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Originally posted by Jalil:

The Youth Group is controlled by WPA....they are creating a Power base to stand alone on their own.

Which is exactly my suspicion that they arent marching to Granger, while he has to figure out how to keep them under control.

All three of these parties have their own internal issues to deal with. The one that might implode most violently, if it doesnt work, is APNU as some of its base are quite angry, and expect results.

Redux this isnt instigating. This is being honest.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Jalil:

The Youth Group is controlled by WPA....they are creating a Power base to stand alone on their own.

Which is exactly my suspicion that they arent marching to Granger, while he has to figure out how to keep them under control.

All three of these parties have their own internal issues to deal with. The one that might implode most violently, if it doesnt work, is APNU as some of its base are quite angry, and expect results.

Redux this isnt instigating. This is being honest.

Just mek sure dem keep it in da PNC fambily. Di gamble did not work, now is adjustment phase. Have no fear, just dont go off on illegal behaviour.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Have no fear, just dont go off on illegal behaviour.

Marching peacefully isnt illegal. Refusing to hire people in positions other than the worst paid, because you dont like their hair texture is.

Now if you wish more blacks to like you treat them the way you would wish them to treat you. That way Granger might even be able to protect you against the wrath of those who you fear. That MINORITY of AfroGuyanese who will scapegoat every Indo because of their frsutrations.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Have no fear, just dont go off on illegal behaviour.

Marching peacefully isnt illegal. Refusing to hire people in positions other than the worst paid, because you dont like their hair texture is.

Now if you wish more blacks to like you treat them the way you would wish them to treat you. That way Granger might even be able to protect you against the wrath of those who you fear. That MINORITY of AfroGuyanese who will scapegoat every Indo because of their frsutrations.

They can march peaceful, it's their right, they can strike and take whatever undustrial actions, that's all ligit and not illegal. On that "minority", true datt exists on both sides and in every society, but you will NEVER hear Indos talk about feeding anyone to dogs. We never did, never tolerated under the PNC rule. Like every Indo, my parents bore their chafe and made the best of the hand dealt them...and made good of it.
Originally posted by Alexander:
This is what Cheddi saw and tried to fight for all those years.

Sorry. Cheddi did the maths, figured out that he would always win based on a larger Indian vote and used racial politics to the max. He also ensured that his relationship to the AFroGuyanese was not based on inclusion on an basis of equity, but on "helping" these "poor" things. Look at that whole Civic fiasco...blacks put in a Bantustan where they had no ability to impact PPP decision making, with the exception of Roger Luncheon.

Quit peddling that propaganda because clearly Cheddi wasnt worried when he lost the support of AfroGuyanese, even those like Eusi he didnt like Burnham.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
but you will NEVER hear Indos talk about feeding anyone to dogs. .

No you just screamed "ahbe pan tap" and threatened to turn blacks into slaves. You threatned this in 1961 and you did so again in 1992.

Sorry your attempt to paint Africans as evil and Indians as angelic isnt working. Bigotry exists on both sides as does ethnic insecurity.

Given that almost as much Indo poverty exists today as Afro poverty how good did your average Indo make out under the PNC?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
but you will NEVER hear Indos talk about feeding anyone to dogs. .

No you just screamed "ahbe pan tap" and threatened to turn blacks into slaves. You threatned this in 1961 and you did so again in 1992.

Sorry your attempt to paint Africans as evil and Indians as angelic isnt working. Bigotry exists on both sides as does ethnic insecurity.

Given that almost as much Indo poverty exists today as Afro poverty how good did your average Indo make out under the PNC?

Bai, you funny no ass. Ain't you the one who complain how Burnham favored Indians. You sick, you a loser and blame even god. Afros are doing well here, is just a power thing. As you said, poverty exists among both groups, therefore is not a race ting. PPP is no better or worse towards Afros or Indos, unlike the PNC who institutionally brutalized and oppressed Indians during their time. Still today the GDF, GPF and Civil Service are predominantly Afro. But the PPP should appoint a few Afro ambassadors.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
[ Ain't you the one who complain how Burnham favored Indians. .

No boss YOU were the one who said that Burnham favored Indos in your obsession with male black brute force, ignorance and savagery.

I on the other hand am quite willing to admit that Burnham was quite evil towards your average Indian. And I have said so in many responses to you.

The fact that poverty exists among both groups doesnt negate the fact that both the PPP and the PNC have engaged in racism, favoring the elites of their support base when they have had the power to do so.

You want to peddle a myth that blacks want some special favors. I was very vociferous in telling you that they just demand fairness (which doesnt occur today to blacks any more than fairness towards Indians was a fact under Burnham) and that your joke that Indos owe reparations to Afros is nonsensical. Clearly it must be a joke given the economic realities of Guyana where grass roots Indians are often exploited by the elite counterparts even moreso than Burnham did in his time.

