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Former Member

Small man need small wuk

Nov 04, 2020 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-man-need-small-wuk/

BREAKING NEWS… Lo-lo-field and Mingo just arrived in the USA to tally the votes… Dem boys hear!

Dem boys also hearing a lot of talk about a new bridge over de Demerara River, about a new bypass road linking East Bank to East Coast and a four-lane highway from de site of de new bridge to Parika. Dem plans nice. It show de government wuking hard even with de COVID-19 around.

Dem boys feel dat if a referendum is held today dat de majority of Guyanese will not support a lockdown of the country like what tekking place in Paris and England. Dem boys know dat a lot of people feeling the strain of the five months when nuff of them not been getting any wuk.

Dem boys know many small businesses wah get battered by the COVID regulations. Business grind to a halt but de banks, de landlords and de suppliers still gat to get pay.

Dat is why dem boys wan congratulate Minister Indar fuh dem 100 small contract wah he offer to dem small business. Dem small business and self-employed hustlers should be supported because is dem wah face the brunt of the recession.

So while dem boys glad fuh hear about dem big plans wah de government gat fuh build bridge and highway, dem boys want see more emphasis on ‘small wuk’ and de ‘small man’.

Dem boys feel dat dem big road and bridge project nah create much jobs as people think. But you give a man money fuh do ‘gutter and drain’ wuk and de man gan spend de money in de shop and it can circulate throughout de economy more than dem big wuk contractor wah does lock off dem money and ship it overseas.

Talk half and ask Indar fuh give out more ‘small wuk’.

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Dem_guy said that KN online does not know how the Government works. The villages and cities are responsible for cleaning their own drains. That is why we elect the village and city councilors. KN online is portraying a false, absurd, and distorted representation of facts. The small man gets small work from small Governments.

@Former Member posted:

Small man need small wuk

BREAKING NEWS… Lo-lo-field and Mingo just arrived in the USA to tally the votes… Dem boys hear!

Funniest thing I heard all day. I hope they don't forget to bring the bed sheets

@Ramakant-P posted:

Dem_guy said that KN online does not know how the Government works. The villages and cities are responsible for cleaning their own drains. That is why we elect the village and city councilors. KN online is portraying a false, absurd, and distorted representation of facts. The small man gets small work from small Governments.

Just like the PPP conveniently forget to clear the canal of weeds in front of Freddy Kissoon's house during their last government. Arrogant, nasty and vindictive.

Last edited by Tola

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