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SHUT THIS UP!" Brett Kavanaugh Tells Senator Leahy To Let Him Finish Talking

micus Humani Generis, Published on Sep 27, 2018

"SHUT THIS UP!" Brett Kavanaugh Tells Senator Leahy To Let Him Finish Talking Today Brett Kavanaugh Hearing took place during which Christine Blasey Ford testify, and Brett Kavanaugh testify, this took place in senate judiciary committee, where brett kavanaugh testimony took place, this is news in politics from brett kavanaugh senate hearing this is latest news and breaking news in current events and business in us news

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Demerara_Guy posted:

A person seeking an appointment; from a first job to one of a judge on the supreme court - a lifetime appointment -; must always be calm and respectful under all circumstances.

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's behaviour shown publicly on the TV did not meet such standards.

I was actually a bit taken back by his tone.  However, I understand his feelings towards the deep state conspirators.  

The Democrats delayed the process hoping to win in the midterm and derail the nominee.  It was plain politics.  

Game over!

Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps, there may be a delay for about a week for further investigations to take place before the Senators take a position on Kavanaugh's outcome.

After watching the replays last night on TV, I have no issue with a short delay for an investigation. 

I hope this sends a signal to spoiled rich brats who think they can screw around and get away with the “affluenza” defense!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Come on people.  Have you seen what Blasted Ford look like?

Bibi, I’m only commenting on the “look like" thingy.   You know White women don't age like alyuh coolie gyaals.  That’s not a fair comment!

Coolie gyaals in dem 50s hot like a Chili Garam Masala, sweet like a sumutoo, ready anytime prime to lime and slime and dem gatt nuff nuff fiya in dem wiya.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Come on people.  Have you seen what Blasted Ford look like?

Bibi Gyal, at that time in high school those boys did not care what she looked like then. Regardless what she looked like then, he had no right to sexually abuse her. He was a rich privileged only child. He is no Don Juan himself. He might be giving me competition for being ugly. 

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Come on people.  Have you seen what Blasted Ford look like?

Bibi Gyal, at that time in high school those boys did not care what she looked like then. Regardless what she looked like then, he had no right to sexually abuse her. He was a rich privileged only child. He is no Don Juan himself. He might be giving me competition for being ugly. 

Tell she deh like dem boys say

Is not de face dat you f#@#  it's de f#@# dat you face.

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps, there may be a delay for about a week for further investigations to take place before the Senators take a position on Kavanaugh's outcome.

After watching the replays last night on TV, I have no issue with a short delay for an investigation. 

I hope this sends a signal to spoiled rich brats who think they can screw around and get away with the “affluenza” defense!

You forgot sleeping P grabber COSBy


2 Of Brett Kavanaugh's Former Classmates Withdraw Support For Him

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is losing support from former classmates who originally vouched for him. [POOL New / Reuters)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is losing support from former classmates who originally vouched for him. (POOL New / Reuters)

WASHINGTON ― Two former law school classmates of Brett Kavanaugh’s who previously vouched for him wrote to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday to say they are withdrawing their support for him because of “the nature” of his recent testimony.

“Under the current circumstances, we fear that partisanship has injected itself into Judge Kavanaugh’s candidacy,” Michael J. Proctor and Mark Osler say in a letter to Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the committee’s chairman and ranking member, respectively. “That, and the lack of judicial temperament displayed on September 27 hearing, cause us to withdraw our support.”

Proctor and Osler were among 23 classmates of Kavanaugh’s at Yale Law School who signed a letter in August pledging their support for his confirmation. At the time, they cited his “exemplary judicial temperament” as a reason for their support. But after watching Kavanaugh’s explosive behavior in his confirmation hearing as he addressed the sexual assault allegation against him by Christine Blasey Ford, the two former classmates say they can’t stand by him in his Supreme Court bid.

“The reason for our withdrawal is not the truth or falsity of Dr. Ford’s allegations, which are still being investigated, but rather was the nature of Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony,” they write. “In our view that testimony was partisan, and not judicious, and inconsistent with what we expect from a Justice of the Supreme Court, particularly when dealing with a co-equal branch of government.”

