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Snap Elections under ‘active consideration’ – PPP

August 11, 2014 2:08 pm Category:


By Tracey Khan – Drakes

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee


General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, PPP/C, Clement Rohee has hinted at the possibility of snap elections before there is a debate on the ‘No – Confidence’ motion by the combined political Opposition.


Rohee told a news conference on Monday, August 11 that calling a date for general elections is ‘under active consideration’ by the PPP.

He explained that this will be determined by a number of political and other factors, however, he was reluctant to divulge further.


“We would prefer to hold that card close to our chest….it remains an active option under consideration,” the General Secretary said.

He noted that the only two options which are constitutionally available for the holding of snap elections is for the “ruling party to determine a date for elections, the other is for the Opposition by way of a no confidence motion to bring down the government; those two options are still valid and I think that either of the two could play out in the near future. We already have seen one of those options prevailing which is the no confidence motion to bring down the government, what is left with us now is the other option and we have that card in our hands that we can put on the table at any given time.”


The Central Executive Committee of the Party met last week in light of the Alliance for Change’s (AFC) No Confidence motion that was submitted to Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs.


“High on the agenda of the meeting was the strengthening of the party’s electoral machinery and ensuring that both the NRR-that’s the National register of registrants and the Preliminary list of electors are thoroughly checked by party activists on the ground to ensure that includes all eligible voters and at the same time ensuring that there is no padding of the list by the inclusion of names that fail to meet the eligibility criteria.”

A possible coalition between the two opposition political parties is another card that the Party is holding close and will use it when necessary, Rohee said.


“Not because we have any fears. It’s all a question of timing, all a question of tactics…..any political alliance between these rather strange bed fellows would be of great interest to the electorate, they will have to determine whether it would be to their detriment or to their advantage politically, we have our own views in that.”

The Party remains upbeat about its chance at the next elections.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:
General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, PPP/C, Clement Rohee has hinted at the possibility of snap elections before there is a debate on the ‘No – Confidence’ motion by the combined political Opposition.


General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee


Snap Elections under ‘active consideration’ – PPP

August 11, 2014 2:08 pm Category:

Events are developing.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, PPP/C, Clement Rohee has hinted at the possibility of snap elections before there is a debate on the ‘No – Confidence’ motion by the combined political Opposition.


General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee


Snap Elections under ‘active consideration’ – PPP

August 11, 2014 2:08 pm Category:

Events are developing.

you think!!!! man you are absolutely one of a kind...idiot!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, PPP/C, Clement Rohee has hinted at the possibility of snap elections before there is a debate on the ‘No – Confidence’ motion by the combined political Opposition.


General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee


Snap Elections under ‘active consideration’ – PPP

August 11, 2014 2:08 pm Category:

Events are developing.

you think!!!! man you are absolutely one of a kind...idiot!

Interesting words Stormberg shouts to himself. 


You think Rohee might know that the Chinese are raping the country? So far, a few African countries run them out and quite recently 10,000 had to escape out of Vietnam-a maddening mob.


When reflecting on the situation, the Chinese must think we are a stupid people. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Snap election should get underway before December. This way the PPP can get back to business without objection. We need the hydro power plant.

Isn't this be great?


PPP want elections, PNC want elections, AFC want elections, but yet the anti-man Prez not calling the elections?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Snap election should get underway before December. This way the PPP can get back to business without objection. We need the hydro power plant.

The PPP are not stupid. They will wait until APNU plays its card. Then they will say we were tired all along and Ramorat will suspend parliament. They have to cover their asses. It cannot go down as the AFC truncated their government.


And they know how precarious their position is. They will lose again.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Snap election should get underway before December. This way the PPP can get back to business without objection. We need the hydro power plant.

The PPP are not stupid. They will wait until APNU plays its card. Then they will say we were tired all along and Ramorat will suspend parliament. They have to cover their asses. It cannot go down as the AFC truncated their government.


And they know how precarious their position is. They will lose again.

When the PPP lost election since 1992?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Snap election should get underway before December. This way the PPP can get back to business without objection. We need the hydro power plant.

The PPP are not stupid. They will wait until APNU plays its card. Then they will say we were tired all along and Ramorat will suspend parliament. They have to cover their asses. It cannot go down as the AFC truncated their government.


And they know how precarious their position is. They will lose again.

When the PPP lost election since 1992?

HEHEHEHE   Dat wan good question.  I am eager to hear the answer.


PPP won the right to form the government in all the elections since 1992 according to the Guyana constitution.


They have lost the majority but in 2011 and they will lose the majority again in 2015-2016.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

PPP won the right to form the government in all the elections since 1992 according to the Guyana constitution.


They have lost the majority but in 2011 and they will lose the majority again in 2015-2016.

So it is a done deal the PPP with form the next Govt, case closed. It is a Rap!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

PPP won the right to form the government in all the elections since 1992 according to the Guyana constitution.


They have lost the majority but in 2011 and they will lose the majority again in 2015-2016.

So it is a done deal the PPP with form the next Govt, case closed. It is a Rap!!!

