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Former Member

EZjet debacle

Posted By Stabroek staff On November 12, 2012 In Editorial


It is indisputable that PPP/C governments, the Jagdeo administration in particular, developed the reputation for attracting investors who never intended to succeed at the investment they undertook, were not fit and proper or didn’t have the wherewithal and therefore failed miserably.


Much of the blame for this is attributable to the lack of adequate screening. There is no proper due diligence to determine whether the investor is a person of straw or one of outstanding repute with the resources to match. Those in government honest enough to address this matter will admit that Guyana is far from being an investment paradise. With poor utility service, red tape, crumbling infrastructure, unskilled workers and corruption, the well-heeled, savvy investors look at other arenas to invest their dollars. The end result is that the investors that set their eyes on Guyana are usually the ones less capable and less endowed. Some of them are corruptly squired through the process by empowered officials. That is the only way they can even register on the radar.


Sometimes, a lot depends on the type of scrutiny and leadership at the top. For the purposes of the PPP/C two examples are instructive, one under President Janet Jagan and the other under President Jagdeo. Mrs Jagan became aware during her short presidency that a certain drug accused had made an investment in fish farming ostensibly to continue his narcotics trade. The man in question constructed a lavish, ranch-style house on the East Bank with a driveway lined with coconut trees. When it was discovered that there were outstanding warrants for the man on drug-related charges, the Jagan administration facilitated his swift and unceremonious extradition. He may have eventually been able to make his way back to Guyana but he never enjoyed the luxury of his palatial home which has now fallen into ruin.


By sharp contrast, President Jagdeo’s tenure saw the meteoric rise of drug lord Roger Khan. Here was a man who was a fugitive from American justice who should not have been able to access public works contracts. Yet he benefited, acquiring land for a housing scheme all the while developing his drug trade and a private army in full view of the Jagdeo administration and its senior officials. Moreover, he came within a whisker of acquiring a logging concession in the south of Guyana for the continuation of the narcotics trade. Were it not for his exposure in the annual US State Department report on narcotics trafficking and reportage in this newspaper about the status of his application at the Guyana Forestry Commission he would have succeeded in nailing down the concession.


Though not by any means an investor, another one of President Jagdeo’s notorious choices was the now imprisoned, former New York Police Chief Bernard Kerik who Mr Jagdeo had been adamant would be retained to advise on police reforms. When Mr Kerik was slapped with a federal indictment, President Jagdeo had no choice but to back down.


Why Mr Fip Motilal was entertained by the Jagdeo administration for so long and was eventually given a huge contract for the Amaila access road without presenting any evidence of prior road building in similar terrain will be one of the biggest mysteries of the period. His contract was terminated very early in the administration of President Ramotar in what was an initial, hopeful sign of diversion from the legacy of the previous administration.


Now President Ramotar has another debacle on his hand – EZjet which began its operations here days into his administration but which had been given clearance under the Jagdeo administration. Given all that has since been reported about the lead investor in this venture had there been rigorous due diligence, EZjet would not have been allowed to start up a scheduled service and leave a large number of passengers in turmoil this Christmas season. Running a charter or scheduled service between Guyana and North American destinations should not be approved for persons without experience of the business and demonstrable resources at their disposal. Of course, EZjet has followed in the vapour trails of a long line of spectacular, Guyanese-connected failures, Universal Airlines being prominent among them. Even then there was some unscrupulous Jagdeo administration official who was lobbying on behalf of Universal for the return of the airline’s deposit just shortly before they ceased operations. That official should have been sanctioned as it is clear that the airline was planning to withdraw with deposit and all, leaving the government to foot the bill for inconvenienced passengers. The very short-lived Sky Service operation between Guyana and Canada is another example of a charter that wasn’t ready for prime time.


No operator must be granted a licence by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) unless it is clear that the investor has the means and is knowledgeable about the industry. There have been too many people aspiring to deliver service but without the slightest clue. The GCAA and the Ministry of Works should set out exactly what steps they took to determine whether EZjet was capable of discharging its commitments. The country is less interested in why the US Department of Transportation gave the green light.


