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“PNC taught me to kill” – Sean Hinds alleges

Sean Hinds

Sean Hinds

New explosive recording surfaces…


– confesses to involvement in a series of alleged State-sponsored murders


Days after turning himself over to law enforcement ranks, a new recording of self-confessed death squad member Sean Hinds has surfaced in which he alleged that the People’s National Congress (PNC) taught and trained him how to kill innocent people, while sponsoring his involvement in several extra-judicial killings and criminal activity aimed at agitating political confusion in the country.

The recording which has been circulating on social media features Hinds making a series of jaw-dropping allegations and again implicating several of the top-brass serving and retired members of the PNC political directorate who were in power for 28 years and now serve as part of the recently elected A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change coalition Government.

Hinds appeared to be shocked at how the political directorate within the then Opposition and the hierarchy of the Guyana Police Force are treating him as result of some of the unlawful activities that he has been involved in over the past four decades.

“…I was designated bodyguard way back in the PNC time, all that they said I do and I know, they taught me these things, they taught me to kill people,” he said in the recording.

He also alleged that the PNC orchestrated criminal activity in the country while the People’s Progressive Party/Civic was in power with the aim of making Guyana ungovernable and creating instances where racial hostility and divisiveness soared.

“I could remember incidents of when the PPP was in power back then when they (PNC) wanted a commotion along with senior people….in this government… (PNC) asked me to go outside with a machine gun that was given to me by Carl McPherson who is now deceased, to shoot out Congress Place to cause a commotion so they can go kill…people by the Buddy place on Sheriff Street,” he calmly alleged.

“When we was going out the night to murder, to shoot out Buddy’s place, we were confronted by Fraser and Gangster…that time and we had to head back to the thing because we had a lookout people saying that them man coming in the street,” he also alleged.

Hinds, a convicted criminal and ex-Policeman, also confessed on the new recording that he was closely associated with at least two high-ranking officials of the PNC before deciding to walk away because they failed to represent him and look into his needs with a sense of urgency.

“You understand, so all these things that they saying I do and don’t do is out of their camp I come. They never gave me a tricycle; they never gave me a bicycle…When I asked “Corbin” a night for $100 because I had to go home to come back for 6 o’ clock to report for duty, I ask him for $100 to catch transportation, you know what he turn and tell me, “When you drinking milk, you drinking milk.” That’s what Corbin turn and tell me “when you drinking milk, you drinking milk.” So I don’t know what’s it now. Is them teach me everything I know”, he insisted.

The man has also alleged he was involved in a plot to take the lives of innocent Guyanese at Parika, Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara).

“When they send me with machine in the backdam to kill all them…people in the backdam down in Parika with PJJ 4041, a pickup with a guy who dead now named Bustop and an old Police Sergeant at Eve Leary and they drive away and left me with a guy named Bacchus who died now, and another one name Peter Woodman who alive now and could testify to this, when we go and kill the coconut man, the coconut man, and two other people in the yard, they drive away and left me when the shots fired,” he recalled as he continued his allegations against the PNC.

Hinds said that he and the others involved had to camp out in the village until the next evening as the Police were patrolling the area.

“Corbin I aware of this, Aubrey Norton is aware of this because at that time they used to control the place, there was a guy named Skeete, he was a soldier and he was aware of this….Them was the people who taught me things. Them is the people who train me….Them is the people who send me to train. So why they targeting me, all I doing is making a living, killing people is not my action, I just want a living, it’s a means; it’s somewhere I can get a money to maintain a family and pay my mortgage. That’s all I want to do,” he alleged during the 17-minute recording.


Police’s alleged involvement

Hinds, who is no stranger to controversy and known members of the underworld here, has also taken another jab at the Guyana Police Force alleging that many of its past and senior members benefited financially and otherwise from the spoils of serious crimes.

