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Family bemoans  slothfulness of Police

Corentyne chopping incident…

– Attacker yet to be arrested

The family members of a Corentyne, Berbice, man who was allegedly chopped several times about his body by his brother-in-law, have accused the Police of being slothful in their response to the incident that could have led to the man’s death. They are therefore urging the authorities to carry out a speedy investigation and arrest the man they said threatened the young man’s life by physically assaulting him.

A blood soaked Davindra Nathoo after allegedly being chopped by his brother-in law

A blood soaked Davindra Nathoo after allegedly being chopped by his brother-in law

The family of 25-year-old Davindra Nathoo of 146 Albion, Corentyne, Berbice, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) allege that the young man was seriously injured by his brother-in-law; however, although the Police received all evidence to support their claim, the authorities have failed to arrest and charge the accused.

According to Uma Devi Nathoo, her brother Davindra, called “Raju” was severely chopped about his body last Sunday evening by Avenash Rambharose; the brother of his ex-wife, stemming from reports his ex wife made to her brother.

She explained that her brother and his wife, who have been separated for some nine months, were in an altercation last Sunday when he dropped off the first of their two children to her home after spending time with them that day.

She went on to say that when her brother dropped off the child, the child’s mother, Rehanna Rambharose refused to accept the young child, claiming that she did not hand him over in the condition he was in upon his return. According to her, every attempt by her brother to leave the child was thwarted.

He then reportedly returned home, where his family members took the child to the Police station, where a report was made. The female Nathoo said that her family then took it upon themselves to take the child to his mother. However, the young mother again refused to accept the child, after which an argument broke out between the Rambharose and Nathoo’s mother. That argument led to a physical brawl between the two women.

Nathoo said her brother later tried to part the fight. However, Rambharose claimed that she was assaulted by her ex husband. She later made this report to the Police station and subsequently her brother, who later went in search of the young man.

When he found Davindra in a cross street, he dealt the man several chops about his body, including his head and chest. Accroding to family members, although the young man was taken to the Police station, and statements were taken, Police have failed to arrest and charge the aggressor accordingly.

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