Coming on the heels of the REDjet fiasco, there is a further risk to the taxpayers’ pocket as the statutory deposits may not cover the outstanding monies. Airlift into Guyana is an enormous challenge especially for an economy that is not booming and is catering mainly for seasonal high traffic and mostly for returning Guyanese. Nevertheless, the process for screening potential investors must be exhaustive and free of political interference. The problems experienced by EZjet and the challenge of ensuring adequate airlift into Timehri are tailor made for consideration by the Economic Services Committee of Parliament if it ever gets going.

Replies sorted oldest to newest


. . . Even then there was some unscrupulous Jagdeo administration official who was lobbying on behalf of Universal for the return of the airline’s deposit just shortly before they ceased operations.



these PPP criminals have no shame . . . or fear


There is a Dutch saying that refers to the fact that not even a jackass hits its head twice against the same stone. But many Guyanese are not as smart as a jackass. So if you want to make quick money then start an airline between Guyana and North America. Charge very low fares and take the money up front. Then run away. There is a 100% success rate that you'll get away with it.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman this is  the legacy of Cheddie Jagan. A bunch of corrupt and thiefing at Freedom House. 


There was no known theft during the Jagan presidency. He did not tolerate stealing. I met Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Da Silva in Minnesota in 1991. They were here to raise funds for the 1992 election. We had a very open discussion about the direction they were taking Guyana. Cheddie would not tolerate corruption. He was hell bent on saving Guyana.

Last year when I visited Guyana, I met Sam Hinds and the acting Chief Justice, Ian Chang at the airport. Sam Hinds still remembered me. You guys fail to realise that PNC had a more corrupt adminintration for 28 years. Where were you when the PNC was plundering all the resources in Guyana? Were you a card member member of the PNC? You know that anyone who dared to criticize Forbes had his tongue separated from his mouth. You should know that PNC built all those houses in Scottsburg for it's members and they used the houses for firewood to cook.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman this is  the legacy of Cheddie Jagan. A bunch of corrupt and thiefing at Freedom House. 


There was no known theft during the Jagan presidency. He did not tolerate stealing. I met Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Da Silva in Minnesota in 1991. They were here to raise funds for the 1992 election. We had a very open discussion about the direction they were taking Guyana. Cheddie would not tolerate corruption. He was hell bent on saving Guyana.

Last year when I visited Guyana, I met Sam Hinds and the acting Chief Justice, Ian Chang at the airport. Sam Hinds still remembered me. You guys fail to realise that PNC had a more corrupt adminintration for 28 years. Where were you when the PNC was plundering all the resources in Guyana? Were you a card member member of the PNC? You know that anyone who dared to criticize Forbes had his tongue separated from his mouth. You should know that PNC built all those houses in Scottsburg for it's members and they used the houses for firewood to cook.


Where were you dis...where were you dat? Listen to de shit this old fool saying. Tell abe how Jagdoe mek wan 2 mill USD house nah. 




You are dead wrong about folks useing the houses as firewood. Undoubtedly the houses were allotted to party members but after 35 years Scottsburg is a thriving community. Houses well kept and a beautiful playground, the best in the upper Corentyne area,that is maintained by the residents there.

You useing the yardstick of what went wrong during the pnc days to justify the ills of today will not make our country a better place. 

Originally Posted by Chief:



You are dead wrong about folks useing the houses as firewood. Undoubtedly the houses were allotted to party members but after 35 years Scottsburg is a thriving community. Houses well kept and a beautiful playground, the best in the upper Corentyne area,that is maintained by the residents there.

You useing the yardstick of what went wrong during the pnc days to justify the ills of today will not make our country a better place. 

Sorry Chief, I saw this with my own eyes during the years I visited Guyana. It's now a thriving community. There are a lot of new houses going up and it's the Indians who are building, not the negroes.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:



You are dead wrong about folks useing the houses as firewood. Undoubtedly the houses were allotted to party members but after 35 years Scottsburg is a thriving community. Houses well kept and a beautiful playground, the best in the upper Corentyne area,that is maintained by the residents there.

You useing the yardstick of what went wrong during the pnc days to justify the ills of today will not make our country a better place. 

Sorry Chief, I saw this with my own eyes during the years I visited Guyana. It's now a thriving community. There are a lot of new houses going up and it's the Indians who are building, not the negroes.

