Simple, fast, and tasty school lunch ideas with recipes
School’s back this week and that means school lunches are back on the menu.
If you’re anything like me, the idea of school lunches, no matter how well you start off, always seem to end right back at the old faithful sandwich. I may spend my days writing mainly about food, but I’m not one to spend time shaping Star Wars sandwiches or cutting pineapples into heart shapes. It’s more of a mad rush, getting up, fed, ready and out the door, with everyone’s sanity still intact.
In an effort to find some inspiration and new ideas on kids’ school lunches, I pulled in the pros. Local chefs Laura Jane Koers and Christine Tizzard are experts at making good food interesting.
Here are a few simple, fast and scrumptious ideas — and not a sandwich in sight — to bring new life to the dreaded lunch box and remember, the power of novelty is never to be underestimated.