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Good morning Skelly Bhai,

Bhai, we have to agree to disagree on this one. I travelled across America and have seen the damage done to African Americans by the political, economic and legal systems that put them at a major disadvantage.

I sometimes wonder how people who have a clear conscience can allow an entire group of people to live in poverty as a result of those major disadvantages.

yuji22 posted:

Good morning Skelly Bhai,

Bhai, we have to agree to disagree on this one. I travelled across America and have seen the damage done to African Americans by the political, economic and legal systems that put them at a major disadvantage.

I sometimes wonder how people who have a clear conscience can allow an entire group of people to live in poverty as a result of those major disadvantages.

Yuji, Good Morning. I hear and see what you are saying. I have said before, whether you are black, white, blue or any color for that matter, we are all brothers and sisters in this world. I always pull for the underdog, the unfortunate and those who suffer at the hands of the exploiters. I realize that not all of us were born to be resourceful because of our abilities. However, I have seen some, of all races, and yes, some Guyanese coolies, who take advantage of the system, some who believe that public assistance is an entitlement which they deserve regardless. I do not see pride and dignity in some of these people. I have truly seen some who really deserve help from public assistance programs. I worked for the Welfare System for a while and heard workers who complained about some of their clients. Giving some of these people that money will only lead to them being lazier. I would suggest that if there are any reparations, the money should be used for housing etc. 


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