Indians have been building and building since I was a lil bai, Burnham or no Burnham.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
There are a lot of new houses going up and it's the Indians who are building, not the negroes.

Black people have no money to build........"ahbe pan man time done".  "Not Burnham time now so black man get lost"

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
There are a lot of new houses going up and it's the Indians who are building, not the negroes.

Black people have no money to build........"ahbe pan man time done".  "Not Burnham time now so black man get lost"

Naa, As I said, Indians have been building house since I know myself, Burnham or no Burnham.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
There are a lot of new houses going up and it's the Indians who are building, not the negroes.

Black people have no money to build........"ahbe pan man time done".  "Not Burnham time now so black man get lost"

Blacks are building in their own communities. They have been much more successful under the PPP administration but would still rather punish under the PNC which is why they continue to cast their lot with them.  Blacks do have money but most chose to spend it otherwise, sporting and clothes? 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
There are a lot of new houses going up and it's the Indians who are building, not the negroes.

Black people have no money to build........"ahbe pan man time done".  "Not Burnham time now so black man get lost"

Blacks are building in their own communities. They have been much more successful under the PPP administration but would still rather punish under the PNC which is why they continue to cast their lot with them.  Blacks do have money but most chose to spend it otherwise, sporting and clothes? 

another low-rent GT clown punishing in the bowels of New Jersey . . .  pretending @ 'expertise' on Black peoples


chanting down blackman must be quite 'uplifting' to ur sorry ass lives . . .


better than doing nothing . . . i guess

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

another low-rent GT clown punishing in the bowels of New Jersey . . .  pretending @ 'expertise' on Black peoples


chanting down blackman must be quite 'uplifting' to ur sorry ass lives . . .


well, it better than doing nothing

Au contraire, I know Blacks very well, in fact I have family members that are Black. Also you will note that this is not just my consensus but the consensus of marketing firms and businesses that target Blacks for sales. However this trend is not written in stone as many Blacks are now realizing that investing in the future is the key to upliftment rather than enjoying the here and now.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

another low-rent GT clown punishing in the bowels of New Jersey . . .  pretending @ 'expertise' on Black peoples


chanting down blackman must be quite 'uplifting' to ur sorry ass lives . . .


well, it better than doing nothing

Au contraire, I know Blacks very well, in fact I have family members that are Black. Also you will note that this is not just my consensus but the consensus of marketing firms and businesses that target Blacks for sales. However this trend is not written in stone as many Blacks are now realizing that investing in the future is the key to upliftment rather than enjoying the here and now.

U actually know very very little about most things but, like the other insecure posers, you bray loudly and often, hoping that no one will bother to look behind the curtain . . .


Be thankful that you had the good sense not to reach beyond your extremely modest talents (@ least not in America, i think) and end up like Ed Ahmad

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

another low-rent GT clown punishing in the bowels of New Jersey . . .  pretending @ 'expertise' on Black peoples


chanting down blackman must be quite 'uplifting' to ur sorry ass lives . . .


well, it better than doing nothing

Au contraire, I know Blacks very well, in fact I have family members that are Black. Also you will note that this is not just my consensus but the consensus of marketing firms and businesses that target Blacks for sales. However this trend is not written in stone as many Blacks are now realizing that investing in the future is the key to upliftment rather than enjoying the here and now.

Burnall tried to push the negroes to be progressive. They were too complacent and thought that the PNC will remain in power forever. They figured the PNC will continue to furnish them with everything. Now they are not getting the handouts and are crying marginalisation and resort to burning and looting again.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:

another low-rent GT clown punishing in the bowels of New Jersey . . .  pretending @ 'expertise' on Black peoples


chanting down blackman must be quite 'uplifting' to ur sorry ass lives . . .


well, it better than doing nothing

Au contraire, I know Blacks very well, in fact I have family members that are Black. Also you will note that this is not just my consensus but the consensus of marketing firms and businesses that target Blacks for sales. However this trend is not written in stone as many Blacks are now realizing that investing in the future is the key to upliftment rather than enjoying the here and now.