Correct is right - you are correct Nehru - PPP with 42 % will be asked to form the next Government of Guyana.


Then after 3 years they will be another no confidence vote against them.


I think the PPP has lost the moral advantage to rule Guyana, but who is next in line?


The PNC and their rigging congress?


Nah, I cannot stand Granja and Corbin and Hammie in Government.  Basil Williams all right and Joe Harmon, but that them three kakabellies.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

PPP won the right to form the government in all the elections since 1992 according to the Guyana constitution.


They have lost the majority but in 2011 and they will lose the majority again in 2015-2016.

So it is a done deal the PPP with form the next Govt, case closed. It is a Rap!!!

Correct is right - you are correct Nehru - PPP with 42 % will be asked to form the next Government of Guyana.


Then after 3 years they will be another no confidence vote against them.

That is fine, it will ensure effective and efficient governance.

Originally Posted by seignet:



When reflecting on the situation, the Chinese must think we are a stupid people. 

No just a docile population content to be ruled by the corrupt.  Both sides shrug their shoulders and say "wha we gun do", but have a lot of mouth when they try to flee to Grenada or Barbados and get flung back like rotten fish.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

PPP won the right to form the government in all the elections since 1992 according to the Guyana constitution.


They have lost the majority but in 2011 and they will lose the majority again in 2015-2016.

So it is a done deal the PPP with form the next Govt, case closed. It is a Rap!!!

Correct is right - you are correct Nehru - PPP with 42 % will be asked to form the next Government of Guyana.


Then after 3 years they will be another no confidence vote against them.

That is fine, it will ensure effective and efficient governance.

Would be difficult running a country with less MPs.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Snap election should get underway before December. This way the PPP can get back to business without objection. We need the hydro power plant.

The PPP are not stupid. They will wait until APNU plays its card. Then they will say we were tired all along and Ramorat will suspend parliament. They have to cover their asses. It cannot go down as the AFC truncated their government.


And they know how precarious their position is. They will lose again.

The PPP just played the trump card.  Now they will be no LGE as the esxcuse will be that this cannot happen until the no cofidence motion has been tabeled.  The PPP will go on full mode splashing money all over,  and exploiting their near monopoly of the media. This knowing full well that the opposition is broke.


The AFc just fell into a trap of their own making.  Those who think that a no confidence motion, followed by an early election will end PPP rule are dreaming.


The AFC will destroy itself if it continues to be used to two factions of the PPP in their INTERNAL battle.  the old Cheddi faction, led by Nagamootoo, vs. the Jagdeo/Ramotar group.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Snap election should get underway before December. This way the PPP can get back to business without objection. We need the hydro power plant.

The PPP are not stupid. They will wait until APNU plays its card. Then they will say we were tired all along and Ramorat will suspend parliament. They have to cover their asses. It cannot go down as the AFC truncated their government.


And they know how precarious their position is. They will lose again.

The PPP just played the trump card.  Now they will be no LGE as the esxcuse will be that this cannot happen until the no cofidence motion has been tabeled.  The PPP will go on full mode splashing money all over,  and exploiting their near monopoly of the media. This knowing full well that the opposition is broke.


The AFc just fell into a trap of their own making.  Those who think that a no confidence motion, followed by an early election will end PPP rule are dreaming.


The AFC will destroy itself if it continues to be used to two factions of the PPP in their INTERNAL battle.  the old Cheddi faction, led by Nagamootoo, vs. the Jagdeo/Ramotar group.

Sorry but beg to disagree - the AFC will be scoring a clean 22 percent in the 2015-2016 elections.  That is political progress.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Correct is right - you are correct Nehru - PPP with 42 % will be asked to form the next Government of Guyana.


Then after 3 years they will be another no confidence vote against them.

I wonder why politicans in Guyana, ALL THREE parties, think that Guyanese have nothing better to do than vote in elections, the results of which will do NOTHING to change their lives!


Dont be shocked if the bulk of the voters end up being those BRIBED to vote........and we all know that only ONE party has the funds to do this.


PPP will score 42%, Jaipaul Sharma and Mark Bencock will score 5% and the rest will land with the PNC.  AFC - 22%.


PNC cannot win this elections, not with that political idiot Grinja.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Correct is right - you are correct Nehru - PPP with 42 % will be asked to form the next Government of Guyana.


Then after 3 years they will be another no confidence vote against them.

I wonder why politicans in Guyana, ALL THREE parties, think that Guyanese have nothing better to do than vote in elections, the results of which will do NOTHING to change their lives!


Dont be shocked if the bulk of the voters end up being those BRIBED to vote........and we all know that only ONE party has the funds to do this.

serious point carib and that mean that PPP will win again. -  by bribe

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I think the PPP has lost the moral advantage to rule Guyana, but who is next in line?


The PNC and their rigging congress?


Nah, I cannot stand Granja and Corbin and Hammie in Government.  Basil Williams all right and Joe Harmon, but that them three kakabellies.

And this is the problem for all those naive enough to think about the 'no confidence" motion.


