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Former Member

I am shocked by the arrogance and contempt displayed on a weekly basis by the leadership of a political party, whose supporters were conned in believing they were voting for civility and change. Khemraj Ramjattan appears power drunk, and would do or say anything to steal voter-support from Granger’s PNC/APNU.
In 2012, as government announced the July 1 deadline for the withdrawal of electricity subsidy for the town of Linden, the Alliance For Change -AFC became very active on the frontline of the PNC stronghold, organizing protest which eventually led to anarchy and the unfortunate deaths of three “peaceful protesters.” The opposition efforts to spread this unrest nationwide failed miserably because while the rest of the country were paying the full electricity rates, the people of Linden were enjoying and abusing a $3 billion government electricity subsidy which the AFC and APNU had earlier cut from the 2012 National Budget. They created the atmosphere for lawlessness in the mining town, then hid like cowards in the background as law enforcement moved in to stop an insurrection. They were determined not to be seen as the ringleaders.
As if nothing was learnt from this mayhem, the Joint Opposition again butchered $5.2 billion from a governmental assistance programme presented in the 2013 National Budget from loans provided by Venezuela, China and the IDB.
A significant amount of this subsidy was to run new transmission lines on the coastlands and for the construction of seven new substations designed to reduce Guyana Power & Light leaky systems. Although the opposition knew this budget cut would force an electricity rate increase and hardship upon all Guyanese, they are determined to create another scenario similar to Linden, that threatens to stability and security of our nation.
No one wants to pay more for electricity, but the AFC and APNU must take full responsibility for playing politics, hoping to create dissension among our people.
Moreover, the leadership of the Alliance For Change has now clearly demonstrated his intention to influence the emotions of consumers, knowing that this is likely to create civil unrest and anarchy if his threats to have GPL investigated by the Public Utilities Commission are not complied with.
According to a press statement, “The proposed hike in electricity rates by the state controlled GPL must be vigorously resisted by the Guyanese people… The AFC would like to warn the PPP Government, that this highly ill-advised and unjustified act on the part of GPL, will be provoking huge national unrest.”
This proposed increase by GPL could have been avoided, had the Joint Opposition been thinking of the Guyanese consumer rather than disrupting progress.
GPL is not perfect, and the electricity situation nationwide is less than reliable. But I have not seen a single condemnation by either opposition leader to their supporters, to desist from meter-tampering and the stealing of electricity.
In fact, one APNU supporter, was awarded a seat in Parliament, after he was arrested and taken to Den Amstel Police Station for stealing electricity from GPL. I guess it’s only corruption when a PPP/C supporter is involved.
In 2006, GPL’s fuel bill was $12.4B while in 2012, this doubled to $24.2B.
It is time for the AFC to demonstrate to the Guyanese people that it can be trusted with stewardship of our nation. Provoking regular confrontations with the Administration will not help fulfill their manifesto pledge to the voters. Maturity in politics is mastering the art of compromising, not confrontations.
How can Khemraj Ramjattan justify his leadership role in a political party that has accomplished nothing for his constituency?


