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Former Member

Guyanese nature must be reformed before acting irrationally to judge someone without any knowledge of knowing that person. I was warned about this bullying tactic used by individuals to scared off new comers, but I was surprised to get picked on the first day of posting. Today, I want to confront my fears and put the bully in his place.

Poster: Sheldon _man

Rambo, I think I know who you are. Don't go about playing the fool. This is one of you many aliases. Maybe your fadda recommended you?


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Rambo posted:

Guyanese nature must be reformed before acting irrationally to judge someone without any knowledge of knowing that person. I was warned about this bullying tactic used by individuals to scared off new comers, but I was surprised to get picked on the first day of posting. Today, I want to confront my fears and put the bully in his place.

Poster: Sheldon _man

Rambo, I think I know who you are. Don't go about playing the fool. This is one of you many aliases. Maybe your fadda recommended you?


Dang Stallone, a man can't even have an opinion or suspicion. Don't go beheading people for having a suspicion. I might be wrong. But if this is your first time posting here, you are one brave man. You post like a veteran here.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Is he Mitwah incarnated as a PPP supporter? Or is it Kari or D2 reincarnated?

Drugb, I have my suspicions. it's not any of the 3 mentioned above. Check Rambo's profile and his email.

Gilbakka posted:

Finally, Skelly now meet up with his meter. I was wondering who would be brave to confront him as Warrior used to do. Now, I think Rambo is the man for the job. A veteran of the US Navy, he is a true warrior. Welcome aboard, Rambo!!!

Oh ye of little faith. How easily you could be fooled. It's good you welcome Sylvester on the board. I will with hold my welcome until I see how "Mahatma Trump" does. I will stand up to this Rambo dude. He will not be posting very often...hey, I outed Radha, Cain(at one time) and our famous JB. Don't sell me short.


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