You can peddle the nonsense that the bulk of the civil service is blacks as an excuse. I can remind you that this was true in 1885 when the British were clearly not innocent of racism towards non whites as you well know. As in 1885, so in 2012 AfroGuyanese remain almost totally locked out of decision making positions, and they few who are often arent credible, Henry Greene, the alleged rapist, being an example of this.

I will also remind you that black women who were marching peacefully were shot by policemen. So who has the power here? Clearly the PPP using a stooge like Henry Greene. Just as the black cops shot peaceful marchers in colonial days because their white bosses oredered them to, now they do the same though their boss is now Indian.
Originally posted by caribj:
As to your claim that most civil servants are black well most GUYSUCO employees under Burnham were Indian. Doesnt that mean that Indians were allowed to be part of the decision making process in that ere. Hardly?

2012 the show is on the other foot and the feet are equally unfair.

I think is lil different, most Guysuco Indian workers were in the factory and fields. The entire command structure of the GDF and GPF are mostly Afro. Most senior positions in the Civil Service are Afros. True there and several top positions held by Indians, but oww bai, abie nah muss get lil wuk too. You want we Coolies juss cut cane and clean guttah?
Most senior positions in the Civil Service are Afros. True there and several top positions held by Indians

Not accurate. According to Luncheon, all the Govt agencies (more than 40) with the exception of one are headed by Indians. The Office of the President, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guysuco Boards are all Indians with a few exceptions. The Senior positions in most Ministries are Indians, the lower level workers are predominantly Afro-Guyanese.
Originally posted by Gupta:
Most senior positions in the Civil Service are Afros. True there and several top positions held by Indians

Not accurate. According to Luncheon, all the Govt agencies (more than 40) with the exception of one are headed by Indians. The Office of the President, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guysuco Boards are all Indians with a few exceptions. The Senior positions in most Ministries are Indians, the lower level workers are predominantly Afro-Guyanese.

Nuff nuff coolies cutting cane, keching fish and planting garden. Is wah you want, all coolies do that, some abie cyan do lil office job too. What you want is a reversion to the PNC days, Afro mekkin' all decisions, coolies wukking di fields. It aint gon happen.
What you want is a reversion to the PNC days, Afro mekkin' all decisions, coolies wukking di fields. It aint gon happen

Nuff nuff coolies cutting cane, keching fish and planting garden. Is wah you want, all coolies do that, some abie cyan do lil office job too. What you want is a reversion to the PNC days, Afro mekkin' all decisions, coolies wukking di fields. It aint gon happen.

I just stating facts. I live thru Burnham days and live and work all over Guyana. Both Afro and Indians suffered....Both Afro and Indians benefited. The degree of how much suffered and benefitted is debately. ALL Guyanese should benefit. ALL. NO reversion ..NO marginilization.

The people ion Guyana won flag
Originally posted by Gupta:
What you want is a reversion to the PNC days, Afro mekkin' all decisions, coolies wukking di fields. It aint gon happen

Nuff nuff coolies cutting cane, keching fish and planting garden. Is wah you want, all coolies do that, some abie cyan do lil office job too. What you want is a reversion to the PNC days, Afro mekkin' all decisions, coolies wukking di fields. It aint gon happen.

I just stating facts. I live thru Burnham days and live and work all over Guyana. Both Afro and Indians suffered....Both Afro and Indians benefited. The degree of how much suffered and benefitted is debately. ALL Guyanese should benefit. ALL. NO reversion ..NO marginilization.

The people ion Guyana won flag
in burham days the black people protest more against the pnc,compare to the indians in ppp fact rodney try his best to displace burham,and the blacks join him to help fight for equal rights.MOSE try to fight for equal rights and the indians call him a traitor
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
I think is lil different, most Guysuco Indian workers were in the factory and fields. The entire command structure of GPF are mostly Afro. ?

Yet this "command" structure obeyed the demands of their PPP Indian bossses and shot black ladies who exercised their right for peaceful protest.

So who really controls that Afro "command" structure? Not blacks clearly because as you know full well at least 90% of them voted APNU.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Nuff nuff coolies cutting cane, keching fish and planting garden. .

What kind of INFERIORITY complex do you suffer from? Is it that unless Indians control 39 out of 40 govt agencies they fear they will control ZERO.

39 out of 40 agencies controlled by one race when suitably qualified people in Guyana come in all shapes, sizes and colors is UNACCEPTABLE!

Now what part of this do you have a problem with?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Nuff nuff coolies cutting cane, keching fish and planting garden. .

What kind of INFERIORITY complex do you suffer from? Is it that unless Indians control 39 out of 40 govt agencies they fear they will control ZERO.

39 out of 40 agencies controlled by one race when suitably qualified people in Guyana come in all shapes, sizes and colors is UNACCEPTABLE!