Explaining that is why he is upset, Hinds alleged too that while the political directorate of the PNC were the intellectual authors behind some of the criminal activity he was involved in, the Police were part of the execution plot which saw them turning a blind eye and failing to apprehend or prosecute anyone leaving many murders and robberies unsolved for years.

Saying that he had nothing to do with Courtney Crum-Ewing’s death and some of the other crimes allegedly pinned on him, Hinds said “the Police know, they are fully aware of who do these crimes”.

He suggested that it was surprising that the new Government took office and was managing to pinpoint people and pin crimes on them despite the fact that the types and nature of crimes increased and changed since last year and over the past few weeks more recently.

“Every time you hear about a robbery you hear somebody died. First was robbery and a man would be alive, but now is a robbery with murder. Anytime you get a robbery, people killing”, he said before noting that “it simply mean that Police sheltering these people all the time. They are in with these people on certain things because in the end they get a money.”

Further, he confessed to being part of a squad of policemen who would be told about criminal activity, but would bargain with the criminals and receive as much as one-quarter of the loot in order to allow the crime to go unsolved. If criminals acted without the Police knowledge or refuse to agree to the terms to commit the unlawful act, he said they would be killed.

“I was a part of that squad, so I know what I am talking about… way back in Fraser time, since in Carl Boyce time, you understand what I mean, so these people know what I am doing,” he said.

Over the last few weeks, Hinds has been at the centre of controversy as he has made sweeping allegations against the Guyana Police Force and implicated to a lesser extent politicians on both sides of the divide in criminal activity here.

He was recently questioned after turning himself over to Police so that they can probe a number of allegations and matters concerning him, but he refused to cooperate in the investigations. He was let go without being charged.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“Corbin I aware of this, Aubrey Norton is aware of this because at that time they used to control the place, there was a guy named Skeete, he was a soldier and he was aware of this….Them was the people who taught me things. Them is the people who train me….Them is the people who send me to train. So why they targeting me, all I doing is making a living, killing people is not my action, I just want a living, it’s a means; it’s somewhere I can get a money to maintain a family and pay my mortgage. That’s all I want to do,” he alleged during the 17-minute recording.


“Every time you hear about a robbery you hear somebody died. First was robbery and a man would be alive, but now is a robbery with murder. Anytime you get a robbery, people killing”, he said before noting that “it simply mean that Police sheltering these people all the time. They are in with these people on certain things because in the end they get a money.”


Sean Hinds confuses with two more video recordings

August 13, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– implicates PNCR officials in criminal activities


