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About 2 years ago, I had a meeting with Mahendra and Sam Hinds on a business project to install micro-hydro generators along some of rivers accessed by the Amerindians in their communities. I believe it would have been more efficient than the solar cells they had out. 


They were not interested citing there was no money to install such systems.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I have to say that one of the problem with the PPP. Dont dismiss IDEAS so quickly. There are people with knowledge of things you dont know. Simply ask the person to submit a Plan with timeline, cost, benefits and so on and promise the person that a serious look will be taken at the proposal.



What is more interesting, is that Winston Brassington is the Chairman of GPL. And he did not even want meet with me to further discuss the idea. I guess was busy with the marriott project. I stay in Guyana for 10 days on the promise of meeting. The last day of my stay, I was told to meet with two dumb ass lil coolie girl. Doan know a thing what i was taking about. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I have to say that one of the problem with the PPP. Dont dismiss IDEAS so quickly. There are people with knowledge of things you dont know. Simply ask the person to submit a Plan with timeline, cost, benefits and so on and promise the person that a serious look will be taken at the proposal.






In case you don't know this. This is not how the PPP operates. The PPP really really believes that any and all ideas must originate internally. They are suspicious of outsiders and outside ideas.


You could bring them the blueprint for the wheel and they would toss it aside because it did not arise from the internal discussions of party organs.


It is a most stunning approach to governance I have ever beheld. They even oppose that which is in their interest. It's control for control's sake.

Originally Posted by seignet:

About 2 years ago, I had a meeting with Mahendra and Sam Hinds on a business project to install micro-hydro generators along some of rivers accessed by the Amerindians in their communities. I believe it would have been more efficient than the solar cells they had out. 


They were not interested citing there was no money to install such systems.

you approach was all wrong,if you told them you can install a hydro in pradoville they will have the money

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I have to say that one of the problem with the PPP. Dont dismiss IDEAS so quickly. There are people with knowledge of things you dont know. Simply ask the person to submit a Plan with timeline, cost, benefits and so on and promise the person that a serious look will be taken at the proposal.






In case you don't know this. This is not how the PPP operates. The PPP really really believes that any and all ideas must originate internally. They are suspicious of outsiders and outside ideas.


You could bring them the blueprint for the wheel and they would toss it aside because it did not arise from the internal discussions of party organs.


It is a most stunning approach to governance I have ever beheld. They even oppose that which is in their interest. It's control for control's sake.

Guyana has some f'ed politicians. In 1989, Hoyte's ERP . I decided to invest back then in wood products. GUYMIDA identified the abandon Glass Factory as a good site for the wood factory. At reasonable cost for usage. The reason for the glass factory, a workforce was already available at Yarrakabra-the people that worked at the Glass Factory when it was in operation.   


After spending a considerable amount of US$-arranging the infrastructure. Having special purpose equipment designed and built. Arrange for Electric generation. And all that would make a company functional in the bush.


All this was done at the Regional level after the government did their bit.


Then, PPP government came. That was in 1992. Everything from then on became a nightmare for me.


First, Cheddie scrapped GUYMIDA. All the files of on going projects just laid scattered on the floor. The Ministry of Agriculture was responsible for all lands. Repu Daman Persaud, just put a hold on everything. I contacted the Regional Chairman. He suggested I return to Guyana and meet the Minister. I did. The Regional Chairman accompanied me for the meeting. I was told to wait outside. The Minister wanted to c the RC first before meeting with me.


After a while the RC came out of the Repps Ofiice, the man in tears.


The Secretary who later killed herself, asked me go in the Minister office. Not even seated as yet, the man went into a tirade,"How come the PNC wuking wid you, yuh is a PNC supporter." I replied, Sam Hinds knew of this project back in Canada when I met him and Cheddie. His reply, "Who the hell is Sam Hinds." 


His parting words,"I gat no time fuh you, I hae to go to a Cabinet meeting."


