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Now that Ramjattan has committed several blunders, the most being the civil servant backlash against the AFC and KN praising the PPP and AFC for showing political maturity and condemning the AFC for lack of leadership.


Should Ramjattan step aside and give a more mature member of the AFC the role of lead spokesperson for the AFC ?


Please be objective in your response.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The mistake that Ramjattan made was that he misjudged the PNC, he assumed that the two parties had common goals. However the PNC are only interested in filling their own bellies with PPP milk. With the defection of the PNC to PPP quarters, the AFC has now become irrelevant. This is sad because real issues will not be addressed and once again the Ppp will have the freedom to waste tax payers money. 

April 20, 2012 12:02 AM

The Guyanese public is beginning to reap the benefits of a strong, vanguard third party and the Alliance For Change is honoured to be in a position where it can effect such change.


While it welcomes the announcements by Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh that old age pensioners will get a further increase from $8,100 to $10,000 monthly and those by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds on the liberalization of television especially for residents of Linden, the Party recommits to the judicious trimming of the 2012 national budget.


It is clear that these recent announcements are as a result of the no-nonsense approach taken by the AFC during the debates and Motions tabled in the House to trim away ‘pork-barrel’ projects that give way to sweet-heart deals between the government and its cronies.


It was the AFC’s position during the budget debate, that judicious cuts be made to the allocations for various areas of the government’s bureaucracy. This was with the intention of finding the money to provide a decent increase to Old Age Pension and Social Assistance.


The Party, which has seven seats in the National Assembly, had tabled a Motion aimed at using the “scissors” on questionable projects and bureaucratic ‘fat-cats’, especially high-salaried contract employees, to find money for the poor and disadvantaged.


The PPP/C Government was squarely condemned for offering only a meagre $600 per month increase on Old Age Pension and has since buckled under pressure to compromise and find the further $1,900 for old age pension.


During the 2011 Elections campaign, the AFC had promised senior citizens a $10,000 old age pension package and the Party is pleased that its militancy during the budget debate forced the government to reconsider its position.


If supported, the recent Motion by the AFC could have seen some $3billion is taxpayers money being diverted away from exorbitantly priced projects that are often done below standards into the pockets of low income earners.


During the debate, AFC Member of Parliament Cathy Hughes spoke fearlessly of the excessive allocations for NCN and GINA and made it clear that the AFC will move to cut such waste of taxpayers dollars.


It is clear that the Prime Minister’s announcement was made in the hope that the AFC will change its position on NCN and GINA. The AFC will not deviate from its position even though it may be the only opposition party to take this stand. The Party is convinced that allocations for these two agencies can be better utilized.

The AFC announced to the public only last weekend that the government was looking to buy-out members of the opposition. Recent developments and backroom deals now leave more questions than answers and like the members of the public and a few members of the smaller parties within APNU, we are beginning to question what is taking place behind the closed door at the Office of the President.


In the meantime, the AFC thanks the many persons who called to express their appreciation for what the Party was able to achieve for the senior citizens and wishes to assure the nation that the Party will remain vigilant and question all government excesses [END]

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The mistake that Ramjattan made was that he misjudged the PNC, he assumed that the two parties had common goals. However the PNC are only interested in filling their own bellies with PPP milk. With the defection of the PNC to PPP quarters, the AFC has now become irrelevant. This is sad because real issues will not be addressed and once again the Ppp will have the freedom to waste tax payers money. 

All datt nah matta, soon PPP gon geh 60% and PNC gin deh bak in dem carna.  Ah di PPP wah outsmart everybady.  Coolies and blacks juss interested in eatin', drinkin rum an' screwing.




Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo are not leaders---they are LOSERS. And these two losers are not interested in the welfare of the Guyanese people---they are only interested in promoting themselves and their law practices.


Loser Khemraj and Loser Moses ought to resign from the AFC----there are good replacements---honorable, hard working folks with integrity---like our friend Gerhard Ramsaroop---Gerhard strikes the Rev as a decent bloke---very sincere.




Good to see them royally screw another partner---in this case the AFC. Did loser Khemraj and loser Moses really believe the PNC would be honest with them ?




Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah, stop spinning and give us an answer. How about Gerhard taking over the leadership of the AFC ?

Ramjattan is like the sacred Lotus flower. He has resilience. Why do you think oppurtunist Jagdeo feared him and lied about him to Janet?


Ramjattan would make a better president than Ramoutar.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Now that Ramjattan has committed several blunders, the most being the civil servant backlash against the AFC and KN praising the PPP and AFC for showing political maturity and condemning the AFC for lack of leadership.


Should Ramjattan step aside and give a more mature member of the AFC the role of lead spokesperson for the AFC ?


Please be objective in your response.

the only objective thing one can say about this post is that is among the most monumentally stupid post ever made on the site.