Sean Hinds

Sean Hinds


Controversial self-confessed death squad member Sean Hinds is at it again, this time he appears more confusing than ever. In a recently released publication, Hinds is recorded implicating key former People’s National Congress/ Reform members in criminal activities. But hours after the recording appeared on social media, Hinds went to social activist Mark Benschop, who recorded his visit, dismissing the previous recording as just wasteful “gaff” and he is calling on President David Granger to quickly set up a Commission of Inquiry so that he can “talk the truth”. In a video recording spanning three minutes, Hinds alleges former PNCR leader Robert Corbin and one-time challenger Aubrey Norton were the intellectual authors behind him and some of his activities in the past. He gave no time frame for these activities. The video, which was released yesterday on YouTube but allegedly made months earlier, comes on the heels of a video interview that Hinds gave to a local television station last month. In his latest video recording, Hinds did not hesitate to allege that both Corbin and Norton facilitated his training and that they “controlled the place.” “They are the people who taught me things, trained me and sent me to train. So why (are) they targeting me? All I looking for is a living. Killing people is not my option. I just want to be somewhere so I can get money to maintain my family and pay my mortgage. I don’t want to kill anybody,” Hinds said. “I was Desmond Hoyte bodyguard way back in the PNC time. All that I know or they said I do, they taught me these things. They taught me to kill people,” he declared. Hinds also listed specific events, where he detailed his activities and the orders he allegedly received from the PNC/R. Hinds then went on to blast the current Government, stating that “all these things that they saying I do, is out of their camp I come.” “They never gave me a bicycle or a tricycle. When I asked (Robert) Corbin one night after I was at the presidential guard, I asked him for $100 because I had to go home and come back the next morning for 06:00hrs to report for duty.” “I asked him for it for transportation and you know what he turn and tell me? ‘When you drinking milk, you drinking milk.’ That’s what Corbin told me. So I don’t know why they at me. It’s they that taught me everything I know.” Hinds went on to allege that both Corbin and one-time Opposition leader hopeful Aubrey Norton were aware of his sordid activities, referring to another venture he embarked on. But late yesterday afternoon, Mark Benschop posted also on social media that he along with other persons had spoken to Sean Hinds, who denied almost everything said on the new tape. “Mark, I wan talk boy, I wan talk. As soon as Mr. Granger set up dis inquiry, I is de fuss man gon ready fuh talk, providing dem ain’t kill me…. I know who throw s#$t pon Freddie, and I wan talk plenty mo, but I gon only talk if Granger set up de inquiry……dem tings on dat tape about Norton and Corbin was just a gaff…,” Hinds was quoted as saying. It was the same Hinds who on the advice of his lawyer Nigel Hughes had refused to speak to the police throughout the three days he spent in their custody two weeks ago. According to Benschop, Hinds claimed that if given a chance to talk at a Commission of Inquiry a lot of people will “go down” with him since he purports to know who killed Courtney Crum-Ewing. This publication spoke with Robert Corbin, who dismissed Hinds’ statements as “fabrications” and denied that Hinds had any affiliation with his party. In fact, Corbin denied having contact with or even speaking to Hinds. Indicating that he has been in retirement, the PNC/R stalwart maintained that whatever he knew of Hinds were the accounts carried in the media. Late last night Aubrey Norton also dismissed Hinds’ recent statements as mere fabrications. “I was the General Secretary in 1997 when Sean Hinds went to work with the PNC. Records will show that Corbin was doing law at the time and was not part of the party apparatus,” Norton stated. He said that his first interaction with Hinds was when he recommended that the then party leader the late Desmond Hoyte fire him when it was discovered that Hinds was misappropriating moneys earmarked for fuel for Hoyte’s vehicle. Norton said that Hoyte gave Hinds a second chance, but Hinds later went to the press and made a false allegation against a policeman. “Every time Hinds seeks to say something that happened, he chooses somebody who is dead, which obviously suggests that he is fabricating,” Norton told this newspaper. Questioned at yesterday’s press briefing, Minister of State Joseph Harmon could not attest to seeing the video recording. However, Harmon did reiterate the Government’s policy that Hinds must make such statements to the police. “We will not provide any amnesty or anything of that nature. Let him go to the police and make his claims and if there is anything let the police investigate it.” “He’s been there to the police. Let him say to them this is what I did, this is what who did what to whom and give them the leave for the investigation.” Hinds is currently on $100,000 station bail.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

He lacks any credibility and his story is not substantiated.

You always thought he was not credible??  Dem 2 House Slaves used to believe everything Dem hear.

Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

Very sad Dr. Khemraj. You would not hesitate in a nano second to call for Jihadi John to behead the PPP members if they were implicated by Sean Hinds. You are standing on the other side of the fence.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I told you guys before that the police are involved in protecting the thieves and killers. You don't need a better proof for their slow response to most of the crimes.

Been saying that about nine years ago.

I don't give a shit what you been saying and how long you been saying it. It's evident that the police force is part of the criminal enterprise under the incompetent Ramjattan. This is the clean government that is shoving bamboo in allyou kakahole.
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

You will be convinced when Indian bodies litter the streets, then again, you might blame PPP/Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

Very sad Dr. Khemraj. You would not hesitate in a nano second to call for Jihadi John to behead the PPP members if they were implicated by Sean Hinds. You are standing on the other side of the fence.

Milk sweet banna.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

He lacks any credibility and his story is not substantiated.

