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Former Member

Both the PNC/APNU and its Region Ten Chairman, Sharma Solomon have been deceitful in their claims that the government has failed to implement the agreement signed in 2012 following the Linden electricity protests. Our research and investigation has led to the discovery of the following;

There were 9 areas of agreement in the August 22, 2012 agreement. Out of this 9, three areas fell under the responsibility of the government:

1. Maintain the electricity tariff subsidy until the completion of the work and recommendations of the Technical Committee

2. The NDIA drainage of West Watooka

3. Hand over the TV dish and transmitter to the Region Ten administration

ALL these were implemented

There were two areas which were a joint responsibility between the government and the Solomon-led Region Ten administration

1.The establishment of the chairpersons and members of the Technical Committee

2.The establishment of the chairpersons and members of the Economic Committee

This has been partially accomplished as no agreement on the Chair for both committees has been reached since the resignation of both chairmen

There were four areas which fell under the responsibility of the Region Ten administration;

1.The establishment of a Regional Land Selection Committee

2.The submission of projects for consideration while awaiting the Economic Committee’s report

3.To propose and develop modalities to work closely with the relevant Ministries and Communities

4.To apply for a TV license for the region to the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority

NONE of these have been implemented

So as you see it is Sharma Solomon and the PNC/APNU’s leadership which continues to fail the people of Linden.




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Many people also think that Guysuco should be privatized as well.


Given that the PPP doesnt want to hold local gov't elections they really should have no comments about what the supposed leadership in these various districts are doing.  If there was effective local gov't then various projects, etc would have been disclosed as these entities would have direct responsibility for implementation.


The PPP is trying to convince Linden that they are better, and Lindeners have rejected this nonsense in 1997, 2001, 2006, and again in 2011.


Let the PPP go and fool up its supporters in the sugar belt.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Both the PNC/APNU and its Region Ten Chairman, Sharma Solomon have been deceitful in their claims that the government has failed to implement the agreement signed in 2012 following the Linden electricity protests. Our research and investigation has led to the discovery of the following;

There were 9 areas of agreement in the August 22, 2012 agreement. Out of this 9, three areas fell under the responsibility of the government:

1. Maintain the electricity tariff subsidy until the completion of the work and recommendations of the Technical Committee

2. The NDIA drainage of West Watooka

3. Hand over the TV dish and transmitter to the Region Ten administration

ALL these were implemented

There were two areas which were a joint responsibility between the government and the Solomon-led Region Ten administration

1.The establishment of the chairpersons and members of the Technical Committee

2.The establishment of the chairpersons and members of the Economic Committee

This has been partially accomplished as no agreement on the Chair for both committees has been reached since the resignation of both chairmen

There were four areas which fell under the responsibility of the Region Ten administration;

1.The establishment of a Regional Land Selection Committee

2.The submission of projects for consideration while awaiting the Economic Committee’s report

3.To propose and develop modalities to work closely with the relevant Ministries and Communities

4.To apply for a TV license for the region to the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority

NONE of these have been implemented

So as you see it is Sharma Solomon and the PNC/APNU’s leadership which continues to fail the people of Linden.




Conscience a/k Neaz Suhan from GINA, you does really publish some scrunt!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

They are many Lindeners who are afraid to speak out against the chairman, because of fear of victimization.

de post count still important re compensation, nuh bai?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The RDC needs to tell the residents of region 10, that they are not a state within a state, ans should cease from their dependency syndrome. 

de post count still important re compensation, nuh bai?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

They are many Lindeners who are afraid to speak out against the chairman, because of fear of victimization.


Correct. There are afraid of PNC thugs.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

They are many Lindeners who are afraid to speak out against the chairman, because of fear of victimization.

Who cares.  Hold your snap election and see APNU win more than 80% of the Region 10 votes.


One day the PPP will understand some thing.  Lindeners consider them demons because they sold Guymine and refuse to sell Guysuco so clearly do not have any interest in what happens to black people.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The RDC needs to tell the residents of region 10, that they are not a state within a state, ans should cease from their dependency syndrome. 

I see so sell Guysuco.  Region 6 should stop the dependency system of expecting the rest of the nation to hugely subsidize Guysuco.


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