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Jagdeo :

needs to rid three words from his vocabulary:

  • Basically
  • Essentially
  • Actually

This set of filler adverbs adds no value or additional meaning to his speech. Moreover, using them diminishes his message and makes communication more difficult. This is ironic because "basically," "essentially" and "actually" are meant to streamline and simplify message.

Instead, they are nothing more than a distraction.

Basically, Don't Say Basically Anymore (

@Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo seems frustrated. For him to make that statement shows how uncongenial and unstatesmanlike he is. He needs to be reminded that almost half the populace did not vote for his party.

The "master" according to the Indo KKK PPP sycophants just put his hoof in his mouth. You are correct, half the population voted for the coalition and by default he just insulted all of them. Unity anyone?

But he doesn't care because his interest is Indian hegemony, thus he feels that he need only appeal to them. This is the same "master" who boldly talks about "all Guyanese" then makes statements like this. Politically unwise.

Same fool that wasted $200 million US building a white elephant sugar factory. But they keep clapping for the "champion". Sick bunch of people.

As far as his speech, worse than his diction is his sing song cadence that may belie his lack of testosterone.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

The "master" according to the Indo KKK PPP sycophants just put his hoof in his mouth. You are correct, half the population voted for the coalition and by default he just insulted all of them. Unity anyone?

But he doesn't care because his interest is Indian hegemony, thus he feels that he need only appeal to them. This is the same "master" who boldly talks about "all Guyanese" then makes statements like this. Politically unwise.

Same fool that wasted $200 million US building a white elephant sugar factory. But they keep clapping for the "champion". Sick bunch of people.

As far as his speech, worse than his diction is his sing song cadence that may belie his lack of testosterone.

he held campaign meetings in ny, toronto, etc. you should have heard de fine, charismatic speeches to lure supporters. he did everything to get his 4th term. now basking in his glory, we get this shameful racist talk. wonder how de PPP blacks feel

@Spugum posted:

why don't you focus for just a second on thr topic of what jagdeo said and stop with the strawman argument

The Percentage of votes for the PNC is not too perturbed about the President's comment. Only the fool who wants to make an issue of it. And they are like a few grains of salt added to the Atlantic Ocean. Amounts to no difference. You all making me getting to appreciate the President, you all making the man stronger with every comment. Then again, I am an Indian-heart of appreciation for where we at.

@Former Member posted:

...and you know this because one of your rising, hot air farts passed your ear and whispered it to you?

Because if they were pissed about his comment, man, kulie skont would have to hide from beating and raping. Not even Granger calling out his kith and kin. Only shitheads on here seems to be all worked up. Are you really brite?

@seignet posted:

Because if they were pissed about his comment, man, kulie skont would have to hide from beating and raping. Not even Granger calling out his kith and kin. Only shitheads on here seems to be all worked up. Are you really brite?

Can't help your racist inclination that black man ready to react violently to everything. When was the last time the black GDF had a coup against the PPP? When was the last time the black police force refused orders from the PPP?

The PNC was in opposition from 92 to 2015. How much did the black opposition beat alyuh and bun down de place?

Even the PPP thugs would disagree with you. Their supporters like Basebunta, etc. even boasted mightily about how the PPP had oppressed black people, to the extent they couldn't uprise.

Then alyuh, had free reign to set up yuh lil narco state. In 2015 onwards Guyana was taken off the list of narco states. Did you read about headless bodies showing up and huge drug shipments out of Guyana during the coalition term?

Suh stop talking SHIT about black people beating and raping. You and your ilk on backdam are so WEAK thinking that it seems you long to be beaten. Your constant harping on rape makes me think there is something REALLY dysfunctional about you.

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

Siggy, I hear dem boys say you're a sick puppy, Dah true?

Banna, if all it takes is for you to read this board to make you appreciate BJ well you must have always felt the love for him so doan try pull the wool over our eyes, you love a con man and those who make racist remarks such as your good friend Shelley.

Bhai, why yuh getting into our fite?

Indians would tell you Jagdeo is their leader, the Black man cannot piss around him, Dem gat mouth to talk, he gat mouth to talk to.

Guyana is ***ked. Jaggy taking it to the bell curve. After dat is a rollercoaster.

Who isn't a racist Guyanese?

Shallyv, not afraid to insult those who insults him.

Granger couldn't prove Jagdeo is a con-man.

PNC is not a saint. Dem say plenty nasty things too. Cut Jaggy some slack, mentally retarded was also quietly indicated by Granger.

@Former Member posted:

Can't help your racist inclination that black man ready to react violently to everything. When was the last time the black GDF had a coup against the PPP? When was the last time the black police force refused orders from the PPP?

The PNC was in opposition from 92 to 2015. How much did the black opposition beat alyuh and bun down de place?

Even the PPP thugs would disagree with you. Their supporters like Basebunta, etc. even boasted mightily about how the PPP had oppressed black people, to the extent they couldn't uprise.

Then alyuh, had free reign to set up yuh lil narco state. In 2015 onwards Guyana was taken off the list of narco states. Did you read about headless bodies showing up and huge drug shipments out of Guyana during the coalition term?

Suh stop talking SHIT about black people beating and raping. You and your ilk on backdam are so WEAK thinking that it seems you long to be beaten. Your constant harping on rape makes me think there is something REALLY dysfunctional about you.

But that is what your people do whenever you all go out in the street.

Bro, there is plenty hatred on both sides. Just reading you I can fell it.

@seignet posted:

But that is what your people do whenever you all go out in the street.

Bro, there is plenty hatred on both sides. Just reading you I can fell it.

Answer the questions in the post fraudie. When was the last time the black military or the black police overthrew or opposed the PPP? Why were you and Basekunt running around hay boasting about how alyuh and Ratman controlling black people? Yuh kyant have it both ways padna.

Your mind is deformed. Seems you can't process and think correctly.


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