He had credibility when alyuh thought he will implicate the PPP.  Even the jokster KishanB was chanting "sing Sean sing".  Now like cyat bite alyuh tongue.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

He lacks any credibility and his story is not substantiated.

He had credibility when alyuh thought he will implicate the PPP.  Even the jokster KishanB was chanting "sing Sean sing".  Now like cyat bite alyuh tongue.

You are being foolish.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

Very sad Dr. Khemraj. You would not hesitate in a nano second to call for Jihadi John to behead the PPP members if they were implicated by Sean Hinds. You are standing on the other side of the fence.

TK is right. This fellow was a lieutenant of Axel who was a foot soldier to RK who was managed by Gajrag on behalf of the PPP. That is common knowledge to Guyanese as stated here many times since the early 2000 period and Bacchus even made a statement to that fact eons ago. RK allocuted to much of that also 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

Very sad Dr. Khemraj. You would not hesitate in a nano second to call for Jihadi John to behead the PPP members if they were implicated by Sean Hinds. You are standing on the other side of the fence.

TK is right. This fellow was a lieutenant of Axel who was a foot soldier to RK who was managed by Gajrag on behalf of the PPP. That is common knowledge to Guyanese as stated here many times since the early 2000 period and Bacchus even made a statement to that fact eons ago. RK allocuted to much of that also 

Yea, yea, he under a rock these dayzz

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

You will be convinced when Indian bodies litter the streets, then again, you might blame PPP/Jagdeo.

If they act like that arsehole the snake, dam right it will occur.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

You will be convinced when Indian bodies litter the streets, then again, you might blame PPP/Jagdeo.

If they act like that arsehole the snake, dam right it will occur.

Look like even Hinds refused to comply.  Good for him.


PNC denies teaching Sean Hinds how to kill

Sean Hinds

Sean Hinds

New controversial recordings…


…PPP/C says it’s “not surprised” by revelations


By Michael Younge


The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) on Thursday strongly denied allegations that it taught and trained self-confessed death squad member Sean Hinds how to kill innocent Guyanese and particularly persons from one ethnic group.

Hinds is in the spotlight again after a video recording of him implicating the PNCR in State-sponsored killings went viral on social media on Wednesday.

In the three-minute video, Hinds cited several infamous shootouts which plagued the country and provided detailed reports alleging PNC’s direct involvement.

PNC General Secretary Oscar Clarke fixedly denied the allegations, noting that he was completely shocked that Hinds would make such declarations.

“I could only laugh … I am not aware of this. I as General Secretary of this party am denying these allegations,” he said.

Clarke made it clear that his party has never engaged in any sort of illegality that saw citizens being murdered or killed to stir up political turmoil in the country.

But PNCR Executive and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) General Secretary Joseph Harmon, who is now the Minister of State under the new coalition Government, when asked to comment on the allegations, simply stated that Hinds should go to the Police with the information and let them deal with the matter.

“Mr Hinds must make these statements to the Police, we will not provide any amnesty, let him go to the Police and make his claims and let the Police investigate it,” he asserted, noting that he had not yet viewed the video.

On Thursday, this newspaper contacted former PNCR Leader and Minister within the Desmond Hoyte Government Robert Corbin who was named in the recordings for a comment, but he declined expressing his surprise that Guyana Times would report on the matter without first seeking a response from him.

“I have nothing to say. I have no further comments to make on this matter,” an upset Corbin said before disconnecting the call for the second time.

Efforts by this newspaper to get a comment from former PNC Executive Aubrey Norton proved futile.



When contacted for a comment on the statements made by Hinds, PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee said that it was interesting to see all of these revelations coming out.

He said that the Party was not surprised at the names being called in the recording, because it always had the impression that there were political intellectual authors behind all of the murders and crimes that were being committed over a period of time.

“So I think now Mr Harmon should be the one to explain all of these things, because he said he knew that there was a criminal enterprise with political connections, so now the chicken is coming out to roost,” Rohee said.