Meanwhile, three of Kavanaugh’s former clerks who had written a letter supporting him told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday that they want to clarify that they are “deeply troubled” by the sexual assault allegations against him.

“We write to clarify that, like many Americans, we have been deeply troubled by those allegations and the events surrounding them and were encouraged by the initiation of a formal FBI investigation, which we believe is warranted,” reads a letter signed by Will Dreher, Bridget Fahey and Rakim Brooks. “We hope, for the good of everyone involved, that this investigation will be independent and thorough.”

The FBI is investigating Blasey’s allegations that a drunken, high-school-age Kavanaugh pushed her into a room, pinned her on a bed, groped her and covered her mouth when she tried to scream. He has denied her allegation, along with allegations of sexual misconduct by him from two other women. Republicans gave the FBI one week to look into these claims.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is eager to put Kavanaugh on the court, regardless of the allegations against him, said Tuesday that he’s aiming to hold Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote this week.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

Looks like the Republicans will get him appointed.  They just want this to end. It will be a bad decision to have him appointed but it reflects the sad state of affairs in America today. 

The Democrats did not play all of their cards correctly and as such, it will be voted strictly on party lines. 

Just like GNI, PPP vs AFC/PNC. No middle ground.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Looks like the Republicans will get him appointed.  They just want this to end. It will be a bad decision to have him appointed but it reflects the sad state of affairs in America today. 

The Democrats did not play all of their cards correctly and as such, it will be voted strictly on party lines. 

Just like GNI, PPP vs AFC/PNC. No middle ground.

The Democrats demonstrated their strength and wisdom on this issue. The Republicans were firmly fixed on their "tunnel vision" to forge ahead with their approach totally unconcerned about the relevant issues.

Bottom line ...

1. At the senate hearings, Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford gave diametrically different statements.

2. The fundamental differences of statements should have been resolved to determine which one is correct and then a decision on the appointment.

Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:

Looks like the Republicans will get him appointed.  They just want this to end. It will be a bad decision to have him appointed but it reflects the sad state of affairs in America today. 

The Democrats did not play all of their cards correctly and as such, it will be voted strictly on party lines. 

Just like GNI, PPP vs AFC/PNC. No middle ground.

The Democrats demonstrated their strength and wisdom on this issue. The Republicans were firmly fixed on their "tunnel vision" to forge ahead with their approach totally unconcerned about the relevant issues.

Bottom line ...

1. At the senate hearings, Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford gave diametrically different statements.

2. The fundamental differences of statements should have been resolved to determine which one is correct and then a decision on the appointment.

Too bad.  Her statements could not be corroborated, end of story.  Alyuh go home and relax now. 

Alyuh rass better hope Judge Ruth hold out till after 2024.  But I think Trump will nominate a Liberal if need be.  Trump’s an honest and fair man. 

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:

Looks like the Republicans will get him appointed.  They just want this to end. It will be a bad decision to have him appointed but it reflects the sad state of affairs in America today. 

The Democrats did not play all of their cards correctly and as such, it will be voted strictly on party lines. 

Just like GNI, PPP vs AFC/PNC. No middle ground.

The Democrats demonstrated their strength and wisdom on this issue. The Republicans were firmly fixed on their "tunnel vision" to forge ahead with their approach totally unconcerned about the relevant issues.

Bottom line ...

1. At the senate hearings, Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford gave diametrically different statements.

2. The fundamental differences of statements should have been resolved to determine which one is correct and then a decision on the appointment.

Too bad.  Her statements could not be corroborated, end of story.  Alyuh go home and relax now.

There are no records from the proceedings which conclusively showed that her statements were/are not correct.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

The Democrats demonstrated their strength and wisdom on this issue. The Republicans were firmly fixed on their "tunnel vision" to forge ahead with their approach totally unconcerned about the relevant issues.

Bottom line ...

1. At the senate hearings, Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford gave diametrically different statements.

2. The fundamental differences of statements should have been resolved to determine which one is correct and then a decision on the appointment.

Too bad.  Her statements could not be corroborated, end of story.  Alyuh go home and relax now.

There are no records from the proceedings which conclusively showed that her statements were/are not correct.

6 or a half dozen, now go home a slice potatoe!


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