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Shared government a recipe for mayhem -PM HindsPDFPrintE-mail

Written by Gary Eleazar   

Wednesday, 10 April 2013 00:54

SHARED government is not an ideal or critical situation for Guyana at present, according to Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds, who, in his presentation to the House last evening, said that there have been many arguments for and against the notion, but even the late President, Hugh Desmond Hoyte, himself had decided against it.



Prime Minister addresses the House yesterday

The Prime Minister told the House that shared government would easily return Guyana to era of the 1950s.

He said that the PPP has been open to such overtures in the past, but would have been burnt.

He drew reference to the most recent negotiations regarding the Linden debacle surrounding the electricity subsidy in 2012, when he said government entered into talks with good faith but the party was hurt.

The Prime Minister said that there is the inherent risk of betrayal in any power sharing agreement, saying, “we don’t want a repeat of that risk.”

Hinds suggested that what is first needed is to build trust for political cooperation, “We think that is the way forward.”

He drew reference also to the fact that the ruling administration has made sacrifices in the past for the betterment of the country, and referred to the fact that the government had called elections two years early for the 2001 election.

The Prime Minister recalled that the move occurred in a time of Guyana’s history when the opposition was looking to make the country ungovernable, with the slogan of ‘slow fyah, more fyah.”

said that it is “in the face of contrived mayhem that we agreed to hold elections two years early….that is the sacrifice we made.”
Hinds said that steady growth and development has been a hallmark of the current administration, “bringing benefits to all the people of Guyana…that is a historical fact…it is against this background that I support the 2013 Budget.”
The Prime Minister reiterated that growth and development for a country does not come smoothly and he reminded also that the “greater the growth and development, greater the potential for conflict.”

He said, “We do not think shared governance in the sense of shared ministries is the critical thing for Guyana,” said Hinds.
The Prime Minister conceded that the ruling administration is hesitant of shared government, in that it would mean a shifting of the contentions and abuses to the level of Cabinet.”
He said that for the sake of the young people today in Guyana, the government believes that the risk enjoined in shared government is too great at this point in time.
Hinds, turning his attention to the 2013 Budget, reminded that it has been created to attain steady sustainable progress, “a step by step approach to our dreams….our annual budgets enable our next steps on the decades-long journey to a developed state.”

The Prime Minister enjoined the House to celebrate the achievements made over the past years in relation to the performance of the country’s economy, and reminded that the country has graduated from the ranks of Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC).
He reminded that the budget process is one of managing scarce resources and making hard and difficult choices within the resources available to the state.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Shared government is a fiction---a fantasy---a fairy tale. Only losers and failures bray about the need for shared government. The truth is Guyana is progressing nicely under the PPP.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Shared government is a fiction---a fantasy---a fairy tale. Only losers and failures bray about the need for shared government. The truth is Guyana is progressing nicely under the PPP.



WEll said Bhia. Guana SWEET SWEET Like a Sumutoo, Sweeter than Demerara brown Sugar and Sweeter than Honey.


This is an example of why the PPP is unfit to govern. The party is full of idiots and liars, not to mention many other things.

Shared government is part of the political landscape around the world. Even our very successful neighbour Suriname has had shared government at various times, including now. And look how robust their economy is compared to impoverished Guyana.


What are the reasons for a coalition government after an election in Guyana?


The Constitution clearly states that the coalition of parties must be made prior to an election.


Originally Posted by Mr.T:

This is an example of why the PPP is unfit to govern. The party is full of idiots and liars, not to mention many other things.

Shared government is part of the political landscape around the world. Even our very successful neighbour Suriname has had shared government at various times, including now. And look how robust their economy is compared to impoverished Guyana.

I am not surprise at your DUMBNESS. Keep on talking Bull daily.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

What are the reasons for a coalition government after an election in Guyana?


The Constitution clearly states that the coalition of parties must be made prior to an election.


APNU is a good example. A Partner for National Disunity = PNC.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

This is an example of why the PPP is unfit to govern. The party is full of idiots and liars, not to mention many other things.

Shared government is part of the political landscape around the world. Even our very successful neighbour Suriname has had shared government at various times, including now. And look how robust their economy is compared to impoverished Guyana.

And what did Burnall do to Peter D'aguiar and the UF? How soon we forget.

Originally Posted by warrior:

that nice how is hell

The men look like they were interbred. A little bit of mental retardation in the men. No wonder you exhibit the family trait. I will take it easy on you, now that I understand your family roots.


that is why the family his against the ppp government we are not too smart but we are honest something you lowlife scum will not understand did you see some of your ppp comrades in hell 

Originally Posted by warrior:

that is why the family his against the ppp government we are not too smart but we are honest something you lowlife scum will not understand did you see some of your ppp comrades in hell 

Saw your family members wrapped in jute bags around their bodies begging for a handout. My PPP comrades took the bags off their bodies and gave them clothes and food. God bless the PPP. Stop bad mouthing the PPP. You are like dried goat shit; you roll in the same direction the wind is blowing all the time(a wanna be). What a long mouth yawari!

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

What are the reasons for a coalition government after an election in Guyana?


The Constitution clearly states that the coalition of parties must be made prior to an election.


The Janet Jagan scream states this as she feared a repeat of 1964.  Indeed 2011 would have been a repeat of this.


Please do not make out as if this, being a mere modification of Burnham's constitution, is something that cannot be changed.


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