Then GOINVEST was suppose to do same things that GUYMIDA was doing. Only difference, dem black people at GUYMIDA was professional. Them kulie taht Cheddie replace the blacks wid were real rough ppl-classless.


My point. The people of Guyana have no future because of the idiots they vote into office. Be it AFC, PPP, PNC or APNU.


These people are very limited where development of country is concerned.


Originally Posted by Nehru:

I have to say that one of the problem with the PPP. Dont dismiss IDEAS so quickly. There are people with knowledge of things you dont know. Simply ask the person to submit a Plan with timeline, cost, benefits and so on and promise the person that a serious look will be taken at the proposal.




Pavi bai once you can pay the kick back tax all is good.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I have to say that one of the problem with the PPP. Dont dismiss IDEAS so quickly. There are people with knowledge of things you dont know. Simply ask the person to submit a Plan with timeline, cost, benefits and so on and promise the person that a serious look will be taken at the proposal.






In case you don't know this. This is not how the PPP operates. The PPP really really believes that any and all ideas must originate internally. They are suspicious of outsiders and outside ideas.


You could bring them the blueprint for the wheel and they would toss it aside because it did not arise from the internal discussions of party organs.


It is a most stunning approach to governance I have ever beheld. They even oppose that which is in their interest. It's control for control's sake.

Guyana has some f'ed politicians. In 1989, Hoyte's ERP . I decided to invest back then in wood products. GUYMIDA identified the abandon Glass Factory as a good site for the wood factory. At reasonable cost for usage. The reason for the glass factory, a workforce was already available at Yarrakabra-the people that worked at the Glass Factory when it was in operation.   


After spending a considerable amount of US$-arranging the infrastructure. Having special purpose equipment designed and built. Arrange for Electric generation. And all that would make a company functional in the bush.


All this was done at the Regional level after the government did their bit.


Then, PPP government came. That was in 1992. Everything from then on became a nightmare for me.


First, Cheddie scrapped GUYMIDA. All the files of on going projects just laid scattered on the floor. The Ministry of Agriculture was responsible for all lands. Repu Daman Persaud, just put a hold on everything. I contacted the Regional Chairman. He suggested I return to Guyana and meet the Minister. I did. The Regional Chairman accompanied me for the meeting. I was told to wait outside. The Minister wanted to c the RC first before meeting with me.


After a while the RC came out of the Repps Ofiice, the man in tears.


The Secretary who later killed herself, asked me go in the Minister office. Not even seated as yet, the man went into a tirade,"How come the PNC wuking wid you, yuh is a PNC supporter." I replied, Sam Hinds knew of this project back in Canada when I met him and Cheddie. His reply, "Who the hell is Sam Hinds." 


His parting words,"I gat no time fuh you, I hae to go to a Cabinet meeting."


Then GOINVEST was suppose to do same things that GUYMIDA was doing. Only difference, dem black people at GUYMIDA was professional. Them kulie taht Cheddie replace the blacks wid were real rough ppl-classless.


My point. The people of Guyana have no future because of the idiots they vote into office. Be it AFC, PPP, PNC or APNU.


These people are very limited where development of country is concerned.


There are many situations like that. Cheddi and his faithfuls frustrated numerous investors just after 1992. They felt that since these folks responded during the Hoyte years that they must be PNC.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I have to say that one of the problem with the PPP. Dont dismiss IDEAS so quickly. There are people with knowledge of things you dont know. Simply ask the person to submit a Plan with timeline, cost, benefits and so on and promise the person that a serious look will be taken at the proposal.



What is more interesting, is that Winston Brassington is the Chairman of GPL. And he did not even want meet with me to further discuss the idea. I guess was busy with the marriott project. I stay in Guyana for 10 days on the promise of meeting. The last day of my stay, I was told to meet with two dumb ass lil coolie girl. Doan know a thing what i was taking about. 