Did Ramjattan sit 20 years on OMAI leeching grand sums om money while that nation pillaged us ( never supposedly made a profit) dumped millions of gallons of water containing the most toxic chemicals and heavy metals around in our eco system? Did he squat on the CUYSUCO's board milking the industry into life support for which a 4 billion bail out is being ased and even that will not be able to resuscitate it? Did Ramjattan implant his children in cushy jobs to the detriment of other Guyanese who were well qualified for the post? Why do you not ask for that creep to resign?


Ramjattan did nothing but ask when the hell are you morally reprehensible, hole in the soul creeps will ever do some self reflection?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Now that Ramjattan has committed several blunders, the most being the civil servant backlash against the AFC and KN praising the PPP and AFC for showing political maturity and condemning the AFC for lack of leadership.


Should Ramjattan step aside and give a more mature member of the AFC the role of lead spokesperson for the AFC ?


Please be objective in your response.

the only objective thing one can say about this post is that is among the most monumentally stupid post ever made on the site.


Did Ramjattan sit 20 years on OMAI leeching grand sums om money while that nation pillaged us ( never supposedly made a profit) dumped millions of gallons of water containing the most toxic chemicals and heavy metals around in our eco system? Did he squat on the CUYSUCO's board milking the industry into life support for which a 4 billion bail out is being ased and even that will not be able to resuscitate it? Did Ramjattan implant his children in cushy jobs to the detriment of other Guyanese who were well qualified for the post? Why do you not ask for that creep to resign?


Ramjattan did nothing but ask when the hell are you morally reprehensible, hole in the soul creeps will ever do some self reflection?


Now ask RUMjattan how he fills his pocket with his poverty stricken clients money and pretend to be supporting the working class.


Talk about snake oil.

Ask the civil servants and they will tell the AFC how they deal with snake oil salesmen like yourself and your beloved AFC


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Now that Ramjattan has committed several blunders, the most being the civil servant backlash against the AFC and KN praising the PPP and AFC for showing political maturity and condemning the AFC for lack of leadership.


Should Ramjattan step aside and give a more mature member of the AFC the role of lead spokesperson for the AFC ?


Please be objective in your response.

the only objective thing one can say about this post is that is among the most monumentally stupid post ever made on the site.


Did Ramjattan sit 20 years on OMAI leeching grand sums om money while that nation pillaged us ( never supposedly made a profit) dumped millions of gallons of water containing the most toxic chemicals and heavy metals around in our eco system? Did he squat on the CUYSUCO's board milking the industry into life support for which a 4 billion bail out is being ased and even that will not be able to resuscitate it? Did Ramjattan implant his children in cushy jobs to the detriment of other Guyanese who were well qualified for the post? Why do you not ask for that creep to resign?


Ramjattan did nothing but ask when the hell are you morally reprehensible, hole in the soul creeps will ever do some self reflection?


Now ask RUMjattan how he fills his pocket with his poverty stricken clients money and pretend to be supporting the working class.


Talk about snake oil.

Ask the civil servants and they will tell the AFC how they deal with snake oil salesmen like yourself and your beloved AFC


The mark of a low life is to obfuscate, dissimulate, and to detract. The question at hand ( the one you framed) is whether the AFC committed blunders and whether there should be a leadership change. 


I asked what of the PPP leadership given it is questions to their incompetence and corruptions that ramjhattan asks questions. You hallow men cannot bear to admit that these are the the most corrupt people our nation has seen since its inception that are refusing answer his question.


It is said of wise men that interrogating and clarifying through dialog is the key to great decisions. Socrates made his name on that account, the Talmud is created on that principle and so is the Puranas. What made Gargi famous as one of the greatest sages in Hinduism if not interrogating authority?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The working class has stood up and denounce the budgetary cuts proposed by the AFC did will put thousands on the breadline, was that the party who claim to have the interest of the working class first?

Don't mek joke bai, 20 people show up to protest and you pronounce that the working class stood up????


 One sparrow does not a summer make...10 or a 100 PPPIte marchers does not make for a revolt.


We saw the crowds they posted here as evidence of their overwhelming support during the election campaign. The fools are in the minority. Lying never brings rewards. It would be better if they actually do some work and explain themselves for a change.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Please attempt a little creativity. Remember you are on the Guyanese people dime here. One gets truly tired of the sustained mediocrity of PPPites. Apparently it is a cultural thing.

One can only assume that you are making racist remark while accusing others of being racist. Shame on you.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Please attempt a little creativity. Remember you are on the Guyanese people dime here. One gets truly tired of the sustained mediocrity of PPPites. Apparently it is a cultural thing.

One can only assume that you are making racist remark while accusing others of being racist. Shame on you mR snake oil salesman.

I now suspect who this AFC salesman is posting under the nick Storm.


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