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Rishi Bharrat

Priest, Rishi Bharrat

September 3 ,2021


Six men were today remanded to prison over the murder of Crabwood Creek Hindu Priest, Rishi Bharrat, who was fatally beaten in front of his house on Saturday evening.

Devendra Khemraj also know as `Baya’, Ramzan Ally also known as `Jack’, Javed  Ghandie also known as `Stempid’, Anil Angersham, Gregory Tejpertab also known as `Greg’ and Vidaianand Khemraj appeared at the Number 51 Magistrate’s Court where they were read the charge of murder.

The men appeared before Magistrate Alex Moore and were not required to plead to the charge.

They were all remanded to prison on October 14, for reports.

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No friken way, you mean all dis dam time I hear Indoes are angels, it gotta be blacks using dem names.

If all ten of them laid a hand on the guy, they should all be punished, not one taking the blame, one for all and all for one.

@Django posted:

They grow up under your beloved President Ratman.

All this talk about the "lazy, violent black man" and yet Indians kill more of their own Indians in Guyana. Worse than the pandemic for DECADES! And this doesn't even include the high levels of abuse in their villages.

And here this old skont Seignet talking about their "anxieties" and "fears" and "understanding".

Look at the shit they meted out to this poor man. Violent, thuggish, barbaric killing. Yeah, but black man is the problem.


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