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@Former Member posted:'s all psychological projection. Dem thinking long and hard how to destabilise. So, yuh need to rub off some of yuh councie on others

Looks like there's a dangerous game being played in Guyana. From your comment looks like you agree with the "psychological projection" to intimidate black man.

I think there were recordings of the AG on record saying what would happen at Kaiteur News offices a few years ago. He loving the bad ass profile.

People like you, BaseKunt and like minded bigots think this Machiavellian approach and teaching "black people a lesson" is a good thing.

Will you invite Toupee man to openly join the "psychological projection" or is he content being behind the scenes?

@Former Member posted:

Looks like there's a dangerous game being played in Guyana. From your comment looks like you agree with the "psychological projection" to intimidate black man.

I think there were recordings of the AG on record saying what would happen at Kaiteur News offices a few years ago. He loving the bad ass profile.

People like you, BaseKunt and like minded bigots think this Machiavellian approach and teaching "black people a lesson" is a good thing.

Will you invite Toupee man to openly join the "psychological projection" or is he content being behind the scenes?

Na I see it differently. PPP is doing more to reach out to blacks than Granger admin did to Indoes when dem had a chance. What yuh see as teach blackman a lesson is most likely dem PPP intelligence boys picking up something and hence the threat. You know dem bais planning to destabilise right? You don't believe PPP should staan quiet and tek licks like from 1998 to 2008? Action and reaction. Na suh? I am tekkin no sides...just observing aluh and Spugum play victim while aluh plan to destabilise. All you and Spugum gat to do is show up on Jagdoe radar and yall get billion dollar contracts. Dat is what yuh call black privilege . Is people like me who gat to worry more about Jagdoe and he gangs.

@Former Member posted:

Na I see it differently. PPP is doing more to reach out to blacks than Granger admin did to Indoes when dem had a chance. What yuh see as teach blackman a lesson is most likely dem PPP intelligence boys picking up something and hence the threat. You know dem bais planning to destabilise right? You don't believe PPP should staan quiet and tek licks like from 1998 to 2008? Action and reaction. Na suh? I am tekkin no sides...just observing aluh and Spugum play victim while aluh plan to destabilise. All you and Spugum gat to do is show up on Jagdoe radar and yall get billion dollar contracts. Dat is what yuh call black privilege . Is people like me who gat to worry more about Jagdoe and he gangs.

Where is the evidence the PPP is reaching out to more blacks than Granger, care to point to it?

I'm not a Granger supporter btw, not my kinda politician

You're a PPP apologist, a liar and a bigot

Hating black organisation and resistance while claiming civil and political rights in the USA fought for and paid for in blood by the said "black man" you love to hate


@Former Member posted:

Looks like there's a dangerous game being played in Guyana. From your comment looks like you agree with the "psychological projection" to intimidate black man.

I think there were recordings of the AG on record saying what would happen at Kaiteur News offices a few years ago. He loving the bad ass profile.

People like you, BaseKunt and like minded bigots think this Machiavellian approach and teaching "black people a lesson" is a good thing.

Will you invite Toupee man to openly join the "psychological projection" or is he content being behind the scenes?

The AG's comments re KN can be found on YouTube

Have a look at what Rockford Burke posted recently regarding threats to his life heard and reported to the NYPD by a NY police officer

Looks like the AG pushing a thing - good luck to him

@Spugum posted:

Where is the evidence the PPP is reaching out to more blacks than Granger, care to point to it?

I'm not a Granger supporter btw, not my kinda politician

You're a PPP apologist, a liar and a bigot

Hating black organisation and resistance while claiming civil and political rights in the USA fought for and paid for in blood by the said "black man" you love to hate


@Spugum posted:

I'm not a Granger supporter btw, not my kinda politician

Na, yuh is just a PNC-ite planning the destabilise. Yuh is an an innocent victim. Lol!