You are an ungrateful underachiever. If it was not for people like Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman... a low life like you would not be allowed to live in the bowels of NJ. Realize that you have black in you and that you are considered to be black in the white man's eyes.

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman this is  the legacy of Cheddie Jagan. A bunch of corrupt and thiefing at Freedom House. 


There was no known theft during the Jagan presidency. He did not tolerate stealing. I met Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Da Silva in Minnesota in 1991. They were here to raise funds for the 1992 election. We had a very open discussion about the direction they were taking Guyana. Cheddie would not tolerate corruption. He was hell bent on saving Guyana.

Last year when I visited Guyana, I met Sam Hinds and the acting Chief Justice, Ian Chang at the airport. Sam Hinds still remembered me. You guys fail to realise that PNC had a more corrupt adminintration for 28 years. Where were you when the PNC was plundering all the resources in Guyana? Were you a card member member of the PNC? You know that anyone who dared to criticize Forbes had his tongue separated from his mouth. You should know that PNC built all those houses in Scottsburg for it's members and they used the houses for firewood to cook.


Where were you dis...where were you dat? Listen to de shit this old fool saying. Tell abe how Jagdoe mek wan 2 mill USD house nah. 

Prk, you na want fu know. If me tell you, you go shit ah you skin. Dis invalve family membas.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman this is  the legacy of Cheddie Jagan. A bunch of corrupt and thiefing at Freedom House. 


There was no known theft during the Jagan presidency. He did not tolerate stealing. I met Dr. Jagan, Sam Hinds and Da Silva in Minnesota in 1991. They were here to raise funds for the 1992 election. We had a very open discussion about the direction they were taking Guyana. Cheddie would not tolerate corruption. He was hell bent on saving Guyana.

Last year when I visited Guyana, I met Sam Hinds and the acting Chief Justice, Ian Chang at the airport. Sam Hinds still remembered me. You guys fail to realise that PNC had a more corrupt adminintration for 28 years. Where were you when the PNC was plundering all the resources in Guyana? Were you a card member member of the PNC? You know that anyone who dared to criticize Forbes had his tongue separated from his mouth. You should know that PNC built all those houses in Scottsburg for it's members and they used the houses for firewood to cook.

Guyana Prapa Sweet....Experience of Anandale Family "Returning to Abee Safe Home"....

Returning from U.S. holiday... Woman, teenage daughter among victims in terrifying pre-dawn robberyPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Michel Outridge   

Tuesday, 22 October 2013 23:15alt


Robbery victim Nanda Ally recounts her ordeal to the Chronicle newspaper yesterday


COURBANE Park, Annandale, East Coast of Demerara, businesswoman, Nanda Ally, is still reeling from shock and remains very traumatised following an armed robbery at her home early yesterday morning.

The robbers stole five passports with valid U.S. visas, three cell phones, G$$100,000 and US$3,000 as well as a bunch of keys, other important documents and things.



The bullet hole left in the ceiling of the shop

The mother of two told the Guyana Chronicle the pre-dawn crime was committed shortly after 04:00 hrs when she, her teenage daughter and an aunt had just returned from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) following a vacation in the United States (U.S.). As they entered the yard, two men pounced on them, the 38-year-old woman related.

Businessman Sheer Ally (popularly known as GAWU) and his still traumatised 13-year-old daughter, Nazeema Alia Ally at their shop yesterday

She said her aunt was transported by her brother while herself and daughter were driven by her husband, Sheer Ally called ‘GAWU’, who opened the gate for them, only to be confronted by the robbers. Ally said, as soon as she had placed some of her hand luggage on a table in the shop at her house, a gunman began making demands for her bags. She said the bandit commanded the group: “Hands up all of you” and, realising the situation, she tried to take off her gold jewellery with which to appease him. She said the man placed the gun to her head and she froze, pleading with him to take the jewels and not hurt her and her family but, by that time his accomplice was with her daughter and husband. A knife was put to the neck of 13-year-old Nazeema Alia Ally and, on seeing this; her father became enraged and kicked the attacker off his feet from where they were standing at their front door. TOOK HANDBAGS

