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KP you can't possible be telling the truth when you said you spoke to all sectors of the population! Just a few months ago more than half of the population voted against the government! Look even if we start building 40 story towers and driving bentleys and still have have half if the population feeling left out ... We have a problem. A problem that can only be addressed through constitutional reform.
Originally Posted by Brutus:
My beef with Freddie though is that he has yet as Guyana's most vocal political science expert to put forward a viable solution to Guyana's political/ethnic dilemma ... Unless I missed one of KN editions.

You are right. I have seen glimpses of him discussing the various possible solutions but he can do a great service to the nation plus pad his sparse production of serious academic  work if he use his considerable knowledge of our particular political problem as a case study. He can contextualize the possible solutions better than most since he knows the players on a personal level and also know the people in the street.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Who wants to listen to a man like Freddie who stole books at a University and allegedly committed theft in Canada ? This man has zero credibility.

Where were you when your PPP dirtbags planned on copying school books last year?

Maybe someone here should pull up one of your perfected asinine posts when this occurred. Wanna bet your backside didn't give a dam whether they stole or not.


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