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Sleep-In owner accused of harassing elderly blind man for property

September 21, 2014 | By

Clifton Bacchus, the owner of Sleep-In Hotel, is being accused of forcing a 91-year-old visually impaired


Home Owner Joshua Hector

Home Owner Joshua Hector


man to sell his Hadfield Street property for $30M. According to Joshua Hector, 91, he has lived in the same property since 1974 with his wife and children, but five years ago things took a turn for the worse when Bacchus began actively pressuring him to sell his property. Hector said that two close relatives tried to sell the property to Bacchus without his knowledge but did not succeed. When contacted, Bacchus, the owner of Sleep-In Hotel, said that ten years ago one of  Hector’s sons did ask him to make an offer which he did. The offer was for $30 million but the elderly blind father Joshua, said that he was not selling his home so it fell through. Ever since then Hector told Kaieteur News that Bacchus has been trying to get him to sell his property, something he said he would not do as long as he lives. His property is located directly between two buildings owned by Bacchus. Hector told Kaieteur News that five years ago when the hotel was being constructed on Brickdam he was approached again but he did not accept the offer. The man alleges that as construction progressed, the hotel began to expand towards his backyard. Hector said that another son, Calvin, went to the City Engineer’s Department at City Hall to a lodge a complaint but nothing came of the compliant. Joshua Hector told this publication that an extension to the hotel began about three years ago. He said that as this extension progressed they began to encroach on his fence. He said that the hotel owner along with the contractor eventually broke down the fence and erected a longer concrete one in his yard. Hector said that the hotel owner also constructed two large sheds at the side of his home. “They built the sheds…so now all the water runs into my yard”. Also with the construction of the fence, the drainage in his yard became non-existent. After the second construction,

The Property at the center of the dispute, on the building next to it is the Sleep-In Hotel.

The Property at the center of the dispute, on the building next to it is the Sleep-In Hotel.


Hector said that he and a son went to the City Hall for a second time. This time several surveying officers came to assess the problem. They determined on the spot that Bacchus had encroached onto Hector’s property. However, even though the surveyors found this out, nothing much was done to have Bacchus reevaluate the property lines. Hector said they never heard back anything from City Hall since January 2013. Hector said that he has tried numerous times to get the issue highlighted in the press but to avail. “I tried to get everybody to know what’s going on,” Hector told Kaieteur News. Further, Hector said that he has never attempted to get the courts of Guyana involved since he believes it’s a “waste of time”. “Those matters take time and in most cases they rule in favour for the people with money.” Bacchus said that the Hector children and his father went to school together and he respects the family. “I don’t interfere with him. The problem is that when guests of the hotel look out of the window they see this old building in which Joshua Hector lives.” Bacchus said that he has to live with the fact that a man has his home and he has to live with that.

SleepIn owner threatens legal action again


Dear Sir,
I act on behalf of Mr. Clifton Bacchus, Proprietor of the SleepIn International Hotel of 24 Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown, Guyana.
On Sunday, the 21st day of September, 2014, the Kaieteur News published an article under the caption ‘SLEEP-IN OWNER ACCUSED OF HARASSING ELDERLY BLIND MAN FOR PROPERTY’.  The clear intention of that publication was to convey to your readership that my client is harassing, coercing and/or otherwise unduly influencing Joshua Hector, his neighbour, to sell his property to him.
It is obvious that your newspaper is continuing its campaign against my client, using it as a weapon to defame him and damage the goodwill and image of his business. As a result, my client was, in the recent past, forced to institute legal proceedings against you, including seeking and obtaining injunctive reliefs.
Notwithstanding, you have continued your unwarranted, personal vendetta against my client. This most recent publication is yet another example.
Further, I am instructed to set the record straight on this matter. I do so now.
1.   My client was approached several years ago by the children of Joshua Hector, with a proposal for sale of the said property to him. During the negotiations connected therewith, Joshua Hector refused to sell and that was the end of the process.
2.   Over the last decade, my client has enjoyed a harmonious and amicable relationship with the said gentleman, to the point where he allows agents and/or servants of my client to access his premises to facilitate necessary works to my client’s property, when the need arises.
3.   Over the last decade, my client has never received a single complaint from Joshua Hector regarding drainage or other issues whatsoever in relation to the contiguous properties.
Please be informed the aforesaid publications are indisputably libellous and have caused my client great public ridicule, odium, contempt, embarrassment, humiliation, both locally and internationally, and have caused disparage to my client as well as to his business.
In the circumstances, I am instructed to demand, as I hereby do, that you publish a retraction of the libellous statements of and concerning my client along with an unreserved apology, giving same, equal or greater prominence than that enjoyed by the libellous statements, within 24 (twenty four) hours from the date hereof. If you fail to do so, I have instructions to institute legal proceedings against you and the publisher of the Kaieteur News.
The public is not unaware that the very vendetta, to which Kaieteur News claims to be subjected by others, is now being frequently practised by it on a regular basis. My client is a victim, as he has firsthand experience.
Sase R. Gunraj

Editor’s note: 
Readers would recognize that the publication intended no malice. It contained comments by the homeowner and the newspaper was at pains to call and solicit a comment from Mr. Clifton Bacchus whose comments were included in the story.
The newspaper was merely reporting the complaints of a frustrated old man, a man with whom Bacchus said he had no problem and we believe him.


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