There are hundreds of frustrating stories like this. If/when the PPP is toppled, Brazzy will be prosecuted.

Originally Posted by seignet:

About 2 years ago, I had a meeting with Mahendra and Sam Hinds on a business project to install micro-hydro generators along some of rivers accessed by the Amerindians in their communities. I believe it would have been more efficient than the solar cells they had out. 


They were not interested citing there was no money to install such systems.

See now dis is da sorta shit dat does start fite here. You doan know by now who the right man is for dis job? Eh Ehhhhh!!


Look hay yeh you neva hear ah Mr DG?

Leh..leh leh..look,leh me say dat agin make myself clear I gonna say it in plain English,You neva hear ah Mr DG?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by seignet:

About 2 years ago, I had a meeting with Mahendra and Sam Hinds on a business project to install micro-hydro generators along some of rivers accessed by the Amerindians in their communities. I believe it would have been more efficient than the solar cells they had out. 


They were not interested citing there was no money to install such systems.

See now dis is da sorta shit dat does start fite here. You doan know by now who the right man is for dis job? Eh Ehhhhh!!


Look hay yeh you neva hear ah Mr DG?

Leh..leh leh..look,leh me say dat agin make myself clear I gonna say it in plain English,You neva hear ah Mr DG?

I sey it rite here one time. De Hydro-Engineer was on about the Amalia Falls Project and I toooooooooooooooooooooooold him, small systems are better for Guyana. I even tell him, dem special cables to fetch dem electrons is too expensive. All the way travelling in bush to wey people live. Thiefing dem cables goan be good business.


Honestly, the PPP want develop the Hydro-project so they can  hug up the Brazilians. Guyanese goan get dick. Have u seen anything that the PPP has done for poor Guyanese. India Indians and Chinese get their attentions or should say, bribe money get their attention. 


The whole PPP government works against Guyanese people. Granger should point that out. AND EVERY DAY.





Hydroelectric power


Hydroelectric power is a timeless, renewable resource that has fuelled Ontario's economic growth since the beginning of the 20th century. Today, it accounts for more than one-third of Ontario Power Generation's electricity production. Hydroelectric generation, our lowest-cost power source, produced 32.8 terawatt-hours in 2013.

The historic importance and future potential of hydroelectric power can be attributed to its low production costs, reliability, flexibility to meet both ongoing base electricity needs and peak demands, and its reliance on water — an indigenous, renewable resource.
OPG operates 65 hydroelectric stations, including a green power portfolio of 29 small hydroelectric plants, and 240 dams on 24 river systems. The smallest station has a generating capacity of just 800 kilowatts; the largest more than 1,400 megawatts.







Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by seignet:

About 2 years ago, I had a meeting with Mahendra and Sam Hinds on a business project to install micro-hydro generators along some of rivers accessed by the Amerindians in their communities. I believe it would have been more efficient than the solar cells they had out. 


They were not interested citing there was no money to install such systems.

See now dis is da sorta shit dat does start fite here. You doan know by now who the right man is for dis job? Eh Ehhhhh!!


Look hay yeh you neva hear ah Mr DG?

Leh..leh leh..look,leh me say dat agin make myself clear I gonna say it in plain English,You neva hear ah Mr DG?

I sey it rite here one time. De Hydro-Engineer was on about the Amalia Falls Project and I toooooooooooooooooooooooold him, small systems are better for Guyana. I even tell him, dem special cables to fetch dem electrons is too expensive. All the way travelling in bush to wey people live. Thiefing dem cables goan be good business.


Honestly, the PPP want develop the Hydro-project so they can  hug up the Brazilians. Guyanese goan get dick. Have u seen anything that the PPP has done for poor Guyanese. India Indians and Chinese get their attentions or should say, bribe money get their attention. 


The whole PPP government works against Guyanese people. Granger should point that out. AND EVERY DAY.


This is what the Guyanese people don't see,

somebody need to tell them.

Last edited by Django

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