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Oh Shyaam Praan Pyaare, Mukhura Zaraa Dikhaanaa..
Mukhada Zaraa Dikhaanaa...Mukhura Zaraa Dikhaanaa...
Gokul mein chaand taare', badali mein chhipp-na jaanaa
Badali mein chhipp-na jaanaa, Mukhura Zaraa Dikhaanaa..

Meaning: O Shyaam (Shri Krishna), You are the very life-breath of my being! Will you not show me Your (handsome/divine) face? You are the source of light for the inhabitants of Gokul (your devotees), please do not hide behind the clouds. Show me your (handsome/divine) face (and destroy the darkness of this life).

Tum bin woh nain taare', jeevan mein hai andhe'raa - 2
Too rooth kar chalaa hai, ujraa hai mann ka de'ra
Te're' bina O Shyaama - 2, Me'ra kahaa thikaanaa -2
Mukhura Zaraa Dikhaanaa..

Meaning: Without You, this life is plunged into darkness since you are the very stars that brighten my sight. In your absence, Oh Lord, dejection overtakes my being, and I lose sight of my very existence and purpose. So please, dear Shyaam, show me your face.

Aaja te'ree judaa-ee, mujhse' sahi na jaayi
Jo dil pe' beet.te' hai, mukh se' kahee na jaayi
Dhan praan chhod de'nge' - 2, Jo Tum-na aaye' Kaanhaa - 2
Mukhura Zaraa Dikhaanaa..

Meaning: I just cannot bear this separation between us, Oh Lord. What is felt in my heart, cannot truly be expressed in words and with every passing moment of this separation from You, I feel as though this life is not worth living. So please, my Shyaam, please show me your merciful face.

Charanan kee daasiyaa sab, Jeevan Ko dhoondh-tee hai -2
Aansoo bharee yeh aankhe', Mohan ko dhoondh-tee hai
Ronaa manaa huaa hai -2, jeene' ka ek bahaanaa -2
Mukhura Zaraa Dikhaanaa..

Meaning: In our search for the purpose of our lives, we dream of being servants of Your Lotus-Like-Feet. With tears overflowing, O Mohan, we frantically search for You in this life, although crying seems like an excuse to live. We beg of You, please show us your face.

NOTES: It is the divine connection with God that is valued in this Bhajan. "Show us Your face, O Lord" simply implies True Knowledge of the connection between the Jeevaatma, the Individual Soul and Paramaatma, The Super Soul. Without this pure knowledge and realization, life can feel empty and without purpose, hence the "Darkness" referenced therein. Therefore, we see how such a knowledge can be the light which removes the darkness that plagues without and within our beings.

@Former Member posted:

Pandit Prakash Gossai had to eat all the parsad, puri and other foods cooked with ghee at the functions he officiated. This led to his early demise.

Do You Know?

  • Ghee is considered the healthiest source of edible fat in Ayurveda. [source:]
  • Ghee promotes longevity and protects the body from various diseases. [source:]
  • Ghee increases the digestive fire and improves absorption and assimilation. [source:]
  • Ghee strengthens the brain and nervous system. [source:]
  • Ghee lubricates the connective tissues, making the body more flexible. [source:]
@Mitwah posted:

Do You Know?

  • Ghee is considered the healthiest source of edible fat in Ayurveda. [source:]
  • Ghee promotes longevity and protects the body from various diseases. [source:]
  • Ghee increases the digestive fire and improves absorption and assimilation. [source:]
  • Ghee strengthens the brain and nervous system. [source:]
  • Ghee lubricates the connective tissues, making the body more flexible. [source:]

Butter is healthier than margarine..

but still high is fat..

so moderation is the keyâ€Ķ

same with ghee..healthy yes but in small portions!!

@Former Member posted:

Pandit Prakash Gossai had to eat all the parsad, puri and other foods cooked with ghee at the functions he officiated. This led to his early demise.

Gone way too young!!

Sedentary life style..n high fat diet.

i am certain genetics played a role as well..

as he was. BIG guy even as a young man

Whn i met him..(1978) he was just 25 yrs young n he was chubby n with a ‘tummy’ n he wasnt a pandit then..just used to be with Gandhi youth ORG n PYO (UG)


1 of his idols was Hari Om Sharan..

HE told me it was 1 of the highlights of his life whn he shared a platform/stage with  HOS in NY

Whn he was preparing for that Mukesh competition, he used to practice at work..

I remember he wasnt too sure wht songs to sing for the finale..n our co-worker Ramesh Sugrim (wasnt a Dr then) picked out a few songs .

  1. @Mitwah posted:

@Lynn, Hari Om was one my Idols too as well as Jalota whose songs are much more challenging. I did one of Prakash's favorite bhajan last night, Ho Shyaam Praan Pyaare. (O Shyaam, you're the very life-breath of my being.)  May his Atmaa find a resting place with Paraatmaa.

I loved HOS songs since I was a lil kid.

Prak used to sing mostly Mukesh songs whn I met him..funny thing is that he sung Laga Chunari for that competition..(Manna Dey) n won!! He wasnt a Pandit then â€Ķ

He was blessed with a melodious voice!!

Last edited by Lynn
@Mitwah posted:

Whenever he visited TO, we would meet up for lunch. Missed him a lot. Bird was the source for the jahray cloth.

Oh okâ€Ķ

Prak used to call whnever he came here..but we exchanged em..never got to meet up during his visits here

(I was his ‘baby’ sister thru his realtionship with my mother..n also i was a ‘trainee’ under his guidance.  I was there whn Pratiskha was born..n we (mt gf n I from the lab) used to visit n pay with both kids after Arun was born . He used to give us ride home after we collected Leila from sch as we had apt in Garnett St n they lived on Middleton St C/ville .  LONG LONG TIME ago..late 70’s

lol@ bird n jahray cloth..

i dont think i knew bird back then


Oh rant I hear from him one one time. You wan me till him you miss him lots?  I always remember when I met him the banna told me a good story about excitement where he worked. Was a good story, hehe.

I would say Nehruski at backdam cussing up. D2 should pay a visit an buss out some words that'll keep yall on Google lots.

Last edited by cain

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