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Show them you have backbone Claudette Singh

GECOM’s chair, Retired Justice Claudette Singh, must act and do so immediately. She has no other choice.
The Commission’s Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Mr. Keith Lowenfield, has repeatedly engaged in the most flagrant acts of insubordination, through calculated disrespect and continuing disregard for clear directives issued by Chairwoman Singh.
Mr. Lowenfield’s gross disavowal of one order after another from the Chair of the Commission would not have been tolerated in any organization worth its salt, or in any environment that aspires to democratic norms and ideals.
He has done as he sees fit and both unilaterally and arbitrarily, through reports that are so skewed that they border on the criminal.
He has disenfranchised over a hundred thousand Guyanese voters. No man, no official, should be allowed to act so manipulatively and capriciously. He has hijacked Guyana’s electoral process and holds this nation hostage at his whim and through his corrupting tactics.
Chairwoman Singh must move quickly to replace him.
His replacement does not necessarily have to be from within the ranks of the GECOM Secretariat, which is saturated with partisan elements.
The Chairwoman must manifest courage and a backbone that will not bend before the barefaced daylight robberies resurrected from decades ago.
This is the 21st century. This has to be a new and better Guyana. It must be a place of the lawful and the democratic, and where the will of the people must be honored and not desecrated by the likes of the CEO and those who stand behind him.
She must fire the CEO immediately and without ceremony. Start with somebody fresh tomorrow.
Let this election be closed out and give Guyanese a chance to live again.



Fire him on what grounds people?

He acted on his constitutional duty. Now she has to fire him by the mere fact of submitting a report that the Opposition and small parties do not want?

The CCJ was clear: the Order cannot supersede the Constitution. You can’t take some parts of what transpired on the basis of that order and consider it valid (tabulated numbers), while other parts of it remain invalid (observation reports).

Either the entire thing is bad or it’s not. 


@Rochelle posted:

Fire him on what grounds people?

He acted on his constitutional duty. Now she has to fire him by the mere fact of submitting a report that the Opposition and small parties do not want?

The CCJ was clear: the Order cannot supersede the Constitution. You can’t take some parts of what transpired on the basis of that order and consider it valid (tabulated numbers), while other parts of it remain invalid (observation reports).

Either the entire thing is bad or it’s not. 


Grounds of multiple instances of gross insubordination.


For the record, the CCJ ruled that only where the order is in deference to the Constitution, the order should be disregarded. They were really disallowing the part of the order which sought to allow for a qualitative nature of the recount when only a quantitative one is legal at that stage of the election. I advise you to revisit the entire ruling of the CCJ. It is very short and concise leaving no room for misunderstanding. The Jurists went to great length to make it simple because they were already aware of how difficult is has been for the Coalition to grasp simple matters.

Last edited by Former Member

There is no subjectivity involved in assessing Validity.  This is a concoction of the PNC.  ROPA was very prescriptive on what constitutes a "Spoilt" vote rendering it "Invalid".  All others are Valid.  The declaration is to be made on that basis.  Any other concerns and question, either Quantitative or Qualitative, should be addressed in an Elections Petition.

@Rochelle posted:

Fire him on what grounds people?

He acted on his constitutional duty. Now she has to fire him by the mere fact of submitting a report that the Opposition and small parties do not want?

The CCJ was clear: the Order cannot supersede the Constitution. You can’t take some parts of what transpired on the basis of that order and consider it valid (tabulated numbers), while other parts of it remain invalid (observation reports).

Either the entire thing is bad or it’s not. 


He cheated.

@Rochelle posted:

Fire him on what grounds people?

He acted on his constitutional duty. Now she has to fire him by the mere fact of submitting a report that the Opposition and small parties do not want?

The CCJ was clear: the Order cannot supersede the Constitution. You can’t take some parts of what transpired on the basis of that order and consider it valid (tabulated numbers), while other parts of it remain invalid (observation reports).

Either the entire thing is bad or it’s not. 


Lowenfield’s latest fraudulent report is saying dead people and migrant Guyanese voting , and missing documents are ok with him. He went as far as to add more dead and migrant votes in Region 4. What a bunch of thieves. Guyanese are more intelligent than this. He is not deserving of the office.

Long Live Democracy.

@Rochelle posted:

Fire him on what grounds people?

He acted on his constitutional duty. Now she has to fire him by the mere fact of submitting a report that the Opposition and small parties do not want?

The CCJ was clear: the Order cannot supersede the Constitution. You can’t take some parts of what transpired on the basis of that order and consider it valid (tabulated numbers), while other parts of it remain invalid (observation reports).

Either the entire thing is bad or it’s not. 


Is that called Legal Constitutional Fraud? Is that a term that attorneys allowed to use or practice on?


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