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Gang raped boy remains traumatised,

non-responsive -

50/50 chance of him returning to normalcy

Why do Jagdeo followers

support, Practice or Defend Buggery....


Which Indian will practice

this Nastiness ......

or want Kwame with them 


DOCTORS at the Georgetown Public Hospital(GPH) reportedly have told the mother of “Ravo” that he has been severely traumatised by the gang rape he sustained at the hands of 10 men on December 31, 2014 and his chances or returning to a normal life are now “50/50.” 


This is according to the 18- year-old’s mother Deomattie Persaud, who spoke with the Guyana Chronicle late yesterday afternoon at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

Skeldon why are you still supporting

Kwame, PPP & Buggery?


In the company of her reputed husband and another relative, the woman said doctors confirmed that her son was raped repeatedly and that he was non-responsive, not talking and eating and is unable to independently relieve his bowels.


Skeldon what would you do

if this was your child?


Would you still follow Yuji Blindly?


According to the woman, she was not initially pleased with the attention her child received at the West Demerara Hospital and had to request that doctors there examine her son to see if his claim of being raped was accurate.

PPP boasting ....

2600 Cuban Train Doctors.....

like Dr, Dr, Dr, Dr, Dr Jagdeo

all dem Cuban Docta Quacking

 Buggery is no Crime .....




The woman recounted her son’s horrible ordeal as was related by him to her. She said that her son also implicated the uncle of his friend; his friend’s name was given as Romel and according to her, after the boys did what they did to him and he reported it to the adult, the adult then went to the young men and together they decided to dump him out of the house and threatened to shoot him after he refused to move from the door due to the pain he was experiencing and his inability to move.

Romel & His Uncle say.....

Long live Kwame & Jagdeo....

PPP like Buggering....



Persaud said that her son met Romel at a Supermarket where the two worked and she admitted that she had seen Romel previously, as her son introduced him as a friend of his. The woman said that the police began investigating the matter, but someone went and deliberately stated to the police that her son was out of sorts and that he was never of a sound mind; hence his claims cannot be substantiated.


Why the PPP

Quiet & Defending Buggery

Rohee is the PPP General Secretary

Rohee is Minister of Home Affairs...

Rohee in Charge of the Police....



Persaud is however adamant that her son was a healthy young man and had two jobs prior to the incident on Old Year’s night.

She told this publication that her son now appears to be out of sorts, but that it has to do with the shock and trauma that he is experiencing; something that she said doctors did confirm when they related to her that his new behaviour was one consistent with being traumatised and that he has a 50/50 chance of returning to his normal self.


WE cannot Blame de PNC

or Blackman....


We Blame those in the PPP

who Support, Practice & Defend




Yesterday this newspaper was able to confirm that the police had arrested Romel, who is said to have encouraged the gang-rape of the teenager.

He was reportedly being held at a West Demerara police station up to late yesterday.

(By Leroy Smith)

Skeldon do you expect

the people from West Demerara

to Vote for PPP, Kwameism or Buggerism...






Remove PPP & Close Rita Shop


Replies sorted oldest to newest

GuySuCo cannot cover its operating costs


It is most tragic that GuySuCo has found itself in such a difficult position again at the end of 2014, where it is no closer to covering its operating costs. Twelve months have passed and the industry remains stuck in time, as the fundamental of the muddle remains unsolved – namely the Skeldon Sugar Factory.
The Skeldon Factory was positioned to be that state-of-the-art facility designed to reduce the cost of production and increase sugar production. Since it started production in 2008, it has contributed to neither of these noble objectives, compared to the performance of the old colonial sugar factory that was disbanded.
Today, GuySuCo is producing sugar at more than US$0.32 per pound when the world market price floats between US$0.15 –US$0.18 per pound. (See chart)  Even with slightly better prices available to GuySuCo, the business is still SELLING A PRODUCT that is making an average loss of US$0.10 per pound, which the taxpayers will again be called upon to fund. The arithmetic clearly points to GuySuCo asking the Treasury in 2015 for a further G$7 billion.

graph copyThe Skeldon Factory has burdened the people of Guyana with a PRICE TAG of some G$47 billion so far and the cost seems to be mounting every single day.  In addition to this core cost, the people had to “dish-out” some G$18 billion since 2008 to support the industry, principally as a result of the under-performance of this Skeldon Factory.  With this additional G$7 billion “bail-out” expected in 2015, the total financial support to this failed Jagdeo project will tally at some G$72 billion by June 2015.  To what end?  Has the unit cost of production reduced?  Certainly not!
With respect to GuySuCo, I am again suggesting that we frame the problem within the context of the profit and loss statement per estate and take decisive action on what those numbers instruct. If we cannot make hard decisions on the cost then clearly we are just kicking the “bucket with the hole” down the road and not mending it.
Trucking a couple hundred of sugar workers to Parliament to protest for a CONTINUATIONof this failed PPP strategy is just absurd.  For how long will the PPP continue to pour good money into a project without being transparent with the people and revealing to them the facts and a strategy on how they will end this drain on the Treasury?
Whatever happened to the Booker-Tate plan to produce raw sugar in Guyana at US$0.15 per pound?  It might be a good base document to revisit.
Sase Singh

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Guyanese president visit Valsad sugar factory



This picture was taken on January 9th, 2014 in India at a Sugar Factory.  What you all people think?


Bags under his eyes?????



SORRY January 9th, 2015.  BEEF STAKE!


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