The problem that we have is that the PPP is now in full fledged internal war mode, as is the PNC.  Because the PPP is a more dictatorial party than is the PNC, those opposed to the heirarchy must leave (temporarily) to fight their battles, and have taken over the AFC for this purpose.  The PNC will have its own internal battles.


I suspect that most GUyanese will yawn and stay away from the polls, knowing that this is just a group of politicians who dont care the least about their problems.


The AFC just made a huge mistake and the PPP is exposing their bluff, this when they dont have a penny to wage a viable election campaign.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Correct is right - you are correct Nehru - PPP with 42 % will be asked to form the next Government of Guyana.


Then after 3 years they will be another no confidence vote against them.

I wonder why politicans in Guyana, ALL THREE parties, think that Guyanese have nothing better to do than vote in elections, the results of which will do NOTHING to change their lives!


Dont be shocked if the bulk of the voters end up being those BRIBED to vote........and we all know that only ONE party has the funds to do this.

serious point carib and that mean that PPP will win again. -  by bribe

Sadly yes, but less than 50%.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Snap election should get underway before December. This way the PPP can get back to business without objection. We need the hydro power plant.

The PPP are not stupid. They will wait until APNU plays its card. Then they will say we were tired all along and Ramorat will suspend parliament. They have to cover their asses. It cannot go down as the AFC truncated their government.


And they know how precarious their position is. They will lose again.

When the PPP lost election since 1992?

loosing is why the are in the present position. Far back as the last election the ideas of a win became more than controlling the executive branch.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, PPP/C, Clement Rohee has hinted at the possibility of snap elections before there is a debate on the ‘No – Confidence’ motion by the combined political Opposition.


General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee


Snap Elections under ‘active consideration’ – PPP

August 11, 2014 2:08 pm Category:

Events are developing.

you think!!!! man you are absolutely one of a kind...idiot!

one of a kind...idiot!
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Personally I don’t think the AFC wants this no confidence to go through.
Burnham Personally made DG the PNC Hydro-Seed Engineer.
Do they think they are going to make inroads into the PPP votes in Berbice again? It is unlikely;
Who would think Hammie or de Ole PNC Engineer got Brains or can think?
besides, the PPP is not going to make that mistake again.
Why ???.....Because DG say so???
In all likelihood the AFC will lose their position as a “power broker”.
Donkey should be worried PPP will lose the Govt


(Personally/Think/PPP Mistake/ AFC Power Brooker)

one of a kind...idiot!
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The historic Motion is one line: “Be it resolved that this National Assembly has no confidence in the Government.” It was proposed by the Party’s Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo and seconded by Member of Parliament, Catherine Hughes.

Whether the one line .. be it resolved .. or a proper motion with the pertinent .. WHEREAS, WHEREAS .. THEREFORE .. just get it passed so that an election can be held soon.


one of a kind...idiot!
one of a kind...idiot!
Originally Posted by Kari:

D-G clutching at straws.


Wait that's 4 words - too long for a reply.

Pusillanimous, as usual?

one of a kind...idiot!

The elements of a valid no-confidence motion


Dem Pubic Louse

can Talk all dem want...




No ....we do not need

two Batty Expert to make

the no-confidence motion....


Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Snap election should get underway before December. This way the PPP can get back to business without objection. We need the hydro power plant.

The PPP are not stupid. They will wait until APNU plays its card. Then they will say we were tired all along and Ramorat will suspend parliament. They have to cover their asses. It cannot go down as the AFC truncated their government.


And they know how precarious their position is. They will lose again.

The PPP just played the trump card.  Now they will be no LGE as the esxcuse will be that this cannot happen until the no cofidence motion has been tabeled.  The PPP will go on full mode splashing money all over,  and exploiting their near monopoly of the media. This knowing full well that the opposition is broke.


The AFc just fell into a trap of their own making.  Those who think that a no confidence motion, followed by an early election will end PPP rule are dreaming.


The AFC will destroy itself if it continues to be used to two factions of the PPP in their INTERNAL battle.  the old Cheddi faction, led by Nagamootoo, vs. the Jagdeo/Ramotar group.

Sorry but beg to disagree - the AFC will be scoring a clean 22 percent in the 2015-2016 elections.  That is political progress.

Kish, are you taking ambien?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

PPP won the right to form the government in all the elections since 1992 according to the Guyana constitution.


They have lost the majority but in 2011 and they will lose the majority again in 2015-2016.

So it is a done deal the PPP with form the next Govt, case closed. It is a Rap!!!

Correct is right - you are correct Nehru - PPP with 42 % will be asked to form the next Government of Guyana.


Then after 3 years they will be another no confidence vote against them.

you mean three month

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

PPP won the right to form the government in all the elections since 1992 according to the Guyana constitution.


They have lost the majority but in 2011 and they will lose the majority again in 2015-2016.

So it is a done deal the PPP with form the next Govt, case closed. It is a Rap!!!

Correct is right - you are correct Nehru - PPP with 42 % will be asked to form the next Government of Guyana.


Then after 3 years they will be another no confidence vote against them.

That is fine, it will ensure effective and efficient governance.

this fool replacing HABEEB KHAN 


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