken to this gentleman or met him personally but I will definitely be honoured to be his friend! Moreover, I have never sought any personal favour from any member of the PPP/C Government or the Party or neither have I personally received any benefits from them. I am a patriot who wants the economic prosperity of this Nation to continue. I do not want the ‘Dark Age’ to return and I will never be a ‘ Chamar’ or a ‘Namak Haram’. People like Ramjattan will never be able to comprehend what it means to be a patriot! Conclusion Lastly, Ramjattan should start vigorously disposing of the garbage in the AFC but I guess that means disposing of himself with those garbage as well! Next time get your facts straight before opening your mouth! By HASEEF YUSUF AFC Councillor Suelle Findlay-Williams

I do no care about the petty prattle about the supposed corruption in the PPP given this fellows neglect to even broach the PPP fetid corruption. That he cares about the anti laundering bill is another piece of swill. One is no to be beguiled into meeting supposed international standards wh en our internal checks and balances is a sieve. The PPP needs to meet its obligation to patrol its people, and submit necessary financial statements to the Parliament. Given we have the rise of so many church mice to fat cats one is really at a loss to grasp what is the urgency to satiate international demands. There must be internal and external consistency in behavior. And this is not even addressing the open holes in this document that will facilitate more PPP corrupt practices.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses is like a RATTLE SNAKE. He voted for Jadges's pension package.

The parliament has a record of his vote. Listen to his denial in Parliament when in fact the clerk had a copy of him voting.


Do you really trust Moses ?

If the PPP created the package why should Moses voting or not voting for it be an issue even if he forgot or deliberately misstated his vote? The Package is the issue. It is forged in the shady dealings of the PPP with its open ended clauses and intent to keep the money flowing to their members even when they left office.


The AFC has no shame, even though they walked out of parliament without representing their few constituencies, they will still be expecting their full parliamentary allowance!!!!!. smh


Councie, Kwame & Yuji why yuh expose Anil Nandalall and his  mother-in-law.


Councie, Kwame & Yuji....Is it true Anil Mother-in-law was caught at JFK with 5 Kilo Coke in she poke?


Councie, Kwame & Yuji....Is it true Anil Mother-in-law was also caught at JFK  with trying to smuggle an illegal person intp the USA at the same time she had the 5 Kilo Coke in she poke?


Councie, Kwame & Yuji....Is it true Anil Mother-in-law was Jailed in the USA and deported from the USA for these offences in the USA???


Councie, Kwame & Yuji....Is it true after Anil Mother-in-law was deported back to Guyana....  Nandalall with the help of Jagdeo & Ramotar  was involved in the cover-up her Crime, Jail Sentence & Deportation in USA from the Guyanese????



Councie, Kwame & Yuji....Is it true that as soon as Anil Mother-in-law returned to Guyana she was again caught ..... with 200 Stolen Guyana Passports in her Posession....jailed at Lot 12 Camp Street....until Anil was able to pull her out from behind Bars in Guyana????


Councie, Kwame & it true Anil was able to remove the 200 Stolen Guyana Passport Charge against his Coke-in-de-poke mother-in-law and have these serious charges dropped in Guyana?????


Councie, Kwame & Yuji....Is it true Anil Mother-in-law was again caught in USA.... this time at Miami International with more Coke-in-de-poke....and when caught she was traveling with one of those Stolen Guyana Passports....under a different name????


Councie, Kwame & Yuji....Is it true after Anil Mother-in-law was AGAIN deported back to Guyana (Second Time)....  Nandalall with the help of Jagdeo & Ramotar  was involved in the cover-up her Crime, Jail Sentence & Deportation in USA from the Guyanese????


Councie, Kwame & Yuji....Is it true after Anil Mother-in-law was deported from the USA for a second time .....with the help of Jagdeo & Ramotar again....Anil took her to New Years Party at the Police & GDF Headquarters to celebrate and take pictures with Ramotar, Jagdeo & Sam Hinds???


Councie, Kwame & Yuji....Is it true Kwame was upset he did not get Security Clearance like Anil Mother-in-law and could not enter the Police or GDF Head Quarters to celebrate and take pictures with Ramotar, Jagdeo & Sam Hinds????? 


Councie, Kwame & Yuji.... Now tell us who is the Ne-Maa-ka-raam ....Coke-in-de-poke, Convicted Drug Dealer, Convicted Back-track Smuggler, that Anil took to celebrate the New Year, Pose and take Pictures with President Ramotar, President Jagdeo & President Sam Hinds???


Councie,  Kwame & Yuji....

let Anil & Kwame tell us now about

Nee-maa- Mother-in-law -Ka-ka - Ka-ram....



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses is like a RATTLE SNAKE. He voted for Jadges's pension package.

The parliament has a record of his vote. Listen to his denial in Parliament when in fact the clerk had a copy of him voting.


Do you really trust Moses ?

If the PPP created the package why should Moses voting or not voting for it be an issue even if he forgot or deliberately misstated his vote? The Package is the issue. It is forged in the shady dealings of the PPP with its open ended clauses and intent to keep the money flowing to their members even when they left office.




Moses voted for the package. 

Originally Posted by Jalil:

AFC is rotten at its very core.


Yuji are you accusing

Moses as Covering up

Anil Mother-in-law

Coke-in-de-poke too,


Was Moses at

Eve Leary Police

and GDF Head Quarters

celebrating too.....




Last edited by Former Member

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