Now what part of this do you have a problem with?
you must know by now that sladge is a full blown racist,even if a black man find the cure for AID he is still no good,
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Gupta:
[ the lower level workers are predominantly Afro-Guyanese.

Yes people who eke out a living doing US$200-500/month. Low and mid level people.

Guyana's per-capita GDP is approx USD 2,000 PA, so 200-500 PM is actually very good. You should be thankful. Take a look at global stats and you will see it's not that bad.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Nuff nuff coolies cutting cane, keching fish and planting garden. .

What kind of INFERIORITY complex do you suffer from? Is it that unless Indians control 39 out of 40 govt agencies they fear they will control ZERO.

39 out of 40 agencies controlled by one race when suitably qualified people in Guyana come in all shapes, sizes and colors is UNACCEPTABLE!

Now what part of this do you have a problem with?
you must know by now that sladge is a full blown racist,even if a black man find the cure for AID he is still no good,

Banna, I deal with Afros everyday here, work with them, employ them and many times have alot of trust in them. I just dont trust anyone when it comes to politics.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Guyana's per-capita GDP is approx USD 2,000 PA, so 200-500 PM is actually very good. You should be thankful. Take a look at global stats and you will see it's not that bad.

Correction. Why not consider that the same people in Barbados would be making between $1,000 to 2,000/month. Yes LITTLE Barbados.

QC teachers make around $350/month. Dont you feel embarrassed that some one with a degree is forced to work for this? No wonder the best ones leave or teach lessons to the kids of the wealthy.

BTW compare our per cpaita with Dominica and St Vincent and get back to me that the 1,200 p/c income (not 2,000) is something to be proud of.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Nuff nuff coolies cutting cane, keching fish and planting garden. .

What kind of INFERIORITY complex do you suffer from? Is it that unless Indians control 39 out of 40 govt agencies they fear they will control ZERO.

39 out of 40 agencies controlled by one race when suitably qualified people in Guyana come in all shapes, sizes and colors is UNACCEPTABLE!

Now what part of this do you have a problem with?
you must know by now that sladge is a full blown racist,even if a black man find the cure for AID he is still no good,

Banna, I deal with Afros everyday here, work with them, employ them and many times have alot of trust in them. I just dont trust anyone when it comes to politics.
you work for the goverment,the tax payers money pay you to post racist remark on this formun.people like you donot have black friends,you is a bitter person.well i am a collie with a black pardner in business.and i donot see were politics have to do with trust.every person have a right to vote how they want
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by warrior:
you must know by now that sladge is a full blown racist,even if a black man find the cure for AID he is still no good,

Banna, I deal with Afros everyday here, work with them, employ them and many times have alot of trust in them. I just dont trust anyone when it comes to politics.
you work for the goverment,the tax payers money pay you to post racist remark on this formun.people like you donot have black friends,you is a bitter person.well i am a collie with a black pardner in business.and i donot see were politics have to do with trust.every person have a right to vote how they want

No, I dont work for the Govt, I run my own business here in GT. I only deal with the Govt on official issues, not political.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by warrior:
you must know by now that sladge is a full blown racist,even if a black man find the cure for AID he is still no good,

Banna, I deal with Afros everyday here, work with them, employ them and many times have alot of trust in them. I just dont trust anyone when it comes to politics.
you work for the goverment,the tax payers money pay you to post racist remark on this formun.people like you donot have black friends,you is a bitter person.well i am a collie with a black pardner in business.and i donot see were politics have to do with trust.every person have a right to vote how they want

No, I dont work for the Govt, I run my own business here in GT. I only deal with the Govt on official issues, not political.
official issues,you mean you get goverment contracts,well if you is honest i donot see the big deal.i do hope you get it on your ability and not your indianness.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by warrior:
you work for the goverment,the tax payers money pay you to post racist remark on this formun.people like you donot have black friends,you is a bitter person.well i am a collie with a black pardner in business.and i donot see were politics have to do with trust.every person have a right to vote how they want

No, I dont work for the Govt, I run my own business here in GT. I only deal with the Govt on official issues, not political.
official issues,you mean you get goverment contracts,well if you is honest i donot see the big deal.i do hope you get it on your ability and not your indianness.

Nah, me mean dealing with GRA and other such civil institutions to stay out of trouble.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by warrior:
you work for the goverment,the tax payers money pay you to post racist remark on this formun.people like you donot have black friends,you is a bitter person.well i am a collie with a black pardner in business.and i donot see were politics have to do with trust.every person have a right to vote how they want

No, I dont work for the Govt, I run my own business here in GT. I only deal with the Govt on official issues, not political.
official issues,you mean you get goverment contracts,well if you is honest i donot see the big deal.i do hope you get it on your ability and not your indianness.

Nah, me mean dealing with GRA and other such civil institutions to stay out of trouble.
well do not cook the books,let them bais pay them taxes

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