Harry Gill

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

I am shocked by the arrogance and contempt displayed on a weekly basis by the leadership of a political party, whose supporters were conned in believing they were voting for civility and change. Khemraj Ramjattan appears power drunk, and would do or say anything to steal voter-support from Granger’s PNC/APNU.
In 2012, as government announced the July 1 deadline for the withdrawal of electricity subsidy for the town of Linden, the Alliance For Change -AFC became very active on the frontline of the PNC stronghold, organizing protest which eventually led to anarchy and the unfortunate deaths of three “peaceful protesters.” The opposition efforts to spread this unrest nationwide failed miserably because while the rest of the country were paying the full electricity rates, the people of Linden were enjoying and abusing a $3 billion government electricity subsidy which the AFC and APNU had earlier cut from the 2012 National Budget. They created the atmosphere for lawlessness in the mining town, then hid like cowards in the background as law enforcement moved in to stop an insurrection. They were determined not to be seen as the ringleaders.
As if nothing was learnt from this mayhem, the Joint Opposition again butchered $5.2 billion from a governmental assistance programme presented in the 2013 National Budget from loans provided by Venezuela, China and the IDB.
A significant amount of this subsidy was to run new transmission lines on the coastlands and for the construction of seven new substations designed to reduce Guyana Power & Light leaky systems. Although the opposition knew this budget cut would force an electricity rate increase and hardship upon all Guyanese, they are determined to create another scenario similar to Linden, that threatens to stability and security of our nation.
No one wants to pay more for electricity, but the AFC and APNU must take full responsibility for playing politics, hoping to create dissension among our people.
Moreover, the leadership of the Alliance For Change has now clearly demonstrated his intention to influence the emotions of consumers, knowing that this is likely to create civil unrest and anarchy if his threats to have GPL investigated by the Public Utilities Commission are not complied with.
According to a press statement, “The proposed hike in electricity rates by the state controlled GPL must be vigorously resisted by the Guyanese people… The AFC would like to warn the PPP Government, that this highly ill-advised and unjustified act on the part of GPL, will be provoking huge national unrest.”
This proposed increase by GPL could have been avoided, had the Joint Opposition been thinking of the Guyanese consumer rather than disrupting progress.
GPL is not perfect, and the electricity situation nationwide is less than reliable. But I have not seen a single condemnation by either opposition leader to their supporters, to desist from meter-tampering and the stealing of electricity.
In fact, one APNU supporter, was awarded a seat in Parliament, after he was arrested and taken to Den Amstel Police Station for stealing electricity from GPL. I guess it’s only corruption when a PPP/C supporter is involved.
In 2006, GPL’s fuel bill was $12.4B while in 2012, this doubled to $24.2B.
It is time for the AFC to demonstrate to the Guyanese people that it can be trusted with stewardship of our nation. Provoking regular confrontations with the Administration will not help fulfill their manifesto pledge to the voters. Maturity in politics is mastering the art of compromising, not confrontations.
How can Khemraj Ramjattan justify his leadership role in a political party that has accomplished nothing for his constituency?


Harry Gill

ramjattan is doing a great job for myself and lots of guyanese so conman you can take a hike


Who the hell cares if Harry Gill, a known PPP sycophant is "dismayed"! And who is he trying to "con" with the insistence that change means submitting to the PPP autocracy with its gross mismanagement of the national assets or rather gross conversion of national assets to the hands of PPP crony.


I would be quite refreshed if Harry Gill sees contempt in the secrecy of NICIL, the Pimping of Berbicians by Berbice river bridge company or that the Marriott is simply one big scam job! Maybe he ought to take a fresh look at the GUYSUCO or pharmaceutical contracts etc.


But he wont. He cant, he dare not break his oath to be Ygor to the PPP Frankenstein. GPL is run by the same scamp that runs all of the PPP's leech projects. That it fails is not surprising. None of their enterprises has been successful except if you call their leeching a success.


Maybe Gill should tell us by example what he thinks is a compromise with this corrupt party. They have 100 percent efficiency rate with their leadership. None of them has ever been demoted in the entire 2 decades in office.


That this leviathan of endless failures has never seen fit to  change any of its management personnel ( it merely re arranges them) ought to be an overbearing stench on Gill's  nostrils had he one ounce of integrity. 

Last edited by Former Member

Is this an admission that NICIL is a scam job? Do you think Moses was not due the fees he was paid? Could Brazzington post the checks to himself since he is into releasing checks of others? That man is as crooked and snake like as he looks.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Moses needs to come clean.....

Post tiefram's 7 million dollars check that suddenly disappeared via Hollywood accounting into the black hole that is the skeldon sugar plant  failure of a project. That would smell like a rose if you want a hint of clean in the PPP's  pig pen.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Danyael" is trying his/her best to derail attention away from Moses, as seen in the published cheques, receiving a hefty bounty from NICIL....

 Dude, you are a the PPP's tomas de torquemata. You are not here to preach the gospel of fiduciary accountability but to put to the rack those who oppose your corrupt religion.


If you are so prudent with your show and tell you can show us a monthly accounting of Brazzington's fees. But you wont. You need to hint that Moses is the crook when the one writing the checks is a saint. But you cannot get it two ways. Moses cannot the worse offender if the he is a recipient of a check and not the check writer who is still there and writing all the checks!


Try selling that to any who is dumber than a five year old if you need some traction.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Moses aint no Sunday boy, no amount of damage control done by "Danyael" could erase his shame....

 I don't give a damn about Moses. At least he is no longer a crab on the backs of the Guyanese people if at one time he was one. The shame is those who are still the leeches on the society. Tell those church mice who steal their way across the crooked species to now become fat cats about the need for shame. Ramorat could hardly be making two quid a year as a Gimpex flunky. Now he wear suits that cost more than he ever made from his tenure there. Those people have no shame. They lost all of the humility, charity and good graces that was their mantra all across the LFSB era. Once in office they could not wait to be parasites exceeding every notions of the concept ever conceived by the PNC!


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