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Silencing Minister Rohee a manifestation of the ‘Corbin syndrome’ : - House has become a laughing stock, with farcical charades being enacted everyday by a smug, sanctimonious opposition collectivePDFPrintE-mail
Thursday, 22 November 2012 23:13

THE ‘Corbin syndrome’ was the term coined by former President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo to describe Robert Corbin, and by extension the PNC’s proclivity to draw red herrings to cover their lack of vision that would engender developmental initiatives in Guyana. 


APNU’s Basil Williams being accused of using a wrong procedure to suspend the Standing Orders

And since the much-touted ‘new dispensation’ in the National Assembly last November, that hallowed House has become a laughing stock, with farcical charades being enacted everyday by a smug, sanctimonious opposition collective; because the AFC is integrally enclaved in the PNC catacombs.
Speaker Raphael Trotman clarified in Parliament yesterday a ruling on his suggestion of a new motion to sanction Minister Rohee by suggesting that any such matter should go
to the Committee of Privileges, which was rejected outright by the government because, by rights, as prescribed by parliamentary norms and procedures, only those who behave disorderly in Parliament should face sanction by the Committee of Privileges, and the Minister has not breached any of those parliamentary norms and procedures.
However, Trotman’s party members and APNU/PNC members are very guilty of this offence and they are the ones who should be facing the Privileges Committee.
Now a motion to gag the minister was tabled by the Opposition Leader David Granger.
The Prime Minister Samuel Hinds has rightly called the opposition antics in Parliament yesterday as ‘grotesque’.
Only someone very naive would believe that Trotman was not privy, and is part of, this strategy to effectively gag Minister Rohee, which puts the nation’s security further at risk.

Observers believe posterity will judge Raphael Trotman harshly for making a theatre out of the sacred National Assembly to serve the collective parliamentary Opposition (AFC and APNU), both to which he has affiliations.

As part of the pre-planned farce, the Speaker invited Minister Rohee to speak on his Firearms Bill but was interrupted by APNU’s Basil Williams on a ‘point of order’ to allow Granger's motion to gag Rohee.
PPP/C’s Chief Whip Gail Teixeira objected on the grounds that no group can suspend the Order Paper to allow Granger's motion
However, despite APNU’s Basil Williams being accused of using a wrong procedure to suspend the Standing Orders, which was admitted to by APNU's Deborah Backer and AFC’s Ramjattan, the Speaker of the National Assembly allowed it!
A debate raged over the appropriateness of APNU/AFC’s request to suspend the Standing Order as Minister Rohee awaited the Speaker’s permission to proceed with the Firearm Bill.
The charade continued as Trotman re-invited APNU's Williams to adhere to procedures in seeking the suspension. His earlier intervention was described as a "snafu."
The Speaker refused to take a position and put the matter to the House to vote on the suspension of the Standing Order, but Government MP Teixeira challenged the Speaker for breach of convention. "What is taking place is a different violates a sacrosanct cannot introduce a motion to suspend in the middle of a presentation...this is not turn this House into a mad house," she said. However, Trotman was adamant.

The Speaker Raphael Trotman invited Minister Clement Rohee to speak on his Firearms Bill but the minister was interrupted by APNU’s Basil Williams on a ‘point of order’ to allow David Granger's motion to gag Rohee.

Subsequently, the AFC joined APNU in voting in favour of the suspension of the Standing Order, effectively gagging Minister Rohee.
And while the joint opposition continues to stymie the people’s business from being addressed by their representatives, the retrogression is being felt by the private sector, because the negative impacts of the opposition gerrymandering is achieving its true intent and purpose – making the country ungovernable.
But the victims are the people of Guyana who, ironically put the joint opposition in Parliament to represent their interest. The question that now needs to be asked is whose interest are the antics of the opposition collective serving.
Posterity will judge Trotman harshly for making a theatre out of the sacred National Assembly to serve the oppositions, both to which he has affiliations.  In a position that demands partiality he has showed his prejudice over and over again. That bastion of freedom has been effectively used to foster opposition undemocratic behaviour, with full support by Trotman. History will judge him harshly.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This clementcoree is stress to the max,dont be surprise he hang himself.Pressure coming from all over now-COW AH GOH SLAUGHTER HOUSE HE AH $HIT ALL ABOUT.Bhar-wha-Rat getting belly-wuk,Robut is in bad shape already saying he might be next.AFC is rocking the House.


Keep up the good work AFC. For the first time in a long time Guyanese are seeing  democracy at work.


What is saving Clement Rohee right now is the PNC dictatorship constitution, which Dr Jagan said that nothing is wrong with.

Jagan was right because today the corrupt legacy and group of thieves that he left at Freedom House is making good use of it.


Come in Churchill!!

Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by Chief:

Keep up the good work AFC. For the first time in a long time Guyanese are seeing  democracy at work.


What is saving Clement Rohee right now is the PNC dictatorship constitution, which Dr Jagan said that nothing is wrong with.

Jagan was right because today the corrupt legacy and group of thieves that he left at Freedom House is making good use of it.


Come in Churchill!!

