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People need to watch their long quotes.  It is starting to creep up again.

Caribny, there is no doubt that there are some downright racist Indians on this board.  Most of these people are PPPites who must have lost their place at the trough in 2015.  I do not have the time to confront these people.  I prefer to spend my time discussing what is of interest to me.

But any party that use this site to brand ALL Indians racist is just as whacky as AG Williams!  You cannot give any importance's to spineless people hiding behind aliases.

I left this site before because of the nonsense that was tolerated here with personal attacks.  The moderators are doing much better now stemming personal attacks although I think unfair attacks we allowed on TK.  Maybe that's why he no longer participates.  Actually TK presence here is why I joined back.

But Caribny I truly think you are a racist also. Maybe not as bad as some of the indians here.  Your arguments go beyond defending your race mostly when you get into body parts and sexual discussions.

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Mr.T posted:

DrugB ain't even full blood Indian. He has back man blood as well.

No confirmation from Drugb yet.

Why condone such insult, is like saying you are stupid, prove that is wrong.

GNI Indo KKK site in full action.  Now saying that a man is part black is now an insult

Of course Chief will sooner attack me for pointing this out than to seriously tell these Indo racists that their racism actually hurts Indians, because it furthers the perception that Indians are incurably racist.

VVP posted:

I left this site before because of the nonsense that was tolerated here with personal attacks.  The moderators are doing much better now stemming personal attacks althoughI think unfair attacks we allowed on TK.  Maybe that's why he no longer participates.  Actually TK presence here is why I joined back.


Agreed,the useless personal attacks was overbearing,damn the amount of times i shook my head,nearly ended up with shakes.

Been here 15 yrs,there are some good posters on this BB,I always look forward to read their views.

VVP posted:


But Caribny I truly think you are a racist also. Maybe not as bad as some of the indians here.  Your arguments go beyond defending your race mostly when you get into body parts and sexual discussions.

And here we go.  You don't have time to confront an Indian who says that blacks are too dumb and stupid and cannot run a business with out Indians, and then continues to scream about the criminality of blacks.  This even though studies have shown that Indians as a group aren't any better off economically than are blacks.

You don't have the time to call out another Indian who says that calling some one part black is on insult.

And then there are the regular insults about black violence, criminality, and the fact that blacks are lazy and have not made any contribution to Guyana. Then there is the denigration of occupations which blacks are found as "lazy man jobs", even as there is the squeal about why Indians are under represented in these occupations.

You ought to know that this site has been flagged as racist in some cases and it is NOT because of anything that I do!

You do have the time to call me a racist though. You cannot even say WHY I am a racist.  Because that bit of nonsense you wrote is something that I hardly do, and when I do it, its a result of severe provocation, and slapping some one down into their Indo KKK rat hole.  And it is almost always aimed at a specific person.

As to personal attacks! I am one of the most personally attacked people on GNI, being the ONLY self identified black left.

Now ask yourself why on a GUYANESE site, is this the case when self identified blacks in the NY area are about 40%, and the vast majority of us live in NYC?

And then you try to protect your fellow Indians by making that equivalent.

1. Have I ever peddled the dangerous stereotypes of Indians that blacks have?.....NO!

2. Have I ever suggested that Indians are more evil or inferior to blacks? NO!

3. Have I ever suggested that to call some one part Indian is to insult them? NO!

The main points I have about Indians is the fact that the racism that Indians have is UNCHALLENGED by most other Indians, and the few Indians who do challenge it are then punished. 

The other point being that Indians seriously need to examine how they function within a multi cultural society like Guyana.  And in fact Danyael, who is part Indian within the past year tried to have discussion on this TWICE. He was accused of being an Indian hater.

So let us get serious. The real reason that you think that I am a racist is not when I tease yuji and cobra about their masculinity issues, which they clearly have, as they squeal their terror of black women.  Its about the fact that I am uncompromising in refusing to allow Indian racists to degrade blacks, and I am equally uncompromising in the fact that they do this with the TACIT APPROVAL of the bulk of the Indian population.


Drugb posted:
Mr.T posted:

DrugB ain't even full blood Indian. He has back man blood as well.

Riff, instead of worrying about my "insinuations" you should ban T for clearly slandering my persona with this unprovoked claim that I have black blood flowing through my veins. I never mentioned my pedigree and deny this claim. This is a personal attack and T should suffer the consequences. 

True indication of a racist. Now "accusing" some one of having black ancestry is now an offense worthy of being banned.

If you have black ancestry that is what you have. And in fact you do unless you aren't human because 100% of us originated in Africa, though racists like you prefer to forget that part.  And that is some where in the southern part of Africa.

