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@Former Member posted:

2020 is an important year for renewed democracy in Guyana. My gripe is with PPP failure to control crime. The problem gets worse under the coalition govt. I would like to see PPP start tackling crime and give the citizens peace of mind. 

If and when the PPP takes over crime will cease to exist, blackouts will be no more, the sugar estates will be reopened, 50,001 jobs will be created, there will be peace and harmony, everyone will be happy, Irfaan Ali will win the Nobel Prize and Guyana will be heaven on earth.  


Screw the APNU riggers !  

Govern and let the voters decide at election. That's how it works in Canada, USA and the rest of the world when you have a majority government. Screw Lucifer Granger !

People judge a party based on economic performance and PNC can't even run a cake shop. They proved that they can NEVER govern. Never.

@Former Member posted:

Screw the APNU riggers !  

Govern and let the voters decide at election. That's how it works in Canada, USA and the rest of the world when you have a majority government. Screw Lucifer Granger !

People judge a party based on economic performance and PNC can't even run a cake shop. They proved that they can NEVER govern. Never.

I am going to speak to you softly. I don't expect the PPP to be in office forever. People with vision look far down the road. 

@Former Member posted:

PNC never offered to have talks with the PPP. They fired all the coolies and want PNC people to get work. Ask Vulga.

I don't think two wrongs can make a right. Guyana is destined to face challenges between Afro and Indo-Guyanese. I would like to see comprises in this delicate balance until someone comes up with an idea that works.

@Former Member posted:

I don't think two wrongs can make a right. Guyana is destined to face challenges between Afro and Indo-Guyanese. I would like to see comprises in this delicate balance until someone comes up with an idea that works.

Why you always see the bright side for the PNC and the dark side of the PPP? You called PPP supported drunks, wife-beaters, suicidal, lazy waiting for money from America...I am not surprised that you still think highly of them as Sunday Altar Boys.


I think the Prime Minister should be entrusted with the affairs concerning Afro-Guyanese. It is extremely difficult to find Indo-Guyanese who understands/aware of the issues of the Afro-Guyanese. Juss read some of the posts.

The PNC objects to the governance of Jagdeo/Irfaan, talks is out. Even though the PM is considered to be a token appointment, he could make a difference in bridging the political gap.  

@seignet posted:

I think the Prime Minister should be entrusted with the affairs concerning Afro-Guyanese. It is extremely difficult to find Indo-Guyanese who understands/aware of the issues of the Afro-Guyanese. Juss read some of the posts.

The PNC objects to the governance of Jagdeo/Irfaan, talks is out. Even though the PM is considered to be a token appointment, he could make a difference in bridging the political gap.  

I do agree. I believe the PPP would do well to bring in Afro rights advocates, even antagonists.  Bring people who the Afro community trusts.

Use Gandhi or Mandela approach.  Offer something to Volda or Brooms on this front.

Last edited by Former Member

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