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Shuman bounced from elections over dual citizenship

Lenox Shuman
Lenox Shuman

This story is developing and will be updated.

GECOM today ruled that the leader of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), Lenox Shuman be removed from the list of candidates submitted by his party as he was a dual citizen at the time.


The ruling ends Shuman’s role in the election campaign as he was the presidential candidate for his party.  It would also likely put paid to any chance the LJP – largely focused on the indigenous population – had of gathering support at the elections.

Shuman had last year signaled his intention to renounce his Canadian citizenship to enable him to run for the presidency but it appears that at the time of the submission of the list the process had not been completed.

The outlawing of dual citizenship for Members of Parliament has become a major issue since APNU+AFC challenged the validity of the vote cast by dual citizen MP Charrandass Persaud at the December 21, 2018 motion of no confidence against the government.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

He is a bloody DISGRACE. He know clearly what the Law/Rule is but continue to be a Parasite!! It is difficult to think what these fools does think about themselves and the Guyanese people. What a bloody DISGRACE!!

Baseman posted:

The banna is a crook. And he was knowingly admitted to join with ANUG.  Guess birds of a feather. Dr Asha should pull out of that unholy alliance.

Base, Ralf should have know better. Here is another third party who adds more salt to the wound created by AFC.

Nehru posted:

He is a bloody DISGRACE. He know clearly what the Law/Rule is but continue to be a Parasite!! It is difficult to think what these fools does think about themselves and the Guyanese people. What a bloody DISGRACE!!

compared to the lifetime parasitic activities of PPP and PNC, the man is an angel


He is crooked to swear that he is a Guyanese and should go to jail for that.

The crooked starts small and ends up big. He deserved what the got. He lied a long time ago that he applied to revoke this citizenship. He lied, jail he rass.

Sean posted:

He is crooked to swear that he is a Guyanese and should go to jail for that.

The crooked starts small and ends up big. He deserved what the got. He lied a long time ago that he applied to revoke this citizenship. He lied, jail he rass.

If he should go to jail...then Jagdeo should get the gallows


Bai, bring the proof in a court of law and prosecute na. All you blowing smoke, have been doing that same nonsense about Jagdeo for a very long time now. It is just that, smoke and hoax.

KN news pushed that nonsense and all you drank bottles and bottles of it.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

The banna is a crook. And he was knowingly admitted to join with ANUG.  Guess birds of a feather. Dr Asha should pull out of that unholy alliance.

Base, Ralf should have know better. Here is another third party who adds more salt to the wound created by AFC.

Seems our “top notch” constitutional lawyers ain’t so top after all.  He slipped up on the most basic.  

Asha needs to bail from that crooked old ship.  Leave them crooks to their own devices.

Ray posted:
Sean posted:

He is crooked to swear that he is a Guyanese and should go to jail for that.

The crooked starts small and ends up big. He deserved what the got. He lied a long time ago that he applied to revoke this citizenship. He lied, jail he rass.

If he should go to jail...then Jagdeo should get the gallows

Banna, shut poke!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

The banna is a crook. And he was knowingly admitted to join with ANUG.  Guess birds of a feather. Dr Asha should pull out of that unholy alliance.

Base, Ralf should have know better. Here is another third party who adds more salt to the wound created by AFC.

Seems our “top notch” constitutional lawyers ain’t so top after all.  He slipped up on the most basic.  

Asha needs to bail from that crooked old ship.  Leave them crooks to their own devices.

Asha is not without blame either. There is probably a larger need for real doctors than fake politicians in Guyana so she was ill advised to decide that she wants to run for President now.


AFC and now Shuman broke whatever little faith and appetite Guyanese have for third parties. I have said time and time again, this election is all about PPP and PNC with PPP trashing the PNC backside.

It will take another ten years before a credible third party emerges.

Ralph and his ANUS party will smell really bad after the election. That clown needs to ride off into the sunset and enjoy his retirement. He is like a spent tire. Dr. Ali will crush Ralph and his ANUS.

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:

Dem bounce out Lenox Shuman 'cause eee gat nuffin tuh wear.

Is that traditional for the Amerindians...for Shuman not to wear clothing??? If it is, why are the others wearing clothing?

jes askin.

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Dem bounce out Lenox Shuman 'cause eee gat nuffin tuh wear.

Is that traditional for the Amerindians...for Shuman not to wear clothing??? If it is, why are the others wearing clothing?

jes askin.

Jes askin?  We nah know either.

What I know, me ain't walking round in public looking fuh political marriage wid me bubby hanging out!

Ray posted:
Sean posted:

He is crooked to swear that he is a Guyanese and should go to jail for that.

The crooked starts small and ends up big. He deserved what the got. He lied a long time ago that he applied to revoke this citizenship. He lied, jail he rass.

If he should go to jail...then Jagdeo should get the gallows

What should happen to Granger, Hamilton Green and the rest of the murderers in the PNC? Should they be given the highest award in Guyana or Nobels?


The people of Guyana should make note of these mushroom night bus third parties. They are there today and gone tomorrow. Why waste your votes on them? They will not be able to represent you in parliament. Chase them out.

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Dem bounce out Lenox Shuman 'cause eee gat nuffin tuh wear.

Is that traditional for the Amerindians...for Shuman not to wear clothing??? If it is, why are the others wearing clothing?

jes askin.

Jes askin?  We nah know either.

What I know, me ain't walking round in public looking fuh political marriage wid me bubby hanging out!

hey hey hey

Granger doesn’t like Buck people, no buck bubbie for Granger.

A report in Guyana indicated that Granger sees himself as an elite black. He doesn’t shake hands with Linden blacks. Even we Bai Caribe mentioned this a few times about how Granger looks down at some blacks in Guyana. 
He probably thinks that he is like a Black Brahman. 

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Dem bounce out Lenox Shuman 'cause eee gat nuffin tuh wear.

Is that traditional for the Amerindians...for Shuman not to wear clothing??? If it is, why are the others wearing clothing?

jes askin.

The man gave up his cloths now they want the man to give up his Canadian citizenship also. See the eye pass.  All for choke and robb and racism against the black man Guyana.

Last edited by Prashad

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