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Former Member

I notice that MPs like Moses, Ramjattan, Nigel Hughes, Basil Williams and others are still in professional practice while they occupy their seats in the National Assembly of Guyana and are being paid a salary and receive benefits by the people of Guyana. Aren't they suppose to serve the people full time in their elected position? Should they not put their professional careers on hold until such time that they no longer serve? Do they serve the people half of the time and themselves the other half? Are they part time MP or full time MP?

Does this happen in the USA or Canada?

Your feedback is appreciated.


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Cheddi was pulling teeth for years while he was leader of the opposition. Unfortunately the current crop of MP's do not have access to bribery and corruption like the government MP's so they have to earn a living. It's difficult to survive on an MP salary without any other source of income. Makes you wonder how the government MP's can build mansions after two years as an MP.

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