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Originally Posted by asj:

Voting against the entire Budget would have the Corrupt PPP/C sweating and pissing their pants/panties.

Correction: The entire country will suffer the consequence and that will really put the joint opposition in boiling water for the rest of their political career. I dare them to try that stunt!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HAHAHA I DARE THEM!!!   And knowing those snakeoil Selling thieves, I bet they will NOT!!!!!!!!!!


Correct Bhai


Dem snake oil people got scared after the Sugar Workers told them to go cut cane and called Moses a dunce.


The opposition is most welcome to vote down a Budget. 

what an ignorant ass. The constitution demands they vote it down! The haggling are for the reasons for doing so thus obviating a sterile exercise! If they do not provide reasons and alternatives etc why would one expect the Finance Minister to ever know how to  conceive a compromise?


Under this ruling the opposition can only vote down the budget. If  the party in power does not find a mediating way they are compelled to call an election. The budget process under this interpretation makes elections a yearly possibility. No Nation can be run that way.


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