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Silence put Soulja Bai in pickle


October 13, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, Source


News does fly. People hear that de United Nations Secretary General was going to come to Guyana and decide that de man coming to side wid dem on de Venezuela issue. De man land wid private jet and only a few reporters been at de airport. Most of dem didn’t believe that de man coming.

But Greenidge know fuh sure that Ban Ki Moon was going to be in Guyana suh he call de airport and tell de manager fuh get de cleaners to clean out and fresh up de VIP lounge.

Dem, boys seh that when de manager go looking fuh cleaners he couldn’t find none. He mek all dem plane delay because he offer good money to anybody who gun clean de VIP lounge. Everybody who been booking passenger fuh all dem plane lef de wuk. Was confusion.

When de man land Greenidge go out to meet him and remind dem boys of de singing group, ‘From boys 2 Men’. Ban Ki Moon is a short man but dem boys seh that it was a case of Gulliver in Lilliput. Ban Ki Moon was Gulliver.

But de visit is a mystery. Why de man had to come to Guyana by private jet and catch a passenger plane to go to New York? He coulda tek de same private jet and fly to New York. Something fishy happen and dem boys gun find out what.

Is de same way dem find out that when stupidness was sharing, some people tek all. From de time Sandra, not Soulja Bai wife, begin to examine de Ministers’ pay dem should ah mek some press statement that dem salary was getting examine. But dem sit down and shut dem mouth.

If only dem did do that then a second release telling de people that de examination done all de cussing dem getting now wouldn’t happen.

But dem just like de set who been before dem—everything is a secret. That is why dem paying. Even Chris ram who collect a bright small piece to do some audit tun round and claiming that dem shouldn’t have pay dem self.

De matron at de hospital was getting more than de minister but nobody didn’t seh nutten because dem didn’t know.

A still tongue keep a wise head but talking does mek some people keep dem head.

Talk half and pray that some people get sense.

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