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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

List the names of blacks in leadership positions.  


Go on.  I am waiting.




* The Rev sees a lot of BLACKS in leadership positions. But you carib won't be contented until all the faces are blacks.



I don't think Carib cares about black or coolie. Carib wants PNC to ruleGuyana. Until then Carib will blame the collie for the blackman's problems.

I see that skeldon man thinks that Indians, 40% of the country, should have 100% of the control of the nation.


Is Guyana now South Africa with MINORITY rule?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It is general knowledge that the PPP has done the afro Guyanese over good and proper.

Indeed Jagdeo sued Kissoon over this, and has had to abandon the case.  Even Luncheon admitted that blacks aren't in leadership positions, and then added that they are incompetent.

Rev, Jagdeo was unable to prove hat Kissoon was wrong, and so dropped the law suit against him.


Comments.  Luncheon was unable to prove that there isn't widespread discrimination against blacks.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

List the names of blacks in leadership positions.  


Go on.  I am waiting.




* The Rev sees a lot of BLACKS in leadership positions. But you carib won't be contented until all the faces are blacks.




Carib wants to see Guyana return to a 100 percent Black dictatorship. That will make carib very happy. Until then, carib will remain a very tormented man.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

List the names of blacks in leadership positions.  


Go on.  I am waiting.




* The Rev sees a lot of BLACKS in leadership positions. But you carib won't be contented until all the faces are blacks.



I don't think Carib cares about black or coolie. Carib wants PNC to ruleGuyana. Until then Carib will blame the collie for the blackman's problems.

I see that skeldon man thinks that Indians, 40% of the country, should have 100% of the control of the nation.


Is Guyana now South Africa with MINORITY rule?

So you condone the PNC rigging to stay in power for 28 years? Wasn't Guyana a South Africa model under Forbes?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

List the names of blacks in leadership positions.  


Go on.  I am waiting.




* The Rev sees a lot of BLACKS in leadership positions. But you carib won't be contented until all the faces are blacks.



I don't think Carib cares about black or coolie. Carib wants PNC to ruleGuyana. Until then Carib will blame the collie for the blackman's problems.

I see that skeldon man thinks that Indians, 40% of the country, should have 100% of the control of the nation.


Is Guyana now South Africa with MINORITY rule?


It is worth noting that Indos are less than 40 percent in that cabinet picture.


PNC dictators Hoyte and Burnham had 90 percent black cabinets. Carib is a racist and should be ashamed of himself.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So you condone the PNC rigging to stay in power for 28 years? Wasn't Guyana a South Africa model under Forbes?

Do YOU condone the failure of the PPP to have local government elections in TWENTY years.  The eway I see it neither the PNC NOR the PPP can chat too much about democracy as they both are very damaged on that score.


And if the PNC was racist then so is the PPP as they both pursue the same strategy of exploiting ethnic paranoia, rather than seeking a solution.  And also ethnic exclusion as part of a strategy of ensuring political dominance.  Ironically THEIR OWN supporters suffer mightily as well.  Bauxite workers under the PNC and rice farmers today under the PPP.



You set your own trap by the way.  YOUR racism blinds you to the ills of the PPP.  I detest BOTH the PNC and the PPP EQUALLY!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC dictators Hoyte and Burnham had 90 percent black cabinets. Carib is a racist and should be ashamed of himself.

Lionel Luckhoo, Cammie Ramsaroop, Shahabudeen and the many others were not stooges, as they had power in their own right.  Ramsaroop was even CHAIRMAN of the hcih black man has that slot under PPP rule?


Aside from Luncheon and Benn how many of these blacks have any clout?  Sam Hinds isn't even ALLOWED to be in the PPP, that so that the PPP could have removed from being PRESIDENT.  You see no black man can be President under PPP rule, even a little puppy like Sam Hinds.


So continue to fool yourself that people like the two Jennifers or Juan Edghill or that clown who is the Minister of Local Govt have any juice. Indeed the Minister of Local Govt would WANT local govt elections, so that the various municipalities would be able to improve their functioning.  The little puppy is scared to say so out of fear that the pit bull who runs the PPP (Jagdeo) will chomp him down for breakfast.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

  carib's hero


Of course Burnham had MANY Indians with him, but yet you will call him racist.




* It doesn't matter how many Dirty Indians Burnham surrounded himself with, he was a racist because of comments like these:





* That's racist.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

  carib's hero


Of course Burnham had MANY Indians with him, but yet you will call him racist.