Asked whether his Party concocted the recording to do damage control following Hinds’ earlier statements, he denied this explaining that the PPP as a party only learnt of the recording after it went viral.

“I think there is more to come…we will certainly be following and monitoring the developments that are taking place because we have interest in any matter that is of national security importance,” Rohee explained.

He said that the Party welcomes any investigation or Commission of Inquiry into criminal activities over any period of time because he “knows that the PPP has never been involved in those things”.

Hinds claimed that during the early days of the PPP tenure, the PNC had on countless occasions killed innocent individuals as a part of its scheme to create havoc in the nation and cast a bad image on the then Government.

“Corbin is aware of this, Aubrey Norton is aware of this, cause at that time they used to control the place…. them is the people who taught me these things… them is the people who send me to train,” the ex-Policeman said, noting that many of the individuals involved in the killings back then are now senior officials of the APNU/AFC coalition Government.

Hinds went on to say that he felt targeted by the new administration, but he cannot understand the reason why since it was the PNC (the majority party in APNU) that was organising the killings.

“I was Desmond Hoyte bodyguard way back in the PNC time … All that I know, all they said that I do and I know, is they taught me these things, they taught me to kill people … All these things that they saying I do is out of their camp I come,” he posited.

Hinds added, “I could remember incidents of when the PPP was in power back then, and they wanted a commotion, senior people in this Government right now asked me to go outside with a machine gun to shoot out … to cause a commotion,” he stated.

Only recently, the death squad member came forward in a televised interview making startling and scurrilous allegations about political involvement in the crime situation in the country.

The death squad was reportedly responsible for going after criminal elements, particularly those who emerged after the massive jailbreak of February 2002, when five high-profile criminals escaped from the Camp Street Prison.

The controversial figure also claimed to know who was responsible for the murder of political activist Ronald Waddell.

Hinds had surrendered to the Police, but had subsequently been released after the 72-hour detention period had expired. He was represented by his lawyer Nigel Hughes, Chairman of the AFC.


The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) on Thursday strongly denied allegations that it taught and trained self-confessed death squad member Sean Hinds how to kill innocent Guyanese and particularly persons from one ethnic group.


What else is new? PNC wanted ethnic cleansing then and now. Why you think they bullied their way to rig the elections to get into power?


Coolie in Guyana ah guh cry blood. Redux and Carib returning home to help with the cleansing.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

He lacks any credibility and his story is not substantiated.

I don't know why you doubt that the PNC has blood on its hands.  Corbin was a Hammie Green henchman.  I need not say any more.


What this proves is that for either the PPP, or the PNC to appoint themselves as a moral force, is a laugh.  This criminal did dirty deeds for BOTH parties.   The PPP willingly engaged him with the full knowledge of what he did while working for the PNC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

He lacks any credibility and his story is not substantiated.

I don't know why you doubt that the PNC has blood on its hands.  Corbin was a Hammie Green henchman.  I need not say any more.


What this proves is that for either the PPP, or the PNC to appoint themselves as a moral force, is a laugh.  This criminal did dirty deeds for BOTH parties.   The PPP willingly engaged him with the full knowledge of what he did while working for the PNC.

The hilited area is exactly what I find so wrong when Jagdeo took over the reins. Jagan may have started some rebuilding but after he passed,it was give away time.


Instead of trying to prove themselves better in a positive way, Jagdeo's PPP decided to better at whatever horrid things the dam PNC had done.




Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

He lacks any credibility and his story is not substantiated.

I don't know why you doubt that the PNC has blood on its hands.  Corbin was a Hammie Green henchman.  I need not say any more.


What this proves is that for either the PPP, or the PNC to appoint themselves as a moral force, is a laugh.  This criminal did dirty deeds for BOTH parties.   The PPP willingly engaged him with the full knowledge of what he did while working for the PNC.

I'm sure the PPP was unaware that the PNC was trying to get him to shoot-up congress place so their henchmen would have an excuse to go and kill off some Indians and PPP officials.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

He lacks any credibility and his story is not substantiated.

