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Former Member

I thought the PPP would be in a political campaign mode against the opposition rivals, but they're busy taking care of the country's business as usual. They're in preparation for Guy-Expo 2014, that is slated for Oct 02 - Oct 05, 2014.


I am surprise that they're calm in the face of serious accusation by Mr. Ramjattan, and the sodomy episode of the honorable speaker, Mr. Trotman. I am in great suspense to know what would be their next move. Fortunately, they're taking care of the nation's business and that's what matters right now.


Silly me, hoping for more gossip. Well, well.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

President tells UN Climate Summit…

President Donald Ramotar shares a light moment with Commonwealth Secretary-General, Mr Kamalesh Sharma during a meeting to discuss a range of issues on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York. β€˜Solutions to Climate Change demand requisite political will’

fool he is just inviting the man to a backball party

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

President tells UN Climate Summit…

President Donald Ramotar shares a light moment with Commonwealth Secretary-General, Mr Kamalesh Sharma during a meeting to discuss a range of issues on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York. β€˜Solutions to Climate Change demand requisite political will’

fool he is just inviting the man to a backball party

You know him well; he blackballed you already.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

President tells UN Climate Summit…

President Donald Ramotar shares a light moment with Commonwealth Secretary-General, Mr Kamalesh Sharma during a meeting to discuss a range of issues on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York. β€˜Solutions to Climate Change demand requisite political will’

fool he is just inviting the man to a backball party

You know him well; he blackballed you already.



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