The home of the Allys

At that point, the man with the blade got up, snatched some of the luggage and ran away while his companion took handbags from Rajmatie Budhram, 42, and also fled but not before discharging a bullet which hit the ceiling of the shop. Police, who responded promptly to the alarm, retrieved a .32 spent shell from the crime scene but the bandits had already fled.Sheer Ally and others went in search of them but were not successful although another resident said she saw two men driving off in a cream-coloured Toyota 212 motor car, in the direction of the city, shortly after hearing a gunshot. Sheer Ally, who is the shopkeeper, told the Guyana Chronicle it appears as though the bandits were waiting outside his premises and surprised them as he was about to open the front door. He said a man held onto his daughter and placed a knife to her neck and he knew he had to do something. So he managed to kick the intruder, making him release the frightened teen. Nazeema Alia Ally, who is very terrified by the ordeal, was at a loss for words later yesterday and was being comforted by relatives. The robbers stole five passports with valid U.S. visas, three cell phones, G$$100,000 and US$3,000 as well as a bunch of keys, other important documents and things. A reward is being offered for the recovery of the documents and calls in response can be made to telephone numbers 220-9808 or 660-3640.



Gun-toting bandits invade Nabaclis couple’s home

October 23, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

For years, the little East Coast Demerara village of Nabaclis was dubbed as one of the safest communities, but bandits put paid to that tag on Monday night when they invaded the home of a young couple and robbed them of cash and jewellery at gunpoint.


Minibus operator Orin Harper and his wife Eleise were made to lie on the floor and then locked in a bedroom as two gun-toting intruders rummaged through their Nabaclis Line Top home.


It was just before 19:00 hours and Orin Harper was about to close his door after fetching up a bucket of water when the two men ran up his steps and pointed their guns at him and his wife.


“I heard like somebody running up the steps and before I knew it, these two men point their guns at we and said, ‘don’t run.... Wheh de gold and money deh?’” Eleise Harper recalled.


She said that the men immediately took off her husband’s wedding band, and kept demanding more jewellery since they did not see hers on her finger.


She explained that she had taken off her wedding band while she was washing earlier.


One of the bandits held her at gunpoint while she was lying face down on the floor and the other kept brandishing his weapon menacingly at her husband. “I said, ‘Ow, don’t kill me, y’all tek wah y’all want’,” the woman said.


One of the bandits assured her that if they cooperated with them, no one would be hurt.


All this time, none of their neighbours had a clue of what was taking place, although Harper was deliberately speaking in a manner to alert them.


Eventually the men forced the couple into a bedroom and still holding them at gunpoint, rummaged through several drawers for valuables. De black one tellinde red one, ‘Banna yuh wasting time, yuh wasting time’,” Harper recalled.


The men then locked the husband and wife in the room and went to another bedroom which they also ransacked before fleeing the house.

“I start getting bad feelings and when I come outside,

I see that they went into my bedroom and empty two drawers.

When I push my hand and feel among the clothes, all me jewellery gone.

When I check my working bag, the money I had inside…gone.

They carry away two cell phones too,” Harper told Kaieteur News.


“I run out and I holler, fuh ‘Thief! Murder! Thief!’ and dey run to the back. My husband call 911 and they (Police) come,” Harper added.


She believes that the bandits, whom she is certain are not from the area, were brought by residents of her community.

“This is a set up!” she declared.


She said that it was a wake-up call to many villagers who for years had grown accustomed to the safety of their neighbourhood. “We does leave we door open and go over by the neighbour sometimes,” Harper said.


Harper said that she is thankful that the bandits did not harm them physically.


Looks like while some House of Isreal Thugs

are Happy in Freedom House and

Office of the President.....

Others are Busy.......... doing what they do best...


Tuesday, 22 October 2013 23:15

President Donald Ramotar celebrated

another milestone yesterday.

Here Cabinet members and senior government officials

toast to His Excellency’s good health....




See Black House of Isreal thugs happily mixed in

with Ramotar & Jagdeo Gang of Funny Fellas....



Kwame, Lamumba & Hamilton....

say Small potatoes....

it is Business as usual....


No one Move...

Just Do as you are told....

No one get Hurt.... Injured....or Killed

just lil there

Originally Posted by Nehru:



What is 500 Mill relative to the size of GDP? You want to bet that the website will work but Skeldon will never as intended?


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