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Shuman in talks with APNU

-but says no decision made as yet

File: Presidential candidate Lenox Shuman addressing the launch of the Liberty and Justice Party last evening at the Georgetown Club. [Terrence Thompson photo)
File: Presidential candidate Lenox Shuman addressing the launch of the Liberty and Justice Party last evening at the Georgetown Club. (Terrence Thompson photo)

Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) presidential candidate Lenox Shuman has had discussions with APNU about a possible coalescing but says that no decision has yet been made as he is still to do a “a final analysis”.

“At the launch of the party, we had sent out a letter to all of the other parties to have talks with them. I got responses and have met with ANUG, FED UP and APNU…so yes, we have had talks with APNU,” he told Stabroek News yesterday.

“Everything needs a final analysis. There are a lot of considerations to be taken…,” he added.

Shuman was quick to point out that the talks did not encompass  discussion of any ministerial or party position for members of the LJP as the talks were to gain insight into what developmental plans each party had for the country and how he would be better able to fuse with them to make “a better Guyana”.

He said that while there are talks in some quarters that he was offered positions by APNU, “the only party that offered a Prime Ministerial slot, and that was through the back door; not formally, was one and that was not the APNU,” he said.

And while ANUG was one of the first parties the LJP executive held talks with, he expressed disappointment in their recent choice of Presidential Candidate in Ralph Ramkarran saying that even if he was mulling joining, that has been erased as his party feels youth leadership should be championed.

“What we had hoped was that the smaller parties would bond…what we see is that there is a challenge in embracing young leaders. Most interestingly, we look at the selection of ANUG’s presidential candidate which expresses their reluctance to embrace young leadership,” he said.

Shuman is also disappointed in the People’s Progressive Party as he said that he sent out letters to all parties earlier this year but there has been no response from the PPP and he does not foresee one.

“The lack of a formal response speaks volumes. There has been indications that there might be a willingness to talk but there has been no formal response,” he said.

Shuman reiterated much of what he said when he announced the formation of the party saying that he is patriotic and wants “a better Guyana for everyone and where everyone benefits from the natural resources of this country and that means the indigenous people must not be left out.”

The LJP has as it symbol two hands of different colours clasping. It has identified itself with the colour, blue.

Indigenous citizens comprised the majority of those in attendance at the party’s launch back in January of this year.

It is expected that given Shuman’s national profile as an indigenous leader, the party could draw significant support from the indigenous communities. Shuman has, however, said the party will be one for all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity. Shuman previously served as Toshao of Pakuri Village on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway and Vice-chairman of the National Toshaos’ Council (NTC),

The diaspora, he also said, has much to offer and he noted that the country’s two largest parties, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), could not be what they are without it. “The diaspora has a significant role to offer and I think it is time we look at how we could deal with constitutional reform to ensure that our sons and daughters who would have left our shores for whatever purposes are given that opportunity to come back and serve Guyana,” he stated.

 Shuman, who has held Canadian citizenship for 28 years has filed to relinquish it. And even as that process is ongoing he has declared that no one can question his patriotism to this country.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Good timing. Now his party’s supporters are in a better position to decide if they want to be PNC or PPP because LJP as part of either the PNC or PPP is impotent, especially if part of the PNC.

 I would advice him to not rush that relinquishment process though as he will not play any meaningful role as part of APNU. The proof is right there in front of him. The AFC.

 I agree with the PPP when they did not respond to him because it is better for the LJP to avoid being influenced by any of the other major parties. The PPP acted with wisdom here.

Ray posted:

Looks like the man talk to everyone except PPP don't want talk to Amerindian people

I doan like the PPP but they have a better track record than the PNC. Perhaps, Jagdeo knows, like the last time Amerinds supported Peter DiAguar he gave the votes to the PNC, Shuman would do the same.

What a stupid fella.


Shuman Reasoning:

RamKarran is old-Granger is older, but Shuman would support Granger. If is youth he wants, then Ali is his perfect choice since he Shuman doan have what it takes to be The Alternative. He likes crooks and dishonest ppl.


Ray posted:

Looks like the man talk to everyone except PPP don't want talk to Amerindian people

Actually he said that he wrote to the PPP but they didn’t respond to him. That is the correct move. The LJP is a newly formed party and should not be seeking to be part of other parties this soon. If that is his goal, he should have stayed in Canada.

ksazma posted:

Shuman doesn’t even have as many bargaining chips as the AFC does and if the APNU doesn’t give a shit for them, why does he think they will care about the LJP?

He does!  This helps the PNC in a big way to cover the doctoring of the voters’ list and steal the election. Shuman is aiming for the PM position, which he will preferred by the PNC anti-coolie klansmen over the AFC sparring coolie Chihuahuas!