@Spugum posted:

Hating black organisation and resistance while claiming civil and political rights in the USA fought for and paid for in blood by the said "black man" you love to hate


Typical of most of the racist Indians. Before registering I used to read the nasty things these Indian bigots that used to post here would say about black people, same black people whose backs they thrive on in North America.

Yet when they go for assistance or work they check the box "black". Panit wukking at de school to fill de affirmative action quota. Minnesota man benefit from affirmative action too. All racist bastards!

@Spugum posted:

The AG's comments re KN can be found on YouTube

Have a look at what Rockford Burke posted recently regarding threats to his life heard and reported to the NYPD by a NY police officer

Looks like the AG pushing a thing - good luck to him

Just saw the KN stuff for the first time on youtube. Unbelievable. Where else in the world can this happen? SMFH.

@Former Member posted:

Na I see it differently. PPP is doing more to reach out to blacks than Granger admin did to Indoes when dem had a chance. What yuh see as teach blackman a lesson is most likely dem PPP intelligence boys picking up something and hence the threat. You know dem bais planning to destabilise right? You don't believe PPP should staan quiet and tek licks like from 1998 to 2008? Action and reaction. Na suh? I am tekkin no sides...just observing aluh and Spugum play victim while aluh plan to destabilise. All you and Spugum gat to do is show up on Jagdoe radar and yall get billion dollar contracts. Dat is what yuh call black privilege . Is people like me who gat to worry more about Jagdoe and he gangs.

Banna, Gwana man is a private citizen. I left Guyana donkey years ago and have no interests there. So watch the "alyuh" language with me.

Me, a victim? Y'all ruling now and still crying victim hood. Yuh padna baseman, pandit man, and bramin man and all dem Indians still squealing about Burnham days although the man dead 36 years now. Now that's real victim hood.

There's nothing yuh pal Jagdeo can give me. You do sound bitter though, as though you've been rebuffed from enriching yuhself in favor of black

I hardly comment here on anything other than social matters. And that's because I'm of the opinion that the existence of black people in Guyana is about to become very difficult. That is my main concern. The PPP supporters feel it's time to put their collective feet on the necks of black people. Look at their comments all over. It's the same old "abie pan tap" shit all over again.

Thus far your comments, PPP supporter comments and what I read on these forums support my opinion. And unless there is new leadership among black folks in Guyana, y'all dreams will come through and you'll have your little India.

@Former Member posted:

Na, I know grifters when a see aluh. I will call aluh out.

Let me be clear about this, I never voted for any political party in Guyana. I left Guyana at a very young age. I visit and like to spend long periods in Guyana owing to my love of nature - Guyana is among the best places in the world to experience it in my view
That I have spoken out on the excesses of the current government offends you but that’s your bugbear. I’ll gladly indulge once more to increase your pain. The vaccine scandal, GuyOil scandal, GPL scandal, cocaine trafficking (we now hold the world record for the largest single shipment of
cocaine), the execution style killing of a man just down the road from the President’s residence, the shooting of unarmed civilians - women and children included - for resisting being thrown off a piece of land they squatted on. Nonetheless, you have chosen your hustlers and hucksters, etc, as you gleefully asserted. Can you tell us why no one has been brought to justice for any of the above?
You claim the PPP does more to reach out to blacks than Granger ever did for Indians, one wonders which planet you inhabit. You’re either ill-informed or just a liar, I gravitate towards the latter as you know.
US Congressmen Albio Sires and Hank Johnson recently urged inclusion of all in decision making and that all Guyanese must benefit from Guyana’s wealth, irrespective of ethnicity – in other words the US government watching y’all. So prove me wrong by pointing to the evidence that blacks are benefiting more under PPP
Post-independence the political, religious, judicial, civil and business leadership have all failed Guyana abysmally. You know a country is far gone when convicted criminals, fraudsters and thieves
traverse the corridors of power without shame
Black people in Guyana are in trouble and must yet again work their way out come hell or high water
@Former Member posted:

Banna, Gwana man is a private citizen. I left Guyana donkey years ago and have no interests there. So watch the "alyuh" language with me.

