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Smart City Solutions demands, accepts Cush’s resignation

Feb 16, 2017 News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....s-cushs-resignation/

Smart City Solutions Inc, the company involved in the controversial parking meter project, has accepted the resignation of one of its directors, Ifagbamila Kamau Cush.

It appears, however, that Cush’s resignation was not done off of his own volition.

According to a release from the company yesterday, the resignation was “required” from him and accepted forthwith.

Smart City Solutions said that while Cush was involved in the introduction of the company to the metered parking project, as was previously announced. He has for several months not been involved in any operational capacity, neither in respect of the project nor in respect of the Company.

The company also reminded of the disparaging remarks made by Cush on his Facebook page against those who expressed opposition to the Parking meter project.

The statement immediately sparked a backlash of criticisms against Cush who again stood “firmly” behind his comments about the “slave mentality” among the protestors.

This is what he had to say in another post, “That is my personal opinion. I did not utter those statements on behalf of Smart City Solutions. The protestors represent a cabal of misfits who add no value to the productive capacity of our country. They bring no gravitas, no moral authority to the conversation.”

Cush said that a review off the profanity-laced comments on social media confirms that. “More significantly, many of these protestors are incredibly fatuous for they offer no solutions to the myriad problems afflicting young Guyanese; neither do they empathize with the victims of the PPP regime, a regime responsible for the murders of hundreds of Guyanese citizens. I remember a Guyana where, as Guyanese citizens, we put our collective shoulders to the wheel and charted our own course.”

He argued that Guyana achieved much in those days because the people were independent thinkers, masters of their own destiny.

”We did not go hat-in-hand begging for grants and handouts. We identified problems in our country, proposed solutions then solved them ourselves! That’s the thinking of independent men and women!”

The Board of Directors of Smart City Solutions subsequently distanced itself from the comments made by Cush and emphasized yesterday in its statement that the Company found the comments to be completely unacceptable and disgraceful.


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