Watch story!!

Dougla_80 posted:

At the launch of the party, we had sent out a letter to all of the other parties to have talks with them - Only one did not respond guess who?

Doug, can you think of any reason why someone claiming to want to separate his party from the others would write to all of them as he was starting his party? He should have sent a proposal to each party seeking participation instead.

Dougla_80 posted:

Shuman and the LJP must being doing something right at this stage as people are now targeting him - Thats politics. Keep it up it.

Who targeted the LJP bai? 😀


@Former Member As a new party the chances are slim to not at all of winning but they can play a major role if there is no majority - If the smaller parties formed a larger voting block then they would have bargaining power, then talk to the two largest share holders ie: the dinosaurs and see who's open to discussion in case such a scenario arrives and  see who would offer the best deal - And more importantly hold them to account, if we go to the polls every 2 years then so be it.


Last edited by Former Member
Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member As a new party the chances are slim to not at all of winning but they can play a major role if there is no majority - If the smaller parties formed a larger voting block then they would have bargaining power, then talk to the two largest share holders ie: the dinosaurs and see who's open to discussion in case such a scenario arrives and  see who would offer the best deal - And more importantly hold them to account, if we go to the polls every 2 years then so be it.


I don’t disagree. How does coalescing with APNU or even the PPP accomplish that?


It doesn't tbh and it wouldn't be a coming together (unlike the AFC sellouts) but at this stage it would allow you to see which one of the larger parties you'd have a better chance of working with and leveraging what ever opportunity you and your party would have. 

Dougla_80 posted:

At the launch of the party, we had sent out a letter to all of the other parties to have talks with them - Only one did not respond guess who?

I don’t know why anyone would take it seriously when you are a new untested party yet to develop and prove a following!

I can see why the PPP never responded!  What would the conversation be about?  Shuman needs to build up his party and demonstrate some type of intrinsic value!

PNC sees an opportunity to fiddle with Shuman and do some window dressing!  I begin to doubt the motives of Shuman!

Baseman posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

At the launch of the party, we had sent out a letter to all of the other parties to have talks with them - Only one did not respond guess who?

I don’t know why anyone would take it seriously when you are a new untested party yet to develop and prove a following!

I can see why the PPP never responded!  What would the conversation be about?  Shuman needs to build up his party and demonstrate some type of intrinsic value!

PNC sees an opportunity to fiddle with Shuman and do some window dressing!  I begin to doubt the motives of Shuman!

Is like you going out of your way to buy a new purple suit but still end up wearing the old one. 😀

This move makes Shuman seem like he is not ready for prime time.


President confirms APNU in ‘exploratory’ talks with Shuman’s Party


President David Granger Wednesday morning confirmed that as leader of the APNU, he held “preliminary exploratory” talks with Lenox Shuman, the Presidential Candidate for the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP).

Speaking with the media at the sidelines of an event held at the Ministry of the Presidency, Mr Granger said that the five-party A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) is looking at areas of cooperation with the Liberty and Justice Party.

“I have had preliminary exploratory talks with Mr Shuman and we are looking for common ground, we are looking for areas of convergence,” the President said.

Mr Granger explained that the policy of APNU is inclusivity and they are ready to welcome other parties who share their objectives to develop Guyana.

He said there is no final agreement as yet with LJP.

“Mr Shuman has given me the assurance that they are areas of convergence the Liberty and Justice Party and what he thinks the APNU stands for….we have not actually come to any agreement, the talks are exploratory but he is convinced that it is a wide area of convergence between the policies of our partnership and his party.”

Meanwhile, at Shuman’s last press conference in September, he welcomed the March 02, 2020 date for general and regional elections and noted that he is ready to contest the elections.

Shuman, however, stopped short of naming and confirming his party’s slate but urged the other political parties to conduct themselves above board in the forthcoming campaign season.

Shuman had noted then that he is confident that the LJP is well-positioned to secure a lot of votes at the elections.

He had made it clear that he personally supported the APNU+AFC coalition but explained that a Government of national unity must not only work in theory but in practice.

On a separate note, when asked if Shuman’s dual-citizenship was an area of concern, the President said that dual-citizenship has nothing to do with leading a political party.

“…it has everything to do with entering the National Assembly or being appointed to cabinet and we haven’t gotten there,” the President said.

Shuman has been a Canadian citizen for approximately 28 years but is Guyanese by birth. The Party Leader announced earlier in the year that he had begun the process to relinquish his Canadian citizenship.

Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George-Wiltshire in January this year ruled that the Constitution blocks anyone who holds dual citizenship to be elected to the National Assembly 


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ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

At the launch of the party, we had sent out a letter to all of the other parties to have talks with them - Only one did not respond guess who?

I don’t know why anyone would take it seriously when you are a new untested party yet to develop and prove a following!

I can see why the PPP never responded!  What would the conversation be about?  Shuman needs to build up his party and demonstrate some type of intrinsic value!

PNC sees an opportunity to fiddle with Shuman and do some window dressing!  I begin to doubt the motives of Shuman!

Is like you going out of your way to buy a new purple suit but still end up wearing the old one. 😀

This move makes Shuman seem like he is not ready for prime time.

Shuman is selfish, just looking out for himself. I would think Granger/PNC would offer Shuman a lil Minister wok to sell out/jump ship.He is using the Amerindians, just like what Nagga/ Rumjaat did to the Indians. The people are not tribal, no guarantee that they will vote in his direction, that gamble will not pay it's the end of LJP.

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Another Day , another selfish BASTARD!

That’s why I prefer bake and solfish!!

= solfish =

Izz dat like soil_fish, spoiled_fish, mold_fish, etc., etc..


Shuman, who has held Canadian citizenship for 28 years has filed to relinquish it. And even as that process is ongoing he has declared that no one can question his patriotism to this country.

Is this shaman guy afraid he might not get enough votes to get one seat? Maybe his polling shows he does not have the support of his own people. He is trying to cover his ass in case the natives vote for another party. I doubt he will renounce his Canadian citizenship. I think it's a wait and see situation.  He can always withdraw his application.


Well done Shuman PPP supporters already calling you all the  names under the sun and APNU want to talk ..that suggest they believe he and the LJP are some form threat at this stage and puts him further in the public eye .

Dougla_80 posted:

Well done Shuman PPP supporters already calling you all the  names under the sun and APNU want to talk ..that suggest they believe he and the LJP are some form threat at this stage and puts him further in the public eye .

Shuman must have been under a shaman spell when he talked to Granja.


When you can stand on your own legs you don't need crutches. This guy is not serious about pursuing a political career that's in the interest of his people. This guy has not stepped in the ring yet and has thrown in the towel.  Why would you want to join hands with a major party when you have not even met the criteria of presidential candidate? 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Dougla_80 posted:

Well done Shuman PPP supporters already calling you all the  names under the sun and APNU want to talk ..that suggest they believe he and the LJP are some form threat at this stage and puts him further in the public eye .

He’s not a threat to PPP. However, everyone saw him with integrity and principles to hold the major parties accountable, until he start to show his other side. 
He deserve any cussing and name calling. 

Dougla_80 posted:

It doesn't tbh and it wouldn't be a coming together (unlike the AFC sellouts) but at this stage it would allow you to see which one of the larger parties you'd have a better chance of working with and leveraging what ever opportunity you and your party would have. 

It's called political vengeance , Prak got the last laugh for being expelled from the PPP.

Dougla_80 posted:

Well done Shuman PPP supporters already calling you all the  names under the sun and APNU want to talk ..that suggest they believe he and the LJP are some form threat at this stage and puts him further in the public eye .

Surely going into a coalition with one of the majors is a disappointment.  The power of any 3rd party lies in its ability to be the tie-breaker on key policy votes!

I was surprised to read he was seeking a coalition from the onset.  What was his bargaining position?   What is his value proposition?  Surely it must be more than his ethnicity!

Furthermore, why does he think he could seek a coalition with, say ANUG, and tell them who they should have as head of the ticket!

He is a Johnny come lately and want to be driver without passing the driving test!  He comes across arrogant!  He will be deconstructed by the long time Amerindian Reps in the PPP who don’t need to contemplate giving up their foreign citizenship!

The PPP needs to recruit Anna Correia to rip him to shreds!


I find hard to believe that PPP supporters fail to understand that you cannot win a majority anymore even if ever indo Guyanese came out to vote. 

@Former Member I don't think Shuman will join APNU but if a coalition is the best way to get in then so be it ...but with a caviet that he holds them to account and votes as an independent not towing the  APNU (unlike the sellouts in the AFC) line and the same would apply if he was part of a PPP government. 

Dougla_80 posted:

I find hard to believe that PPP supporters fail to understand that you cannot win a majority anymore even if ever indo Guyanese came out to vote. 

@Former Member I don't think Shuman will join APNU but if a coalition is the best way to get in then so be it ...but with a caviet that he holds them to account and votes as an independent not towing the  APNU (unlike the sellouts in the AFC) line and the same would apply if he was part of a PPP government. 

That makes no sense!  Then why did he seek a coalition with ANUG?

Sounds like a fishing expedition!


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