Me, a victim? Y'all ruling now and still crying victim hood. Yuh padna baseman, pandit man, and bramin man and all dem Indians still squealing about Burnham days although the man dead 36 years now. Now that's real victim hood.

There's nothing yuh pal Jagdeo can give me. You do sound bitter though, as though you've been rebuffed from enriching yuhself in favor of black

I hardly comment here on anything other than social matters. And that's because I'm of the opinion that the existence of black people in Guyana is about to become very difficult. That is my main concern. The PPP supporters feel it's time to put their collective feet on the necks of black people. Look at their comments all over. It's the same old "abie pan tap" shit all over again.

Thus far your comments, PPP supporter comments and what I read on these forums support my opinion. And unless there is new leadership among black folks in Guyana, y'all dreams will come through and you'll have your little India.

Bro, alyuh ppl weren't saints, either. When my ppl put their foot prints on the lands of British Guiana, ur ppl had just come out of enslavement. Smart enough to know you all din want Indians in the BRITISH COLONY. Perhaps, never seeing an Indian before in dem lives but instinctively knowing the differences. The Emancipated, set an agenda of hatred for the Indians to be followed for generations. Onto dis day. Indians are capable of hatred too-a human condition.

@seignet posted:

Bro, alyuh ppl weren't saints, either. When my ppl put their foot prints on the lands of British Guiana, ur ppl had just come out of enslavement. Smart enough to know you all din want Indians in the BRITISH COLONY. Perhaps, never seeing an Indian before in dem lives but instinctively knowing the differences. The Emancipated, set an agenda of hatred for the Indians to be followed for generations. Onto dis day. Indians are capable of hatred too-a human condition.

Your entire post is one of projecting Indian racism on black people. YOUR Indians had a historical caste system at the time that largely operated based on skin color. The blacker the person, the lower on the totem pole. Where do you think these alleged boat bramin people saw blacks? As an inferior sub species, and Indian bigots keep that sentiment alive TODAY!

What "agenda of hatred" are you accusing the early blacks who taught your dumb ass, delivered your babies and delivered critical services of? Banna, your BIGOTED Indians sought to make Guyana an Indian state by actually fking going to India to ask them to send MORE Indians so you could outnumber blacks and make Guyana into little India where black man would be enslaved once again! Point me to ONE similar action by blacks in the post emancipation period. There are NONE.

Indian bigots are clannish and insular. Not made for a plural society back then and you're still not ready for a plural society now.


You doan know nothing about the caste system. Blacker you are the lower you are at the totem pole, my ass. Bhai, go and study the subject. If you must use that argument to support indo racisn then know wah you talking about.

The British owned Guiana and subjects do whatever they could to surviive. If Indians wanted to increase their numbers, certainly not to marginalized blacks, who would think the British would ever give up their colonies.

Din your ppl complain about cooolie labourers cutting dem wages. Hatred muss have been at play at that moment. Did you ppl complain bout the putagees and free blacks doing it?

@Former Member posted:

What "agenda of hatred" are you accusing the early blacks who taught your dumb ass, delivered your babies and delivered critical services of? Banna, your BIGOTED Indians sought to make Guyana an Indian state by actually fking going to India to ask them to send MORE Indians so you could outnumber blacks and make Guyana into little India where black man would be enslaved once again! Point me to ONE similar action by blacks in the post emancipation period. There are NONE.

The PPP is at it again. There is talk of them resurrecting the plan to align with Indians in Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname to form an Indian block in the region. They would rather them benifit from Guyana's oil wealth than the black people of Guyana. Left poor Mia Mottley out in the cold after all she did to help them get into power - that's gratitude for you

Last edited by Spugum
@Spugum posted:

The PPP is at it again. There is talk of them resurrecting the plan to align with Indians in Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname to form an Indian block in the region. They would rather them benifit from Guyana's oil wealth than the black people of Guyana. Left poor Mia Mottley out in the cold after all she did to help them get into power - that's gratitude for you

The British considered federation before Independence as The Federation of the West Indies. It was a good idea back then but CBJ din think so.

