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STABROEK NEWS, SEPTEMBER 25 --- In addition to the Cottage Hospital situated at Belle Plaine in Wakenaam, there are three health centres on the island: one at Zeelandia, one at Maria’s Pleasure and one at Noitgedacht where monthly clinics are held for those suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

Over the past three months no clinics have been held because of a shortage of drugs at the Cottage Hospital which is the control point for the health centres.

Owing to the non-functioning of the health centres the poor, vulnerable, and pensioners have to find the money to hire of taxi to take them to the hospital for treatment, where on many occasions they are told that there are no drugs and are given prescriptions to go and purchase same from a private pharmacy.

Patients who have to get dressings for injuries have to purchase their own dressings and bandages, as well as gloves for the nurses who have to do the dressings, and no one seems to care.

I hope that the Minister of Health and other relevant persons in authority will see to it that this problem is addressed as the year is coming to a close, and while more billions will be allocated in the budget for the health sector, the poor patient will still have to suffer.

Yours faithfully,
A Singh

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nehru, every medical facility in all districts of Guyana must have adequate amount of drugs for patients, especially out elderly who can't travel to other locations. The Minister of Health is aware of the drug shortage and he's doing everything to solve the problem.

Serpent how duh gonna happen when jagdeo charging new GPC 300% fuh lil antibiotic creme bai?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Only at Wakeenam???/   Boy, the Health Care System has improved tremendously.  Big Up Guyana.

Yeah it only took 20+ years...still not done. Dem Pradovilles din even take a quarter of that time to build right and wanna bet dem guys got everything at their disposal,even a plane for fly outside to get their shittins under control.

Last edited by cain

Drug shortage, wastage unacceptable β€” President Ramotar

December 31, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


  -    As Health Vision 20/20 is launched

By Rehanna Ramsay While, controversy continues to surround the distribution of pharmaceuticals by New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation, (New GPC) to national health facilities, President Donald Ramotar yesterday, expressed concerns over the shortage and wastage of drugs. The shortage and wastage have plagued the smooth operations of public health institutions countrywide. Speaking at the launch of β€œHealth Vision 20/20β€” A National Health Strategy for Guyana 2013-2020,” yesterday, the Head of State deemed the issue β€œtotally unacceptable.”

Originally Posted by baseman:

Under the PNC the argument was the distribution of flour, milk and cheese.  Today under the PPP milk, cheese and flour are non-issues.  Have we not come a long way?  20 more years of PPP and the argument will be over rain season car tyres.


Long live the PPP.

"Under the PNC the argument was the distribution of flour, milk and cheese.  Today under the PPP milk, cheese and flour are non-issues.  Have we not come a long way?"




Sure yall come a long way...the way Iman hear it, de issue is now the distribution of coke tarass.

Last edited by cain

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