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February 14 ,2021


While trumpeting plans for hydropower and natural gas, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh on Friday announced that government will put $2 billion into the Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL) to clear inherited arrears even as it works to position the company to meet expanding demand on the national grid.

During his national budget presentation on Friday in the National Assembly, Singh said successive PPP/C governments have long recognised that the single biggest impediment to accelerated economic and social development is the absence of adequate, affordable, and reliable energy, with dependence on aged fossil-fuel based generation, inadequate generating capacity, a porous transmission and distribution network resulting in high technical losses, along with high levels of commercial losses being among the key challenges.

Against this background, he said the government would once again seek to make the controversial Amaila Falls Hydropower project a reality to ensure “sustainable, cheap and reliable hydropower,” while also mentioning previously announced plans for key studies to inform government’s technical considerations to land the gas-to-shore project and bring an associated  power plant into operation by mid-2023.

At the same time, he noted, plans to continue to invest in GPL and encourage policy initiatives to meet and eventually surpass the ever-expanding demand placed on our national grid. He said GPL is currently executing fundamental infrastructure investments to promote loss reduction and improve the performance of its power distribution networks. He mentioned the $2 billion budgeted to continue clearing the stock of receivable arrears inherited at GPL.

Singh also said a sum of $700 million has been budgeted for the installation of 10 mini-grids and 4 off-grid systems in 2021. “This will provide a total of 1.472 KW of installed solar capacity, thereby generating 5,305 KWh of electricity,” he explained, while naming Sebai, Iwokrama, Waramadong, Paruima, Kurukabaru, Annai, St. Monica, Karaburi, Capoey, Whyaka, and Loo Creek as being areas that will benefit.

He said, too, that solar farms will be installed at Mahdia and Leguan, and work will continue on solar farms at Bartica and Lethem. Additionally, he noted that two mini-hydropower plants, at Kumu and at Moco-Moco, will be tendered this year and construction will commence. He also said the 150 KW Kato hydro project will also be substantially completed in 2021. Sums totalling $840 million have been budgeted to cover these projects, he added.

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People in Charge, concentrate a lil bit on Industries on the coast. Is not like yuh nah wasting money on these projects mentioned. Suh waste some on the coast and put people to wuk on the coast.


Guyana has.oil! Guyana doesn't have the refined products of.oil! Industries, whether in times of war or peace, run.on the refined products of oil! Refined products cost.more than unrefined.oil! Build your fing refinery! Or sell oil cheap and buy refined.products for more than you get for the oil!


I was commenting on all dem Industrial Estates the PPP created through out the coast of the country. They are starved for power from GPL or expensive power or power that destroys their equipment. Concentrate on that, it will give ppl wuk and companies can expand, thereby creating a self progressive enviroment.

@Django posted:

Singh touts hydropower, natural gas plans

February 14 ,2021   Source

Against this background, he said the government would once again seek to make the controversial Amaila Falls Hydropower project a reality to ensure “sustainable, cheap and reliable hydropower,” while also mentioning previously announced plans for key studies to inform government’s technical considerations to land the gas-to-shore project and bring an associated  power plant into operation by mid-2023.

Development of the Amelia Falla Hydropower project would provide a more sustainable source of energy for industrial developments plus for consumer uses.

@Former Member posted:

Development of the Amelia Falla Hydropower project would provide a more sustainable source of energy for industrial developments plus for consumer uses.

So what happens right now?

Gas or Dam takes about 5 years.

@seignet posted:

People in Charge, concentrate a lil bit on Industries on the coast. Is not like yuh nah wasting money on these projects mentioned. Suh waste some on the coast and put people to wuk on the coast.

There is no waste. You need the energy to make business more progressive.


Issues between Egypt and Ethiopia for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam are unrelated to those for a hydropower project in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
@seignet posted:

So what happens right now?

Gas or Dam takes about 5 years.

While the construction of a hydropower project could take 5_plus years to be completed, such projects are far more economical that gas and other sources.

Of note, gas and other sources indeed have a presence in places which cannot be served by hydropower projects.

Generally ...

Hydropower plants can last for 80 or more years.

Gas power plants lasts for about 30 years.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

While the construction of a hydropower project could take 5_plus years to be completed, such projects are far more economical that gas and other sources.

Of note, gas and other sources indeed have a presence in places which cannot be served by hydropower projects.

Generally ...

Hydropower plants can last for 80 or more years.

Gas power plants lasts for about 30 years.

DG, I got to.thinking about this gas-to-shore project so dear to PPP hearts! That lady expert on gas recommended that Guyana shouldn't get.into any gas business! What if this is a deal to pay back Exxon for helping the PPP get back into power?. Exxon stands to gain from.this.because the gas would be just burnt off.and wasted! It makes no sense as Guyana doesn't have the technical ability to deal with any deep sea problems when Exxon and other oil.compamies leave!  What then? Guyana would be left with.the problem of finding alternate sources.for supplying the gas! Importing liquified gas? A further waste of money and years of problems again! It's solution, I know, but wouldn't building a refinery be far more useful and money-saving when built  in the same this gas-to-shore hub would be built? And with.less chances for padding, I know, Jagdeo (be content with.what you already have! Politicians still run for the border, y'know)! The refined oil can be used by.the electricity supplier and even.if the oil.runs out, Guyana can always buy oil for refining! And these wind farms are unsightly! In either scenario, the solving of the electricity problem will take time! The gas-to-shore hub will not be built overnight nor will a refinery! But a refinery will have less problems because it will be built on the land, with ready availability for ALL industries! Not just gas! And less paddings and kickbacks!

Tell Exxon they can.keep their white elephant! You've got what you schemed for, conniving.Jag! Go try to grow more hair by.scheming.less!

Last edited by Former Member

I saw this documetary last night, a huge volcano would do the whole earth in. Apparently, there were two huge ones already millions of years ago. It killed everybody except Africans. Migration moved them along the Arabian sea coast line. The second volcano killed everybody once again, then ice came upon the planet. Only the Negroloid race survived in South India, they then breed all the other races ppl we have today.

Pumping all that oil is going trigger such a volcano.

@seignet posted:

I saw this documetary last night, a huge volcano would do the whole earth in. Apparently, there were two huge ones already millions of years ago. It killed everybody except Africans. Migration moved them along the Arabian sea coast line. The second volcano killed everybody once again, then ice came upon the planet. Only the Negroloid race survived in South India, they then breed all the other races ppl we have today.

Pumping all that oil is going trigger such a volcano.

Who the fk cares, seiggy? In the long run, as Keynes said, we're all dead anyway!


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