Many things CBJ thought was wrong has been deemed workable by Jagdeo. I knew someday Indians in the Caribbean would have a federation. Who is going to stop them? I said so rite hay on this site, years ago.

The Caribbean have to learn to live with it. 

@seignet posted:

The British considered federation before Independence as The Federation of the West Indies. It was a good idea back then but CBJ din think so.

Many things CBJ thought was wrong has been deemed workable by Jagdeo.

I knew someday Indians in the Caribbean would have a federation. Who is going to stop them? I said so rite hay on this site, years ago.

The Caribbean have to learn to live with it.

What you saying ,Suriname ,Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana  East Indians will join forces ? Jagdeo dream may be far fetched.

@Spugum posted:

The PPP is at it again. There is talk of them resurrecting the plan to align with Indians in Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname to form an Indian block in the region. They would rather them benifit from Guyana's oil wealth than the black people of Guyana. Left poor Mia Mottley out in the cold after all she did to help them get into power - that's gratitude for you

Bro, Jagdeo not even going give Guyanese their share of oil money, much less other cooolie ppl from other place. He takes care of himself. He is going sponsor a whole lot of poor ass projects and his share of the priceeds out of it.

@Spugum posted:
Let me be clear about this, I never voted for any political party in Guyana. I left Guyana at a very young age. I visit and like to spend long periods in Guyana owing to my love of nature - Guyana is among the best places in the world to experience it in my view
That I have spoken out on the excesses of the current government offends you but that’s your bugbear. I’ll gladly indulge once more to increase your pain. The vaccine scandal, GuyOil scandal, GPL scandal, cocaine trafficking (we now hold the world record for the largest single shipment of
cocaine), the execution style killing of a man just down the road from the President’s residence, the shooting of unarmed civilians - women and children included - for resisting being thrown off a piece of land they squatted on. Nonetheless, you have chosen your hustlers and hucksters, etc, as you gleefully asserted. Can you tell us why no one has been brought to justice for any of the above?
You claim the PPP does more to reach out to blacks than Granger ever did for Indians, one wonders which planet you inhabit. You’re either ill-informed or just a liar, I gravitate towards the latter as you know.
US Congressmen Albio Sires and Hank Johnson recently urged inclusion of all in decision making and that all Guyanese must benefit from Guyana’s wealth, irrespective of ethnicity – in other words the US government watching y’all. So prove me wrong by pointing to the evidence that blacks are benefiting more under PPP
Post-independence the political, religious, judicial, civil and business leadership have all failed Guyana abysmally. You know a country is far gone when convicted criminals, fraudsters and thieves
traverse the corridors of power without shame
Black people in Guyana are in trouble and must yet again work their way out come hell or high water

Oh boy, for a man who leff Guyana as a little virgin pickney you is quite involved, spreading anti Indo hate here and hoping to instigate a racial conflict; trying fuh some how link the cause of BLM in USA to privileged Afro Guyanese is a BIG FAT JOKE. Lol! Yuh so uncreative. Lol! Black people in the Caribbean and US Congress know aluh tried to create a one party dictatorship last year after doing so for 28 years. Lol! Anyway, we know you didn't leff as a lil virgin boy. How did you get access to the gunmen in Buxton? Yuh had them appearing on yuh TV show. Lol! You have nuff, nuff contacts in the criminal underworld. Lol! Did you wake up dis marnin and first thought was how to kill some Indos in Guyana? Lol! How much fuel yuh have store up? Lol!