I don't know why you doubt that the PNC has blood on its hands.  Corbin was a Hammie Green henchman.  I need not say any more.


What this proves is that for either the PPP, or the PNC to appoint themselves as a moral force, is a laugh.  This criminal did dirty deeds for BOTH parties.   The PPP willingly engaged him with the full knowledge of what he did while working for the PNC.

I'm sure the PPP was unaware that the PNC was trying to get him to shoot-up congress place so their henchmen would have an excuse to go and kill off some Indians and PPP officials.

The PPP was fully aware that he was a criminal, which is why they worked with him.  In fact if he shot up Indos, he became their hero for terrifying Indians about BLACKMAN!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by TK:

When Stabroek News breaks this story I will believe it.

He lacks any credibility and his story is not substantiated.

I don't know why you doubt that the PNC has blood on its hands.  Corbin was a Hammie Green henchman.  I need not say any more.


What this proves is that for either the PPP, or the PNC to appoint themselves as a moral force, is a laugh.  This criminal did dirty deeds for BOTH parties.   The PPP willingly engaged him with the full knowledge of what he did while working for the PNC.

I'm sure the PPP was unaware that the PNC was trying to get him to shoot-up congress place so their henchmen would have an excuse to go and kill off some Indians and PPP officials.

The PPP was fully aware that he was a criminal, which is why they worked with him.  In fact if he shot up Indos, he became their hero for terrifying Indians about BLACKMAN!

You shouldn't use the word 'IF", because you tend to believe your own supposition, which is not a fact. It's the mother of all eff up.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
.  In fact if he shot up Indos, he became their hero for terrifying Indians about BLACKMAN!

You shouldn't use the word 'IF", because you tend to believe your own supposition, which is not a fact. It's the mother of all eff up.

Makes my point.  Hinds shot up Indians, and was rewarded by the PPP, who probably also paid him to shoot some more.


Now run off to your Indo KKK hatefest and indulge in this new Indo KKK hobby....getting good long thick PNC pole!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
.  In fact if he shot up Indos, he became their hero for terrifying Indians about BLACKMAN!

You shouldn't use the word 'IF", because you tend to believe your own supposition, which is not a fact. It's the mother of all eff up.

Makes my point.  Hinds shot up Indians, and was rewarded by the PPP, who probably also paid him to shoot some more.


Now run off to your Indo KKK hatefest and indulge in this new Indo KKK hobby....getting good long thick PNC pole!

You are an idiot.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
.  In fact if he shot up Indos, he became their hero for terrifying Indians about BLACKMAN!

You shouldn't use the word 'IF", because you tend to believe your own supposition, which is not a fact. It's the mother of all eff up.

Makes my point.  Hinds shot up Indians, and was rewarded by the PPP, who probably also paid him to shoot some more.


Now run off to your Indo KKK hatefest and indulge in this new Indo KKK hobby....getting good long thick PNC pole!

You are an idiot.

Lubricate yourself, or do what ever preparation you need to do in advance of that PPP pole tonight, this being the new Indo KKK obsession.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

I don't know why you doubt that the PNC has blood on its hands.  Corbin was a Hammie Green henchman.  I need not say any more.


What this proves is that for either the PPP, or the PNC to appoint themselves as a moral force, is a laugh.  This criminal did dirty deeds for BOTH parties.   The PPP willingly engaged him with the full knowledge of what he did while working for the PNC.

I'm sure the PPP was unaware that the PNC was trying to get him to shoot-up congress place so their henchmen would have an excuse to go and kill off some Indians and PPP officials.

The PPP was fully aware that he was a criminal, which is why they worked with him.  In fact if he shot up Indos, he became their hero for terrifying Indians about BLACKMAN!

