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August 23 , 2020


Dear Editor,

Mr. Lenox Shuman no longer has any Liberty to do any Justice to his Party. His recent appointment as advisor on Civil Aviation is a clear conflict of interest with the mandate the Guyanese people gave him to be a legitimate third party force in parliament. How can he serve under the Jagdeo-Ali administration and at the same time hold it to account in parliament? We are literally asking Mr. Shuman to grade his own common entrance paper and I assure you jaws will drop when he arrives at the junction of Camp Road and Thomas Lands.

As for Mr. Ralph Ramkarran there is nothing new or united about him; he is only re-united with the PPP. I’m disappointed that this legal luminary and veteran politician has vacated his vision to create something new for the Guyanese people and has instead returned home to nest.

Inclusive government theoretically sounds plausible but if the PPP would like to pursue this route then Mr. Shuman must resign his seat in parliament and distance himself from the TNM-LJP-ANUG partnership. This is a matter of the separation of powers. We simply cannot have people who are part of the executive being a part of the legislature’s opposition at the same time.

Yours faithfully,

Othniel Lewis

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PPP is an all-inclusive party. They kept Carl Greenidge from the PNC. I see nothing wrong with the small parties taking positions in the government. They are not ministers in the cabinet. They will provide alternative ideas. These are some of the young "think outside the box) warriors(except Ralph).


As Lewis said, Shuman has a choice to make, or his people gun dump him like a hot potato. He can't serve two masters. Small parties are influenced by the temporary greed and in the end they lose everything.

Fitting square pegs in round holes is nothing new to the PPP, its the reason for their degrade in serving their voters.  

@Tola posted:

As Lewis said, Shuman has a choice to make, or his people gun dump him like a hot potato. He can't serve two masters. Small parties are influenced by the temporary greed and in the end they lose everything.

Fitting square pegs in round holes is nothing new to the PPP, its the reason for their degrade in serving their voters.  

Tola, The natives always support the PPP. I think they see an advantage in Shuman joining the PPP. Let's see where it goes from here. If they are unhappy with Shuman, they will express their anger. Remember Shuman did not get thousands of votes to claim a seat.

@Former Member posted:

Tola, The natives always support the PPP. I think they see an advantage in Shuman joining the PPP. Let's see where it goes from here. If they are unhappy with Shuman, they will express their anger. Remember Shuman did not get thousands of votes to claim a seat.

In our experience, the natives did not support the PPP. NGOs had to complete projects left unfinished in native villages during the last PPP government. Projects were initiated, but not completed and no one from GT did a completion report, yet the contractor got paid.

Non government agencies assisted native villages like Paramakatoi and Kangaruma, when the PPP government project failed.    

@Nehru posted:

Schuman is an EXPERT in Aviation. Great move by THE GREAT RESIDENT ALI. Guyana going to the Mountain Top!!

Eh eh Nehru Bhai. Everybady shud fasten dem seat belts. Guyana is about to take off to the moon  from dat mountain top.  


@Nehru posted:

Schuman is an EXPERT in Aviation. Great move by THE GREAT RESIDENT ALI. Guyana going to the Mountain Top!!

This government has shown in less than a month how they are open to hiring members of other parties including the PNC than the Coalition showed in 5 years. While the Coalition hymn and and haw about inclusiveness, the PPP is actually doing it right off the bat. Some of those who were calling for inclusive government are now criticizing the very thing they were calling for.

One more example where the Coalition talks whereas the PPP does.

@Tola posted:

In our experience, the natives did not support the PPP. NGOs had to complete projects left unfinished in native villages during the last PPP government. Projects were initiated, but not completed and no one from GT did a completion report, yet the contractor got paid.

Non government agencies assisted native villages like Paramakatoi and Kangaruma, when the PPP government project failed.    

We are talking apples and  oranges here. Yours is a personal experience. Politically, the natives always vote PPP.


O. Lewis wrote, "if the PPP would like to pursue this route then Mr. Shuman must resign his seat in parliament and distance himself from the TNM-LJP-ANUG partnership". Mr.Shuman is not switching parties if he does, then he will have to resign, that is the law.  Lots of assumptions. Not good for clarity.

@Ramakant-P posted:

O. Lewis wrote, "if the PPP would like to pursue this route then Mr. Shuman must resign his seat in parliament and distance himself from the TNM-LJP-ANUG partnership". Mr.Shuman is not switching parties if he does, then he will have to resign, that is the law.  Lots of assumptions. Not good for clarity.

Lewis clutching at straws. What he is advocating is that at any given time, only the party in government must participate in the business of contributing to Guyana.

@Former Member posted:

We are talking apples and  oranges here. Yours is a personal experience. Politically, the natives always vote PPP.

PPP won the Amerindian votes. It was not Shuman’s party!

@Former Member posted:

Much respect to Shuman though. He stood firm against the PNC rigging attempt.

I agree and not taking away anything. I was commenting on the joker who suggested the PPP don’t care for the natives. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I agree and not taking away anything. I was commenting on the clown who suggested the PPP don’t care for the natives. 

The PPP is the only party that has looked out for the interest of the original inhabitants of Guyana. Some PNC folk even foolishly argued that the Amerindians came after the Africans.


Shuman says Advisor job will not conflict with Parliamentary post

, Source - News Room - of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) Lenox Shuman [Photo: News Room]

Leader of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) Lenox Shuman says his new post as Advisor to the Minister of Public Works on Civil Aviation will not conflict with responsibilities as an independent Member of Parliament.

“I’m being hired in a technical capacity, it is not in a political capacity and it is an evolution. There is nothing in politics that is stagnant…and we have to be able to change with it,” the former Indigenous leader said.

Shuman’s new job was announced at the weekend but his name was submitted to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) weeks ago to serve in the National Assembly to represent the joinder list.

In an interview with the News Room, he said the agreement LJP signed with The New Movement (TNM) and A New and United Guyana (ANUG) will ensure that he represents all Guyanese and not just his employer in Parliament.

“If you look at the agreement…before we make decisions in the National Assembly, that has to be vetted and endorsed by all three parties so it’s not Lenox Shuman will walk in there like a lone ranger…to be able to disrupt or not disrupt. We signed an agreement and we intend on honouring that agreement,” he explained.

The LJP, TNM and ANUG formed a list joinder to contest the March 2, 2020 elections and together earned 5,214 votes to give them one seat in the National Assembly.

The LJP earned the majority of those votes followed by ANUG which is led by former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran.

Ramkarran too was appointed as a Government Advisor raising questions about his independence.

Shuman, however, believes that coming from different backgrounds and beliefs, the three parties together can be able to do what is needed to serve its voters.

He told the News Room in his new post will allow him to fulfil parts of the LJP’s constitution which were formulated to contest the 2020 elections.

“The LJP constitution said we will put national interest above party interest so it will be hypocritical of me to be offered something in the national interest and refuse because of party ideologies. We’re here for the national development

The former Indigenous Leader said the issue was also discussed with his party members where it was “agreed that we are going to work to fulfil our manifesto however we can get this done.”

Shuman has been a pilot since 1999 and says his knowledge and experience in this field will be used to ensure Guyana becomes the gateway to South America and also help the indigenous population since the majority of the hinterland villages are accessible by planes.

“We’ve not been able to grow the tourism industry, we don’t have direct access to Europe, six of the ten regions have indigenous people that require aviation to access them so it is a tremendous amount of work to be done and I think it gives me and our membership an opportunity to fulfill part of our manifesto,” he noted.

Shuman is the holder of Canadian and US Airline Transport Pilot License with Single and Multi-Engine Land and Sea Aircraft ratings.


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