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What is happening in Guyana is nothing short of a slow-moving coup

Dear Editor,

A few millennia ago, an ambitious Roman general was given control of the province of Gaul. Among the wealthiest, it was considered a plum political position. He previously had a brief tenure as governor of Spain, a much smaller province. While in Gaul, he exploited tribal differences, acquiring plunder and amassing tremendous power through wealth and a well-trained military. When he was eventually summoned to Rome by a Senate that queried his rapid acquisition of military might, the general marched his army across the Rubicon and seized control of Rome. Installing himself as ‘dictator for life’, using a series of legal maneuvers he managed to turn Rome into an autocracy for about a year. 

Perhaps this is what we are facing in Guyana. A series of events that are leading to the attempted establishment of an illegitimate government with an almost pharisaical approach to governing by the rule of law. While we do not appear to be encountering any generals such as the brilliant, clever and ambitious Gaius Julius Caesar, we certainly do have a situation whereby the current outdated and outvoted leadership is seeking to be proclaimed ‘Dictator perpetuo’ rather than the more mundanely democratic ‘duly elected leader’.

What is happening in Guyana is nothing short of a slow-moving coup, a term heard often to describe the mostly bloodless seizing of power by those who hold officialdom’s reins. It is born of the madness that has clearly consumed those in Guyana who purport to be in ‘government’ at the moment. By even using the word ‘government’ one needs to ignore the threatening nausea caused by the thought that Guyana does not have elected officials with ‘lawful control over the affairs of a nation’ (ref Webster’s), but rather a group, or cabal with dominion that hopes to reign over whatever hell they continue to create in the country. 

Mind you, unlike Caesar’s time, when a ‘dictator’ was technically a magistrate who ruled for a prescribed period, after which power would be surrendered, it does not appear as though power will be willingly surrendered, even after an election that has verifiably demonstrated that over 50% of the electors voted for someone else. 

When did we decide that ‘dictator perpetuo’ would be Guyana’s established method of governance? Did we not conduct this experiment before? Wasn’t an attempt already made to conjure up the ghost of the most famous-est past dictator? That didn’t seem to work, unless one counts the current legal voodoo-istic measures that invoke the powers of Guyana’s legal system. An institution within which somewhat ephemerally, arbitrarily, the practitioners are free to pronounce like wizards. 

Truly, I have wondered often about the mysterious legal system in Guyana, as to mere mortals it does appear to be a bastion of ‘summoning’ rather than the practice of mere law. Really, what could be more tortuous than what is currently being experienced at the hands of the ‘legal system’ right now? Does it not smack of devilry rather than ‘the law’?

Dredging up Julius Caesar as a last resort to understanding why anyone would want to subvert a Republic and the wishes of its populace has got to be a new low. Rome’s wanna-be dictator, at least, had a number of notable achievements for the state under his belt. He efficiently conquered errant peoples in the provinces and brought Rome enormous wealth. He consolidated personal military power while demonstrating his genius at military campaigning. Nothing as fabulous is remotely evident in the current dispensation that comprises the ‘government of Guyana’.

There are no useful words to describe what is currently happening here. A country that has already had its psyche and sense of self strafed by one would-be dictator, finds itself 35 years after his death facing a prolonged strafing by a poor man’s junta. Disgusting and shameful, as if Jonestown was not enough. 

You, Guyana’s leaders, those who would hold our country hostage via the occasionally make-believe realm of the courts…none of you are Julius Caesar, and Guyana is no Rome. We have no vote by landed gentry nor a highfalutin all-male Senate. We have the vote of the people and they have spoken since March 2nd, 2020. Leave. Go. Take your ill-begotten or legal gains, whatever they are, let our country be. Let it heal, let our many races and ethnicities and peoples start to face a future together…a future that has been dramatically altered by a modern plague.

Yours faithfully,

Scheherazade Ishoof Khan    

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hey hey hey...ayoo hear what abie pot solt TK seh pon de lady letter:


Excellent letter Scheherazade! Indeed, it appears to be a crawling or rolling coup. This is the latest manifestation of a several decades-old conflict between the leaders of the two dominant ethnic groups. I would say quite predictable and no surprise to me. The recent iteration of the conflict was the no-confidence motion. But the cold conflict goes back decades. I don't accept coups but as an analyst and theorist, I have to watch and write about the unfolding show. I have cassava/plantain chips and queso since I really don't like pop corn.


The Chairman of the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA) Lt. Col. Leslie Anthony Sobers and the five board members were, this evening, sworn in by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo at the Officials.

Scheherazade Ishoof Khan ,is she the same person sworn in as board member of GNBA ?

@Django posted:

The Chairman of the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA) Lt. Col. Leslie Anthony Sobers and the five board members were, this evening, sworn in by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo at the Officials.

Scheherazade Ishoof Khan ,is she the same person sworn in as board member of GNBA ?

Yes. Like thousands of us, she campaigned for APNU+AFC in 2015 but got fed up with their maladministration. BTW, her father was a high-profile GDF officer who hoisted Guyana's Golden Arrowhead atop Mount Ayanganna on May 26, 1966, Independence Day.


