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She’s the only female pilot in the GDF

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Second Lieutenant Bibi Hakh (GDF photo)

With the ratings and training under her belt, Second Lieutenant Bibi Hakh of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) decided to join the military to serve Guyana.

The Women’s Army Corps of the GDF is celebrating its 53rd anniversary and the former St Roses’ High girl is one of several women whom the army has recognised for her efforts.

Lieutenant Hakh is fairly new to the military having completed the Reserve Officer Course 16 in 2019 after two years of training.

She grew up in the community of Bel Air, Georgetown and while she was completing secondary school, a simple career talk from a representative of one of the domestic airlines led her to consider becoming a pilot.
“Becoming a pilot for me was not something I really dreamt of. I got to like the idea and I pursued it,”she said.

Second Lieutenant Hakh gained her Private Pilot License, her Instrument Rating as well as her Commercial Single Engine License at Aerial World Services located in Couva, Trinidad and Tobago.

Upon her return to Guyana, she completed her multi Engine Rating at Air Services Limited at the Eugene F Correia International Airport at Ogle. She is type-rated on the Short SC- 7 -Skyvan and the Britten-Norman Islander.”After I was finished my rating at Air Services, I was looking for a job and I learnt that there were no female pilots in the GDF and so I decided to enlist on the Reserve Officer Course. The course was certainly not a walk over for me, but I kept my eyes on the goal. I really enjoyed flying, so I wanted to fly and it brings more to it when I can do it in service to my country,” she stated.

Second Lieutenant Hakh recalled a quote from the famous renaissance figure Leonardo da Vinci which she learnt at flight school and which kept her motivated throughout her training. The quote reads: “Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”

Said Second Lieutenant Hakh-“This always kept me in tune with my ultimate goal. Seeing a rainbow in the sky was also another inspiration for me. When I fly the experiences are always different each time. This could never get boring for me . Plus, as a pilot I get to enjoy the very best moods of everyone. This has been a good experience thus far. I see myself building hours and massive experience while at the same time being in service to my country. I would like to let other females know that piloting is no impossible task and irrespective of male dominance in any profession, gender is not a constraint to their skill level and what they can accomplish. I look forward to continue serving beside my female colleagues in the Women’s Army Corps. Happy Anniversary to us!”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Where are all the coolie lungeras? Why aren't they in the army, too? They let one-woman show them how to be brave and courageous. Oh, they are busy fighting with their mouth on GNI while Afro gets the upper hand on them. When are they going to accuse the woman for being a PNCite?


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