Nehru posted:

Django and VVP concerns are appreciated BUT I have one question, were you both blind, deaf and dumb prior to May 2015?? It is a simple question so I expect a simple answer.

None of the above.  Just simply conned after May 2015.  The PPP is not the answer for Guyana they are just as bad as the coalition.


If you have black ancestry that is what you have. And in fact you do unless you aren't human because 100% of us originated in Africa, though racists like you prefer to forget that part.  And that is some where in the southern part of Africa.

Stop trying to Africanize the whole world. If you believe in evolution(which you do), then your ancestors were apes. I don't believe in evolution.

Django posted:

Carib i never suggested you should not respond,you have that right.

I detest making a post on racist threads,many times i have responded to these chaps and it's still the same crap over and over, as such i stay away to avoid being contaminated by their diatribe.

Well you become contaminated by allowing them to speak because they do so on behalf of Indians, not just themselves.

Confronting them deprives them of this right. Take a page from the many white males who are now confronting the bigots who use Trump's victory to attempt to normalize their dark attitudes.  They do so even though a spreading white nationalism might actually benefit them as individuals if non whites, and for that matter white women, are excluded from opportunity

When the Indo KKK post their drivel they need to know that it reflects their own backwardness.  If allowed to do so unchallenged then they think this is acceptable.

It has become normal now to denigrate blacks on GNI. What is not allowed is for blacks to react against this.  When we do we are accused of racism, and unfortunately for GNI good posters, who happen to be black are then driven away.  I cite Itaname as an example.

Drugb shouldn't be allowed to imply that blacks cannot start a chamber of commerce without Indians being involved.  There are many successful black business people in Guyana, and in fact most Indians in Guyana are far from successful.

He was allowed to make his Indo supremacist comments unchallenged. I was attacked when I said that Indians have loads of problems and so to assume a cloak of superiority by the mere fact of being Indian is nonsense, and such behavior should NOT be tolerated.

Last edited by Former Member


I don't have the time to respond to all your points.  I simply don't.

You are on record here saying that a non Indian cannot speak for blacks because we are not blacks.  Of course I think this is BS but why do you think I should be addressing the daily tripe here when I prefer to use my personal time in a more productive fashion.  I think people who view the bile here and come to the conclusion that all Guyanese are like this need their heads examined.

caribny posted:
Drugb shouldn't be allowed to imply that blacks cannot start a chamber of commerce without Indians being involved.  There are many successful black business people in Guyana, and in fact most Indians in Guyana are far from successful.

He was allowed to make his Indo supremacist comments unchallenged. I was attacked when I said that Indians have loads of problems and so to assume a cloak of superiority by the mere fact of being Indian is nonsense, and such behavior should NOT be tolerated.

And who are you to criticize the man's personal opinion? You criticize the Indians of a lot of things including not being involved in the corrupted police force. I do not know of anyone said that you should not be allowed to say that. Don't try to muzzle the opposition here.

VVP posted:


I don't have the time to respond to all your points.  I simply don't.


I can and will speak on Indians when Indian racist attitudes impact blacks.

Now YOU don't have the time to confront racist Indians, but do have the time to call me a racist when I do.

I guess you suggest that "black man a kill ahbe", "black man lazy", and all the rant that is core to what this site is should remain unchallenged, and so become a normal part of Guyanese discourse.

Until I decide to stop posting in GNI, and the incessant anti black abuse here makes it unlikely that I will do so, you will hear from me.

MY SOLE reason for being on this site is because it is often very much like a KKK site, once any conversation concerning blacks comes up.

14 years ago one of your buddies posted a picture of a young PRIMARY SCHOOL aged black girl.  The ENTIRE site, with few exceptions engaged in the most brutal abuse of this girl, calling her ugly, stupid, nasty, illiterate and laughing at her presumed poverty.

The ONLY person to attempt to stop this was D2. His reasons were that if they didn't stop some black person would arrive to confront them. NOT because it was wrong, but because it would give a black person an excuse to intervene.

I decided to intervene, and I will until YOU do!   And yes your tacit approval for their behavior, by ignoring them, but confronting me because I confront them, shows indeed that they are your buddies.  Like they say blood is thicker than water and an Indian will always stand up for an Indian even when they are wrong. I see ample evidence of this on GNI!

And yes look at what happened when Drugb "spoke for blacks".  That was truly "enlightening" wasn't it.  A man who loses no opportunity to scream that blacks are lazy incompetent criminals who contribute nothing positive, and are at the bottom of society.

DG then joined him with a list based on archaic stereotypes.


Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:
VVP posted:

There is too much racism on this board.  That's what happen when people are allowed to hide behind aliases.  I can understand the need to use an alias but to say things that you would not say under your own name just shows people lack backbone.