* It doesn't matter how many Dirty Indians Burnham surrounded himself with, he was a racist because of comments like these:





* That's racist.



So what about the "DIRTY" blacks in the PPP then?  And when you all scream "ahbe pan tap, collie man time now, black man time done" at your orgies at Freedom House that is racist.  Of course the pathetic little black puppies who have no more clout than a bowl of flowers (they serve the same purpose) can do NOTHING about that.


I have no doubt that the PNC was racist as I also have no doubt that the PPP IS RACIST.


Now I ask you to find EFFECTIVE black leaders....people who don't have to follow what cabinet tells them to do (cabinet policy being set of course at Freedom House where only one black man has clout).


Name blacks in charge of committees, commissions, statutory organizations.  I guess since the Bank of GY governor died, and his replacement of course is an Indian, you cannot name any!



You will find that leadership under the PPP is just as based on ethnicity as it was under Burnham so if Burnham was racist then so is the PPP.  At least Burnham had Yesu Persaud at DDL, which was then state owned.  Name an equivalent black man running a state owned entity in Guyana today.

Last edited by Former Member

BTW of the 15 senior ministers only THREE are black.  Benn (powerful), Westford (a Negress Mammy) and the clown who is Minister of Local gov't.


The PPP has only ONE black minister with any clout.


And let me reiterate.  Cammie Ramsaroop was CHAIRMAN of the PNC.  Roger Luncheon is PREVENTED from holding that position!


All the members of the PPP (KKK Guyana branch) aren't doing a good job of proving that the PPP is less racist than the PNC was.


So Cammie Ramsaroop, Shahabudeen, Lionel Luckhoo, Shridath Ramphal, Winston Murray, and I am sure more, had powerful roles under PNC rule.


Indeed to show how effective some of these were Luckhoo, Ramphal and Shahabudeen all achieved international recognition.


Now list the blacks in the PPP with that sort of caliber!

Last edited by Former Member

Technically Winston Murray was Black. A finer point worth noting but I am in general agreement with your comments I do think the PNC was a more diverse government. What undermined the PNC was poor policy and execution.


Following Jagan and the communist manuscript of the day is what created the downfall of the PNC and Guyana.

Originally Posted by caribny:

So what about the "DIRTY" blacks in the PPP then? 



* Please refrain from denigrating the good and decent black members of the PPP.


* As you know when blacks from the PNC join the PPP, they are immediately cleansed and purified. They automatically become polished, cultured, enlightened and civilized members of the Guyana society.




* I would suggest that blacks be a tad more patient. It will be a few decades before a few will occupy those exalted leadership positions.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So what about the "DIRTY" blacks in the PPP then? 



* Please refrain from denigrating the good and decent black members of the PPP.


* As you know when blacks from the PNC join the PPP, they are immediately cleansed and purified. They automatically become polished, cultured, enlightened and civilized members of the Guyana society.




* I would suggest that blacks be a tad more patient. It will be a few decades before a few will occupy those exalted leadership positions.



Why is it DIRTY Indians and not "dirty" blacks?


The rest is just your pitiful sense of humor given that the PPP consists of a group of criminals who have sold out Guyana to the Chinese.


Tell us why are Chinese working in forestry when thousands of Guyanese are willing to work in that sector.  Region 10 has long had a timber industry so there are many capable and interested in that form of employment, provided that the pay is decent, and not US$3/day.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So what about the "DIRTY" blacks in the PPP then? 



* Please refrain from denigrating the good and decent black members of the PPP.


* As you know when blacks from the PNC join the PPP, they are immediately cleansed and purified. They automatically become polished, cultured, enlightened and civilized members of the Guyana society.




* I would suggest that blacks be a tad more patient. It will be a few decades before a few will occupy those exalted leadership positions.



is kwame polish enough for you,how many youths you and him molest lately 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


The PPP is headed for a majority at upcoming elections.


Dr. Jagan spoke about winner not taking all. We have seen a very divided Guyana as Indos and Afros vote for the PPP and PNC respectively.


For Guyana to move forward, it needs a broad based government that will heal the divide that is created during any political campaign. Afros and Indos need to mend fences for the a Unified Guyana.


Are you in favour of a PPP majority sharing government with young and intelligent MP's from the opposition benches after a winning a majority government ?


What do you say good folks ?

You see what I say, more sh!t from YUJI.


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