Khan is only pleading. Common sense is nulled at this time.

There is no slow moving coup. A coup has already happened, Granger is the army. He knows that. 

The army and the police is predominantly black. THEY ARE NOT INDEPENDENT thinking.

BLM gat their wishes in Guyana. Let us see if the Whiteman goan help.


@Former Member posted:

Yes. Like thousands of us, she campaigned for APNU+AFC in 2015 but got fed up with their maladministration. BTW, her father was a high-profile GDF officer who hoisted Guyana's Golden Arrowhead atop Mount Ayanganna on May 26, 1966, Independence Day

Had a feeling ,they are related.  So what's the huge maladministration ? 

Most Guyanese knows many Fraud was committed in the March 2 ,2020 Elections ,there should be no President sworn in by FRAUDULENT Elections.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Still wonder how some people did not cry fraud when Mingo declared results from spreadsheet

Dem same people never cry fraud when Burnham used to put gun at Indian heads and take their ballot boxes!  Is a PNC thingy!

@Django posted:

Had a feeling ,they are related.  So what's the huge maladministration ? 

Most Guyanese knows many Fraud was committed in the March 2 ,2020 Elections ,there should be no President sworn in by FRAUDULENT Elections.

So you say, but it was the PNC who got control of the election machine.

So tell us how the PPP rig the election.

The Burnham constitution worked against his PNC when Blacks voted against the PNC.   Granger thought he had a monopoly on the Douglas and Amerinds but he was wrong.   You cannot take the Presidency by being an obstructionist and a bully.

Viola Lawrence said it not me.   Django, you can't deny the facts..   


@Ramakant-P posted:

So you say, but it was the PNC who got control of the election machine.

So tell us how the PPP rig the election.

The Burnham constitution worked against his PNC when Blacks voted against the PNC.   Granger thought he had a monopoly on the Douglas and Amerinds but he was wrong.   You cannot take the Presidency by being an obstructionist and a bully.

Viola Lawrence said it not me.   Django, you can't deny the facts..   


Nothing can convince supporters of the PPP ,only PNC can rigged elections ,PPP are saints.


These APNU supporters on forum is starting to become they even saying PPP and Jagdeo are saints.Get ahold of yourselves and deal with the loss amicably. How come them SARU guys didn’t put the PPP thieves in jail. Who emptied the treasury in last 5 years? 

@Ace posted:

These APNU supporters on forum is starting to become they even saying PPP and Jagdeo are saints.Get ahold of yourselves and deal with the loss amicably. How come them SARU guys didn’t put the PPP thieves in jail. Who emptied the treasury in last 5 years? 

Jagdeo is called a saint by some, because he is perceived of doing no wrong. His track record dealing with those who voted for him during his last government with Ramotar stinks.  He left them to wallow in their misery, while he and his ministers lived like hogs. There is no evidence that he will not do the same again, with his robot Ali. 

You might perceive some posters who oppose the PPP as APNU supporters, but many  are long time PPP supporters, who don't like the Jagdeo PPP, because they care little about their voters. 

@Tola posted:

Jagdeo is called a saint by some, because he is perceived of doing no wrong. His track record dealing with those who voted for him during his last government with Ramotar stinks.  He left them to wallow in their misery, while he and his ministers lived like hogs. There is no evidence that he will not do the same again, with his robot Ali. 

You might perceive some posters who oppose the PPP as APNU supporters, but many  are long time PPP supporters, who don't like the Jagdeo PPP, because they care little about their voters. 

Well, dem vote he back In. Suh dem mussy sayin’ PNC mo stinkuh?  Wah yuh tink nuh?

@Tola posted:

Jagdeo is their biggest saint, with mansions while the PPP voters remain poor.

Hey banna, if one day you mek it to heaven, yuh guh see how dem living up deh. Mek Jagdeo look wan pauper!

@Django posted:

Nothing can convince supporters of the PPP ,only PNC can rigged elections ,PPP are saints.

Well if PPP rig under Harmon hawk eye, dem prapa good!  Wuh ‘appan, hawk eye 👁 get cataracts?


Nobody is saying that the PPP are saints.  But they delivered what they promised.   Jagdeo's achievements are beyond comparison.   The APNU/AFC are a failure.  They did nothing the last 5 years .  Nobody can tell me anything about their aledged achievements. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

Nobody is saying that the PPP are saints.  But they delivered what they promised.   Jagdeo's achievements are beyond comparison. 

 The APNU/AFC are a failure.  They did nothing the last 5 years . 

Nobody can tell me anything about their aledged achievements. 

Is that so ?

Jagdeo performance is poor ,the country still above Haiti .With the impending oil wealth ,there will be more in the pockets of cronies , businessmen lining up from T&T. Expect the poor to get crumbs.

@Django posted:

Is that so ?

Jagdeo performance is poor ,the country still above Haiti .With the impending oil wealth ,there will be more in the pockets of cronies , businessmen lining up from T&T. Expect the poor to get crumbs.