Listen banna, don't try to create a new reality like you Blacks attempting with the Sun Chapman affair.  At NO TIME did he accuse the PPP of sending him to do any nasty business.  The CID and police sought his help in taking out those escapee terrorists creating mayhem in Guyana.  Beyond that, the only political angle is the PNC trying to get him to kill innocent Afros at Congress Place as a pretext for their goons to go off and kill Indians and PPP Govt officials.  This, by every definition, is terrorism, and many of these people not hold power today.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
.  In fact if he shot up Indos, he became their hero for terrifying Indians about BLACKMAN!

You shouldn't use the word 'IF", because you tend to believe your own supposition, which is not a fact. It's the mother of all eff up.

Makes my point.  Hinds shot up Indians, and was rewarded by the PPP, who probably also paid him to shoot some more.


Now run off to your Indo KKK hatefest and indulge in this new Indo KKK hobby....getting good long thick PNC pole!

You are an idiot.

Lubricate yourself, or do what ever preparation you need to do in advance of that PPP pole tonight, this being the new Indo KKK obsession.

Abusing me does not vindicate you from your ignorance to comprehend the issues.  You have proven to me how stupid you are.  You keep putting your foot into your mouth as always.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
.  In fact if he shot up Indos, he became their hero for terrifying Indians about BLACKMAN!

You shouldn't use the word 'IF", because you tend to believe your own supposition, which is not a fact. It's the mother of all eff up.

Makes my point.  Hinds shot up Indians, and was rewarded by the PPP, who probably also paid him to shoot some more.


Now run off to your Indo KKK hatefest and indulge in this new Indo KKK hobby....getting good long thick PNC pole!

You are an idiot.

Lubricate yourself, or do what ever preparation you need to do in advance of that PPP pole tonight, this being the new Indo KKK obsession.

"J" don't worry with them....they cant tell you about Monkey Mountain...


You got the facts


Do they know? The howler monkey is the loudest of all monkeys and their howl can carry for three miles through dense forest. ‪#‎WildWednesday‬

Visit Guyana's photo.
"J" tell them
aya do not need Telephone, Cable,
Telex, Internet, E-mail or Cyber Space
to spread Racist Monkey Lies.
Bhai when "J" link up with Ravi
and them start Howling
is trouble pun "De Mountain"
Tell dem wha happen on Freedom Day
when Aya "Black Racist" link up with Ravi "De Coolie Racist".....
and lock off Granger Balls.....
about the Bareface Lie ..... of 100% Pay Increase fuh Moses.


Originally Posted by baseman:
.  At NO TIME did he accuse the PPP of sending him to do any nasty business. 

Why would he when he is still on the payroll of powerful people connected to the PPP?


My question is why would the PPP engage a man like this, when they would be fully aware of his criminal past? 


Any way Sean Hinds is the very kind of black man you all Indo KKK lust after.  Big, strong, violent, and ignorant.  No wonder you all work yourselves up into this frenzy of the coming Indo Holocaust.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Hinds is smoking some serious shyte. Every time he opens his mouth his story changes.

Really, you notice how the crabs who was saying "sing Hinds sing" gone all quiet.  The PNC will not come up with anything of substance against the PPP and will actually be more busy covering their own asses.


The PPP had a lot of problems and my recent discussions with BJ, he has realized they had lost their way.  My advise, look at the political liabilities and get then out of key decision-making.  Revamp with new blood, fresh faces and fresh ideas.  He can make a successful comeback, but he has to rely on competence and not cronies.  He has to empower and not encircle.  The leadership cycle needs to be robust and transparent and objective measurements put in place.

Originally Posted by baseman:
. . . The PPP had a lot of problems and my recent discussions with BJ, he has realized they had lost their way.  My advise, look at the political liabilities and get then out of key decision-making.  Revamp with new blood, fresh faces and fresh ideas.  He can make a successful comeback, but he has to rely on competence and not cronies.  He has to empower and not encircle.  The leadership cycle needs to be robust and transparent and objective measurements put in place.

yesss . . . on your knees with mouth full, you have a lot of time to listen and not interrupt


uh huh


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