Last November the people have spoken. Ramotar needs to shed the herd mentality and move on with the people's business.


Ramotar can call a snap election. He was placed in a position with no proven leadership role and he knows it's highly likely that he can loose more than Rohee.


The government has lost confidence in the speaker – Ramotar

The PPP/C government has lost confidence in the speaker of the national assembly.

And this was confirmed by the President, while addressing the triennial congress of the party women arm, the Women’s Progressive Organisation, WPO.

The president says that confidence was lost after the speaker chose to take a political decision as opposed to being guided by the standing orders, the constitution and sound advice form the more experienced.

And speaker Raphael Trotman had indicated when he made his ruling on Thursday last, that if either side of the house lost confidence in him as the speaker, he would give up the job.

Meanwhile, in alerting the WPO of the existing threats to democracy in Guyana and calling on them to stand firm against those threats, the president pointed to the recent development in the national assembly and said that the opposition has not lost their dictatorial tendency.

The president went on to explain that what is unraveling on parliament is a continuation of the behaviour of the opposition when they loose an election.

He recalled the violence after the 97 and 2001 elections and concluded that the opposition was not ready to accept democracy in Guyana.


Speaker Raphael Trotman clarified in Parliament yesterday a ruling on his suggestion of a new motion to sanction Minister Rohee by suggesting that any such matter should go
to the Committee of Privileges, which was rejected outright by the government because, by rights, as prescribed by parliamentary norms and procedures, only those who behave disorderly in Parliament should face sanction by the Committee of Privileges, and the Minister has not breached any of those parliamentary norms



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

What is saving Clement Rohee right now is the PNC dictatorship constitution

From a staunch member of the dreaded terrorist PNC?

Or perhaps, Ramotar cyant find a suitable replacement. Jagdeo did not hesitate to remove Gaji.


AG moves to the high court against Speakers’ decision on Rohee

The attorney General Anil Nandlall today moved the court to seeking a hearing and a declaration that the decision and ruling of the Speaker of the house Raphael Trotman that the Motion, presented by opposition leader David Granger to the National Assembly November 22 prohibiting Minister Rohee from speaking and not recognising him as the Minister of Home Affairs is unlawful and unconstitutional. Nandlall is also seeking a ruling from the court that the Privileges Committee has no jurisdiction to deal with or determine any issue remitted to it by virtue of the aforesaid ruling of the Speaker. The attorney general is also seeking a court order that will set aside, vacate, quash or rescind the decision and or ruling of the speaker that the Motion presented by Granger prohibiting Rohee from speaking is unlawful and unconstitutional. The AG is also seeking from the court an order rescinding any decision and/or ruling of the Privileges Committee and an order directing the speaker to permit Rohee to not only perform his functions as an elected member of the National Assembly, but also as an appointed Minister of the Government pursuant to the Constitution and the Laws of Guyana


The attorney general is also seeking a court order that will set aside, vacate, quash or rescind the decision and or ruling of the speaker that the Motion presented by Granger prohibiting Rohee from speaking is unlawful and unconstitutional.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

the ppp crying like little wimps when they donot get their way,what a bunch of *****

Alyuh force election, yuh gon see.

So wah we gon see? you help out Lumbumba and Kwame to gun butt people from voteing booths?


The government has withdrawn its High Court challenge of the no confidence motion against Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee saying it has been overtaken by recent events with the efforts to gag the minister now before the National Assembly's Committee of Privileges.

The opposition in July used its one-seat majority to pass the motion which called on the minister to resign or the president to remove him from the post but neither calls was binding and the government immediately moved to the court challenging the motion.

Court papers seen by Demerara Waves Online News on Monday showed that Attorney General Anil Nandlall had filed a “notice of withdrawal and discontinuance” of the matter against the Speaker Raphael Trotman and Leader of the Opposition David Granger who was the originator of the motion.

“’The original has been overtaken by events,” Nandlall told DemWaves Monday evening, referring to Trotman’s ruling on November 22 that a new motion to gag the minister be sent to the privileges committee

The Speaker ruled that the motion in the name of Granger be dealt with at the committee to determine whether the Assembly had the power to gag the minister. He additionally ruled that bills and motions in the minister’s name would not be entertained before the committee’s finding with the government contending that he had given effect to the opposition motion.

Nandlall said the motion filed last week by the government incorporates the challenge to the no confidence motion and that it would be duplication to continue with that matter in light of the more recent development.

The motion is set to be heard before acting Chief justice Ian Chang at 10AM on Monday.

The AG last Tuesday asked the High Court to discard the decisions by Trotman to put the Rohee matter before the Privileges Committee and to prevent him from speaking in the House until the committee’s decision.

He wants the court to find that Trotman’s decision to prohibit or not recognize Rohee in tabling bills, motions or making other presentations in the House imposes a sanction on the minister without affording him any form of due process, natural justice and fairness and accordingly, that decision is unlawful, contrary to natural justice, irrational, null, void and of no effect.

The High Court was also asked to declare that the Privileges Committee had no jurisdiction to deal with or determine any issue remitted to it on the basis of the Speaker’s ruling on November 22.


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