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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

I wholeheartedly disagree. Just as there are universal laws of physics there are universal laws of morality. We can look at honor killings since that's the topic.

Are honor killings anything other than exploitation of religious doctrine to impose male dominance?

What kind of a lunatic society would kill children for singing and dancing?

Whose honor is restored? Are we really dealing with honor or pride, shame, and control? Is this so-called honor voluntary or imposed by the the controlling part of society?

The Arab spring did not happen without external intervention - even if it was limited to the Internet that is still external.

Who determines who should intervene or who shouldn't?

Think about it without emotion and you will see that I am right. There is no such concept of universal right and wrong. There are intersections of right and wrong among different cultures but not entirely. Honor killings were a norm in these nations prior to Western influences as a safeguard to the deterioration of the foundation of the culture. Society accepted these killings for centuries. There are many more examples across the world of customs that we may consider horrific, however that does not mean our opinion is the correct one. If you subscribe to the theory that morality is a function of time and place then you would still be outraged but understanding of why these things happen. 

I thought about it long before this thread and you are wrong. Of course there is univeral right and wrong. Harm is the same anywhere in the world. Are you saying that harming someone in one part of the world is ok while not ok in another part of the world? The practice of harmful traditions for one day, one week, one month, one year, one decade or one millenium does not make it right. Who said society accepted the killings for centuries? The oppressed majority were not allowed to oppose regardless of their opinion. That does not translate into acceptance. It translates to oppression of the mass by the few.

My understanding why these things happened neither makes them acceptable in the past nor in the present. The only rationale for them happening in the past is ignorance. Whats the excuse now?

Originally Posted by antabanta:

I thought about it long before this thread and you are wrong. Of course there is univeral right and wrong. Harm is the same anywhere in the world. Are you saying that harming someone in one part of the world is ok while not ok in another part of the world? The practice of harmful traditions for one day, one week, one month, one year, one decade or one millenium does not make it right. Who said society accepted the killings for centuries? The oppressed majority were not allowed to oppose regardless of their opinion. That does not translate into acceptance. It translates to oppression of the mass by the few.

My understanding why these things happened neither makes them acceptable in the past nor in the present. The only rationale for them happening in the past is ignorance. Whats the excuse now?

Maybe you didn't think about these concepts long enough. I bring your attention to a time tested "honor killing" currently practiced in the West and most other parts of the world. We call it the death penalty. What say you now?


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