Jagdeo performance was not poor.  His achievements are beyond compare.   Jagdeo did thousands of projects in the 12 years  he was President.

I asked again, what did the coalition do in the last 5 years. Name one project..

@Django posted:

Is that so ?

Jagdeo performance is poor ,the country still above Haiti .With the impending oil wealth ,there will be more in the pockets of cronies , businessmen lining up from T&T. Expect the poor to get crumbs.

Jagdeo run the country in the last 5 years.rite 

In 2015 PPPC left office with G 14.99 billion in gold in the Treasury. Today their is G 0.71 billion. 14 billion in gold disappeared under APNU government. Regarding the business from TT, they flooded the country within the last 5 years.

@Former Member posted:

Jagdeo run the country in the last 5 years.rite 

In 2015 PPPC left office with G 14.99 billion in gold in the Treasury. Today their is G 0.71 billion. 14 billion in gold disappeared under APNU government. Regarding the business from TT, they flooded the country within the last 5 years.

Jagdeo was more vocal than Granger and that why they think he was still the President.    

Only Kakamootoo who spoke a lot was like an empty vessel.  Everytime he opened his mouth he spewed venom on the PPP.    That is the man who cursed Black People for a living and whom the PNC depended on to prevent the PPP from give constructive criticism in Parliament and to the Press.   


At the end of April 2020. APNU overdrawn 92 billions $ from the public treasury. Over the last 5 years Granger Government extract over 300 Billion $ in new taxes from Guyanese. No one can account for these money .. see congress place cronies who pocked these money. 

@Former Member posted:

At the end of April 2020. APNU overdrawn 92 billions $ from the public treasury. Over the last 5 years Granger Government extract over 300 Billion $ in new taxes from Guyanese. No one can account for these money .. see congress place cronies who pocked these money. 

Over US$180 million disappeared between a transaction of the World Bank and the Coalition Government.   Jail time is near, because the US is investigate the deal.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Jagdeo performance was not poor.  His achievements are beyond compare.   Jagdeo did thousands of projects in the 12 years  he was President.

I asked again, what did the coalition do in the last 5 years. Name one project..

They have linked the hinterland to Georgetown via technology ,Internet hubs,Radio Stations also built roads ,bridges and water wells . Lots of things done in increasing the revenue from excise and taxes, extend government services to other Regions ,people don't have to travel to Georgetown to get things done ,many other things for social upliftment .

@Former Member posted:

Jagdeo run the country in the last 5 years.rite 

In 2015 PPPC left office with G 14.99 billion in gold in the Treasury. Today their is G 0.71 billion. 14 billion in gold disappeared under APNU government. Regarding the business from TT, they flooded the country within the last 5 years.

Link is broken ,you will have to gather data for us to have a decent conversation.

Try to avoid getting data from Freedom House.

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

Over US$180 million disappeared between a transaction of the World Bank and the Coalition Government.   Jail time is near, because the US is investigate the deal.

Show  where you get the information ,also how much money borrowed from IMF..etc during the last 5 years.

@Django posted:

They have linked the hinterland to Georgetown via technology ,Internet hubs,Radio Stations also built roads ,bridges and water wells . Lots of things done in increasing the revenue from excise and taxes, extend government services to other Regions ,people don't have to travel to Georgetown to get things done ,many other things for social upliftment .

That's what the PPP did.   They redo the roads and bridges that the PPP built and you called that progress.  Extend Government services? be more specific.  That's not an achievement.  Those were services that were planed by the PPP during their 23 years of rule.    Donald Trump is doing the same in the US taking credit for Obama legacy. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

Over US$180 million disappeared between a transaction of the World Bank and the Coalition Government.   Jail time is near, because the US is investigate the deal.

Jail time alright--for people spreading false information.

@Ramakant-P posted:

That's what the PPP did.   They redo the roads and bridges that the PPP built and you called that progress.  Extend Government services? be more specific.  That's not an achievement.  Those were services that were planed by the PPP during their 23 years of rule.    Donald Trump is doing the same in the US taking credit for Obama legacy. 

Asphalted roads and new bridges.

There will be no acknowledgement what the Coalition Government done by the biased minds.

@Django posted:

There will be no acknowledgement what the Coalition Government done by the biased minds.

It cuts both ways --- "biased minds" don't acknowledge what the PPP/C did either. They blow up the negatives and cover up the positives.

@Former Member posted:

It cuts both ways --- "biased minds" don't acknowledge what the PPP/C did either. They blow up the negatives and cover up the positives.

Gil, this seems to be the root of the problem in Guyana. Not acknowledging  the good qualities of others and the negativism builds on itself. This does not only occur with governments, or political parties, but also with individuals. In countries like Canada, the political animosity might exist, but it don't surface like in Guyana. 

At one time Guyana was not like this and we tried to find out when the change took place., but it was hard to do. 

@Django posted:

Asphalted roads and new bridges.

There will be no acknowledgement what the Coalition Government done by the biased minds.

LMAO... name the projects started and complete by APNU. 


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