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Former Member

A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) candidate, Aubrey Norton on Tuesday blamed a small unnamed clique of Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) members for undermining and ostracising him from the centre of that party’s leadership.

His comments came against the background that Medical Doctor Karen Cummings was being considered to replace ailing Debra Backer who is expected to resign as an APNU parliamentarian. Backer, APNU’s Shadow Minister on Foreign Affairs, is expected to remain in Trinidad until April which means that if she is not replaced the combined opposition would be without the crucial one-seat majority to disapprove sections or all of the 2014 National Budget.

While many inside and outside the PNCR and APNU believe that Norton is the best person to fill the void because of his political experience as well as expertise in International Relations, he said has not been approached about his availability and so he was not expected to be called.

“When it comes to my ability, I have no doubt about that but I always knew that the present political dispensation will always generate those kinds of problems so I don’t think I will feel any different. I fact, I would have been surprised if I was the person identified,” he told Demerara Waves Online News (



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The former PNC General Secretary blamed a “small crew” in the party- APNU’s largest constituent- for his political misfortunes in recent years. “I find it strange that some in the party will allow that little group to do the things they do which are destructive to the party. They are very divisive in addition to which their performance in the party is questionable,”  he said.

He claimed that he has evidence to support his contention that persons were allegedly involved in party fraud and framed him with death threats and sexual misconduct. Members of the PNCR hierarchy, he suggested, preferred to encircle themselves with people who were unprincipled and preferred to tell them what they wanted to hear rather than the truth.



excerpts from demwaves

Originally Posted by Conscience:

APNU is showing signs of disintegration

their had defections and infighting as well, Indra and her husband are with you because you cut a deal with them among others so shut the hell up.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

APNU is showing signs of disintegration

THE PPP should be happy Norton is not given this post he more of a radical,he is most likely to bring the people on the streets

Last edited by Former Member



I heard some prominent individuals have charged Ramjattan and Moses of allowing Hughes and Trotman to push the AFC too close to the PNC which they believe will cause the party to lose votes in the next elections,  Is there any truth to this?


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

APNU is showing signs of disintegration

THE PPP should be happy Norton is not given this post he more of a radical,he is most likely to bring the people on the streets

Wah you nah shet you *****? You only no fuh taak violence. You still gat dah choke an raab mentality wid you. All you want fuh dem PNC thugs burn an thief from dem coolie people in GT.



February 7, 2014 By Harry GILL.

Dear Editor,
When the Winston Murray ‘breakaway fraction’ headed by Carl Greenidge was forced to unite with his adversary to prevent the weakening of the People’s National Congress (PNC) as they contested the 2011 General Election, the PNC’s newly elected leader David Granger faced the real danger of a coup d’état by the ambitious Greenidge.
There have been rumours from sources close to the party that a more radical approach is needed to sustain the pressure on the government. The more rational, statesmanlike approach employed by Granger, they say, is not producing the required results.
These PNC/A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) hardliners are believed to have influenced Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon’s decision to organise the recent protest action aimed at shutting down the bauxite mining town of Linden on February 3, when His Excellency, President Donald Ramotar visited Linden to officially commission the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) office there.
That building was burnt down by arsonists in July 2012 during the deadly protest that cost the lives of three ‘peaceful’ protesters. Fortunately, this plan to create yet another violent showdown with the authorities was soundly rejected by the people of Linden, who must be commended for allowing common sense to prevail.
The recent inconsistencies on the budget debate issue within the PNC/APNU camp further demonstrate Greenidge’s determination to expose Granger as a weak leader.
According to PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee, “Due to its antics, the APNU has been offering a plethora of excuses for the 2014 budget. First, they were not invited, then when the APNU leader directed Greenidge to engage, he said he needed more information, and then finally, to save face, Granger said it was too late for consultations. It is evident that Granger had instructed Greenidge to engage in consultations but Greenidge chose to disobey him… a high act of indiscipline.”
And most recently, Greenidge’s ‘no show’ at the meeting of the special select committee considering the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) (AML/CFT) Bill, cast further doubt on whether Granger has any control over Greenidge.
The official statement by PNC/APNU clearly states that “APNU is committed to amending the current AML/CFT bill of 2009 to ensure that it is effective”. Yet Greenidge, APNU’s shadow finance minister, was clearly defiant, and boycotted these meetings. How can APNU be committed to amending this act when they fail to turn up at the meetings to contribute to the discussions?
The question must now be asked, who is really in charge, Granger or Greenidge? As a highly trained professional soldier who understands the importance of having his instructions obeyed, how can Granger tolerate such behaviour from a senior member of his team?
It must be very frustrating for the retired brigadier general to have Carl Greenidge disobey a direct command. Rohee is right… Greenidge should be disciplined for insubordination, if only to clip his wings.
I am reminded of a statement by another former general, Alexander Haig who, in 1981, following the March 30 assassination attempt and hospitalisation of U.S. President Ronald Regan, asserted before reporters, “I am in control here,” indicating that while President Reagan had not “transferred the helm”, Haig was in fact directing White House crisis management until Vice President George Bush arrived in Washington to assume that role.
It is time for Granger to assert his leadership position in the PNC/APNU and work to ensure that 2014 is indeed the “Year of the Workers” as he had earlier declared. If Greenidge is allowed to bully his way and undermine Granger’s authority, he will evoke painful memories of a sad era in our nation’s history under the dreaded PNC rule. The very reason that caused that political party to change its name to APNU before contesting the 2011 polls.
No doubt, Greenidge’s stubborn refusal to even attempt budget consultations with Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh cannot possibly be in the best interest of the workers the PNC/APNU claim to be so concerned about. And APNU’s determination to cut the budget again in defiance of acting Chief Justice Ian Chang’s ruling, will only take away the ability of parents to provide food, clothing and shelter for their dependents.
The government creates jobs for its citizens, and the opposition takes them away. Every time this happens, desperate people are likely to do desperate things to survive, giving Nigel Hughes more young criminals to defend, courtesy of the obstructionist policies of the PNC/APNU.

Harry Gill


A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) candidate, Aubrey Norton blamed a small unnamed clique of Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) members for undermining and ostracising him from the centre of that party’s leadership.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) candidate, Aubrey Norton on Tuesday blamed a small unnamed clique of Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) members for undermining and ostracising him from the centre of that party’s leadership.

His comments came against the background that Medical Doctor Karen Cummings was being considered to replace ailing Debra Backer who is expected to resign as an APNU parliamentarian. Backer, APNU’s Shadow Minister on Foreign Affairs, is expected to remain in Trinidad until April which means that if she is not replaced the combined opposition would be without the crucial one-seat majority to disapprove sections or all of the 2014 National Budget.

While many inside and outside the PNCR and APNU believe that Norton is the best person to fill the void because of his political experience as well as expertise in International Relations, he said has not been approached about his availability and so he was not expected to be called.

“When it comes to my ability, I have no doubt about that but I always knew that the present political dispensation will always generate those kinds of problems so I don’t think I will feel any different. I fact, I would have been surprised if I was the person identified,” he told Demerara Waves Online News (



Small PPP crew produces all PPP decisions....It was two when cheddi was alive. With him dead it became one, Janet, that is why we got that idiot and uber crook Jagdeo. And now it is less than fifteen and the reason we got the same square pegs for 20 years and the idiot Jabba the hutt for a president when better was available. It is the small minds of the small few that is the PPP model so quit the crap about others and take care of democracy in your own house.

Last edited by Former Member

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