I doan intend to tell you bout corruption across the PPP and PNC admins. They both stink. Since, yuh think only PPP was corrupt (wink! wink! Coolie people corrupt), tek a look at the newspaper reports during APNU/AFC. Yuh know beause is good Christian boys and does kneel down in church aluh shit more sweet :

1. Granger DUrban park scandal. Army buddy never submitted receipts.

2. Over 1 billion dollars of payments with no receipts.

3. Massive understatement of the overdraft in Consol Fund, which didn't happen under PPP.

4. SARU was a cash fund for some old male black men. Lol! So dem could get foreign trips paid.

4. Of course look how aluh was loving up coolie people hiring them like crazy. Look at de chart. I know yuh like tell people how yuh wife was Indo and that mek yuh a one lover. I see racism plastered over your devious face. Tell dem bais pon GNI how yuh get safe access to dem gunmen in Buxton. Lol!

Look at one love and cohesion here. Lol!

@seignet posted:

The British considered federation before Independence as The Federation of the West Indies. It was a good idea back then but CBJ din think so.

Many things CBJ thought was wrong has been deemed workable by Jagdeo. I knew someday Indians in the Caribbean would have a federation. Who is going to stop them? I said so rite hay on this site, years ago.

The Caribbean have to learn to live with it.

And let them have what they want but racist policies that sees the distribution of Guyana's wealth solely to a particular ethnic group will be resisted. Now deal with that reality!

@Former Member posted:

Oh boy, for a man who leff Guyana as a little virgin pickney you is quite involved, spreading anti Indo hate here and hoping to instigate a racial conflict; trying fuh some how link the cause of BLM in USA to privileged Afro Guyanese is a BIG FAT JOKE. Lol! Yuh so uncreative. Lol! Black people in the Caribbean and US Congress know aluh tried to create a one party dictatorship last year after doing so for 28 years. Lol! Anyway, we know you didn't leff as a lil virgin boy. How did you get access to the gunmen in Buxton? Yuh had them appearing on yuh TV show. Lol! You have nuff, nuff contacts in the criminal underworld. Lol! Did you wake up dis marnin and first thought was how to kill some Indos in Guyana? Lol! How much fuel yuh have store up? Lol!

I doan intend to tell you bout corruption across the PPP and PNC admins. They both stink. Since, yuh think only PPP was corrupt (wink! wink! Coolie people corrupt), tek a look at the newspaper reports during APNU/AFC. Yuh know beause is good Christian boys and does kneel down in church aluh shit more sweet :

1. Granger DUrban park scandal. Army buddy never submitted receipts.

2. Over 1 billion dollars of payments with no receipts.

3. Massive understatement of the overdraft in Consol Fund, which didn't happen under PPP.

4. SARU was a cash fund for some old male black men. Lol! So dem could get foreign trips paid.

4. Of course look how aluh was loving up coolie people hiring them like crazy. Look at de chart. I know yuh like tell people how yuh wife was Indo and that mek yuh a one lover. I see racism plastered over your devious face. Tell dem bais pon GNI how yuh get safe access to dem gunmen in Buxton. Lol!

Look at one love and cohesion here. Lol!

Look like yuh struggling lil deh fuh find some corruption. Lol. Nonetheless, corruption is corruption (yuh bai de seh fraud is fraud) . The (installed, l know y'all hate that word now) PPP is in government now so put the currupt to face the Courts. Don't think they will, do you?

Try as you may l wont let you detract from de thing. Arresting opposition MPs for "illegal" procession, making underhand deals with questionable characters over vaccines to use on the population without their knowledge and consent, trumped up charges that fail as they enter the doors of the Courts, blatant discrimination with covid and flood relief, etc

I dislike racists, and when policies are driven by race l call it out. You on the other hand is a bigot shamelessly standing on the shoulders of those who fought and died to stamp out the scourge of racism

I would never be anti-indian or anti anyone. There are many Indians that are honest, decent people and don't subscribe to the filth the likes of you and other bigots like yourself subscribe to

For years I watched y'all attacking Indians on here that don't share your view. I watched Gilbakka, who provided quality posts, decend into questionable one-liners that raised eyebrows

Civil war? who says resistance has to be violent. Your broblem is - and l say it without apology - you're a BIGOT

Again, show me the source of your employment figures

Trouble is you don't know me suh yuh trying  an AG pon me



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