I don't know how you came to that conclusion. I have never said a racist thing on this board.

That banna losing it!

VVP posted:
Nehru posted:

Django and VVP concerns are appreciated BUT I have one question, were you both blind, deaf and dumb prior to May 2015?? It is a simple question so I expect a simple answer.

None of the above.  Just simply conned after May 2015.  The PPP is not the answer for Guyana they are just as bad as the coalition.

So why don't you go and provide a solution to the people of Guyana?  You see how Trump swooped in to try to provide a solution to America!

caribny posted:

And VVP I stayed off a thread where a certain philanthropist was being venerated.

I heard with my own ears some foul things that this "gentleman" said about Afro Guyanese.  Now I can go on and add my piece if you continue to defend Drugb and the others.

Listen bud, I ain't defending no racist.  Never had never will.  But caribny what do you mean by Indians will stand up for other Indians even when they are wrong?? You are saying all Indians are racists right?  See what I mean?

VVP posted:

I left this site before because of the nonsense that was tolerated here with personal attacks.  The moderators are doing much better now stemming personal attacks although I think unfair attacks we allowed on TK.  Maybe that's why he no longer participates.  Actually TK presence here is why I joined back.

But Caribny I truly think you are a racist also. Maybe not as bad as some of the indians here.  Your arguments go beyond defending your race mostly when you get into body parts and sexual discussions.

This site was never racist until some Afros began to celebrate and justify the 2000's Buxton Afros slaughter of Indians.

TK lost credibility as he was very partisan against the PPP and more specifically, personalities within the PPP.  He was never objective in giving credit where credit was due regarding the PPP.  Had he been balanced regarding the tenure of both the PNC and PPP, and stick to economics, he would be more credible.  He came across as a sour-grapes PPP reject!  He had absolutely nothing positive to say about anything the PPP did sice the 1992 bankrupt days!

Nehru posted:

Django and VVP concerns are appreciated BUT I have one question, were you both blind, deaf and dumb prior to May 2015?? It is a simple question so I expect a simple answer.

Dude i was off this BB for a while,some where around 2005 [the year i bought my business] i came back and started posting may be around 4 yrs ago.Anyway when Jagdeo became president i supported him,being a young person,I felt he will change the country bringing the people together we all have seen the outcome.

I will make it short Guyana political situation need periodic change of government the people need that."samje"

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:

And who are you to criticize the man's personal opinion?

I criticize some Indians of being racist towards blacks, and abusive towards the few Indians who confront this. I criticize other Indians who remain silent as people like you engage in denigration of blacks.

Of course you think that PPP=Indian, and don't see how insulting to Indians this is, given that the PPP is a criminal enterprise.  

You have said much the same as did Drugb so I can see why you think it not racist. However you will call me a racist for calling the PPP a criminal enterprise.

As to Indians not being in the police force. Well you cannot have it both ways. Blaming blacks because Indians chose not to join and then criticize me for saying that if they refuse to join then they should accept the fact that the force is 90% African/mixed.

I guess you prefer rich Indians to pay Indian and African criminals instead of insisting that an efficient and effective police force be developed. 

The PPP was offered help to improve the police force and screamed that they didn't want it, so if the police are corrupt its because the PPP wanted it to be.

ba$eman posted:

This site was never racist until some Afros began to celebrate and justify the 2000's Buxton Afros slaughter of Indians.


And those Afros left GNI long ago and yet its even more racist than ever.

Excuse NOT accepted. 

And in fact the PPP was quite happy with the state of affairs because they offered NO protection to the blacks in Buxton who tried to rid the village of the criminals.  In fact they sanctioned the arrest and abuse of innocent people. We all can remember the police breaking down the door and destroying the property of an old lady while the bandits were laughing at her.

In fact you should be angry with Jagdeo.

VVP posted:

Listen bud, I ain't defending no racist.  Never had never will.  But caribny what do you mean by Indians will stand up for other Indians even when they are wrong?? You are saying all Indians are racists right?  See what I mean?

There are two ways of defending racism.  Directly defending those who make racist statements and attacking others who confront those who make such statements, as you do me.

You wail that you don't have time to confront Indo supremacy.  Now if you didn't respond to me that would be acceptable, but you spend lots of the time that you spend on GNI confronting me. 100% of the time after I have confronted the Indo supremacy which is rampant on GNI.

Not once in the last day or so have you confronted any of the known Indo supremacists on GNI, yet you spend time arguing with me.

And if you want an example of Indians defending Indians, even when the Indian is wrong, this is you. Attacking me because I am not Indian because I attack Indians racists. NOT confronting the racists themselves.

Call it clannish, or call it racist but it is clear that Indo mattie protects its own!


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