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Govt to set aside $3.2B for electricity for Region 10

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds on Monday confirmed that there will be no increase in electricity tariffs for Linden, Region 10.

In fact, the government has set aside $2.900 billion in the 2014 national budget to subsidise the cost of electricity in Linden, while neighbouring Kwakwani Utilities Inc will receive $300 million, a total of $3.2 billion in subsidies, once there is no objection from the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) in the National Assembly.

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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

How about a three billion dollars subsidy for Berbice ?

They get a lot more than that every year to bail out Guysuco and GPL.


Facts please.

$6 B to GPL and $4 B to Guysuco in 2012


Govt. vows to continue bailout of GPL, GuySuCo – Attorney General


- Commercial Registry under creation to deal with mortgages

Government yesterday vowed to continue plugging more money into the ailing state-owned Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) and Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL), despite criticisms.

During his presentation yesterday in the National Assembly as the 2012 National Budget debate continued, Minister of Legal Affairs, Attorney General Anil Nandlall, said that the fallout from not doing so is unthinkable.
The budget has allocated $6B to GPL and $4B to GuySuCo. GPL has said that higher fuel prices had resulted in severe losses last year and that it is likely to incur hundreds of millions of dollars more this year.



$4 B in Dec 2013 plus another $1.6 B to repair the Skeldon factory after wasting $40 B to build a piece of crap that doesn't work. How many billions are being poured into GPL to buy generators and repair the system and still the blackouts situation in Berbice is terrible.


GuySuCo in deep financial crisis

Last month, the National Assembly approved a $4B bailout to help pay its 16,000-plus workers and meet other critical expenditure.
However, according to Seepaul Narine, General Secretary of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), the largest sugar workers’ union, the $4B will not be enough.
With more than US$8M ($1.6B) reportedly being spent on Bosch, GuySuCo and union officials have admitted that the remedial works have not gone so well. Workers are now attempting to fix those “repairs”.

Chinese company that bungled US$200M Skeldon plant given US$48M GPL contract




There is no wastage of electricity in Linden. Linden is the 2nd largest populated place in Guyana. So its use in electricity reflects the size of the population. It also supplies electricity to the surrounding areas. Only Georgetown has to serve more inhabitants that are connected to the electricity grid. 

So stop typing nonsense.






Originally Posted by Mr.T:

There is no wastage of electricity in Linden. Linden is the 2nd largest populated place in Guyana. So its use in electricity reflects the size of the population. It also supplies electricity to the surrounding areas. Only Georgetown has to serve more inhabitants that are connected to the electricity grid. 

So stop typing nonsense.






bai he cannot help him self the ppp brain wash the fool he is now known as shit head


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