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The New York Times Editorial yesterday summed up cogently what transpired at the Wednesday night Commander-in-Chief Forum where Hillary and Trump made consecutive half-hour back-to-back appearances aboard the Intrepid Museum at a Manhattan pier.


Mrs. Clinton answered the questions of the moderator, Matt Lauer, in coherent sentences, often with specific details. Mr. Trump alternated between rambling statements and grandiose boasts when he wasn’t lying.

Mr. Lauer largely neglected to ask penetrating questions, call out falsehoods or insist on answers when it was obvious that Mr. Trump’s responses had drifted off.

Mr. Trump, (who) seems to feel he can skate by unchallenged with his own version of reality while Mrs. Clinton is grilled and entangled in the fine points of domestic and foreign policy.

Whether or not one agrees with her positions, Mrs. Clinton, formerly secretary of state and once a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, showed a firm understanding of the complex issues facing the country. Mr. Trump reveled in his ignorance about global affairs and his belief that leading the world’s most powerful nation is no harder than running his business empire, which has included at least four bankruptcies.

Mr. Lauer seemed most energized interrogating Mrs. Clinton about her use of a personal email server while secretary of state. Focusing on it meant that other critical issues — like America’s role in Afghanistan and its ties with China — went unaddressed. He was harder on Mrs. Clinton than on Mr. Trump, reflecting a tendency among some journalists to let Mr. Trump’s deceptions go unchallenged. That certainly was the case when he let Mr. Trump attack Mrs. Clinton for voting for the Iraq war and going into Libya when Mr. Trump had supported those actions.

Disputing outright lies may actually be one of the easier challenges for a moderator. The harder task is to pierce fantasies and gibberish. That requires preparation and persistence.

Mr. Trump was asked to explain his qualifications to lead the armed forces. “I have great judgment,” was his response. Fortunately, despite the lack of a follow-up question to that non-answer, Mr. Trump was perfectly able to display his abysmal judgment.

He repeated his view that President Vladimir Putin of Russia, who invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea, is a better leader than President Obama. He denigrated America’s generals as having been “reduced to rubble.” He talked in circles about defeating the Islamic State, boasting of a secret plan that he would not share.

Mr. Trump reinforced his reputation for misogyny by defending his tweet from 2013 suggesting that sexual assaults were to be expected if women serve in the military. And, prompted by an audience question, he adjusted his immigration policy on the fly, suggesting that immigrants who join the military could avoid deportation.

Lucky for him, no one bothered to ask why he should be allowed to be commander in chief when he spent so much time attacking the parents of a Muslim Army captain killed in Iraq. Earlier in the day, Mr. Trump called for a huge expansion of the military that experts said would cost an extra $150 billion over a decade. He gave no hint where that money would come from.



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A Letter to the Editor (NY Times) [RALPH TUREK of Strongsville, Ohio]also yesterday was succinct.


Hillary Clinton’s measured, detailed, fact-filled, coherent answers clearly reflected her years of experience at the highest levels of government. Mr. Trump’s convoluted nonanswers, his grade-school rhetoric and his nonstop Obama bashing were transparent attempts to divert attention from his incredible lack of knowledge, understanding or experience in world affairs.

I would have wished for two things in this event: 1) that the moderator had made a greater effort to counter Mr. Trump’s evasiveness and press him on what, if anything, he actually knows; 2) that Mr. Trump would have heeded (as Mrs. Clinton did for the most part) the moderator’s request to avoid bashing the other candidate and focus purely on his own qualifications (such as they are).


The emphasis on the topic of Commander-in-Chief is an absolute useless one.

Trump means to make America great again-people power. Meaning the American people. Wealth will give Christian Americans more revenues to share with the impoverished world and more Bibles distributed.

What is the use of being Commander-in-Chief, if only to destroy the lives of people in Foreign lands. I am certain, those in the Middle-East and Afghanistan curses Obama everyday when they are bombed. They already forgot about the Bushes. Trump is a decent man, he would not wish for himself terrible things, so he would not wish for others. He wants the good life for all peoples.

This business of being the worlds police man was started with Woodrow Wilson. And which he enacted by seizing the revenues of Nicaragua for money the USA spent over there. And they couldn't repay

Soon 9/11 will be remembered where thousands of Americans were affected. And a simple thing like flying planes into buildings did that damage. Then, there are the suicide bombers, they simply walk into the midst of their victims and waste them.

The danger for America, is the enemy within its borders. And that is what Trump means when he says, "make Americans great again." Giving back White people power, certainly will crush any threats within.

I am certain Trump will win. No matter how many highly intellectuals speak against him, the masses are with him-they are not hearing a single word of those pundits. It is like they succumb to a powerful force.

Perhaps, the force of wanting a better life than they have right now. And they view the pundits as people who have given away their inheritance.

The proof is White American Lives.

That is why Trump cannot change his rhetoric and style of campaigning. 

Suh, all dis Commander-in-Chief stuff doan do anything positive in peoples lives. All it is feeding the frenzy of having an enemy yuh hoping to attack. Peace, Love and Harmony is Trump plans.

So far, Obama selling lots of weapons to Saudi Arabia so they can kill the Middle_eastern Muslims. That is a smart Commander-in-Chief, he decides who he going to sell weapons to.

Trump wants to Build the World into a better place. Right now, it is like crap.


Whether or not one agrees with her positions, Mrs. Clinton, formerly secretary of state and once a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, showed a firm understanding of the complex issues facing the country. Mr. Trump reveled in his ignorance about global affairs and his belief that leading the world’s most powerful nation is no harder than running his business empire, which has included at least four bankruptcies.


So Ba$e, how you boy Trump made out at the Commander-in-Chief Forum

Trump will continue as THE Commander-in-Bubbling nonsense.

Of note, it is quite possible that Trump will find excuse(s) to avoid the presidential debates.

While Trump's forte is to avoid discussing details of issues, thus far he has provided nothing of substance in the Republican selection process plus his presentations as the Republican presidential candidate.

Kari posted:

The New York Times Editorial yesterday summed up cogently what transpired at the Wednesday night Commander-in-Chief Forum where Hillary and Trump made consecutive half-hour back-to-back appearances aboard the Intrepid Museum at a Manhattan pier.


Mr. Lauer seemed most energized interrogating Mrs. Clinton about her use of a personal email server while secretary of state. Focusing on it meant that other critical issues — like America’s role in Afghanistan and its ties with China — went unaddressed. He was harder on Mrs. Clinton than on Mr. Trump, reflecting a tendency among some journalists to let Mr. Trump’s deceptions go unchallenged. .



Lauer is what is wrong with the media. A pretty boy in former times. Always mediocre and intellectually limited.  Capable only of chatting trivia, now elevated to being a serious journalist because of the ratings that he gets from bored housewives.

He cannot understand, nor is he interested in discussing serious topics. Clinton is a snore to him because she talks about what she will actually do.  This when Lauer wants to get her to slip up over the email scandal.

I think that there is no new news on the Emailgate, and folks like Lauer need to accept this. He needs to find out why a bombastic ego driven jerk like Trump becomes a poodle boy when ever discussions shifts to Putin.

seignet posted:

." Giving back White people power, certainly will crush any threats within.


I just found it hilarious that people like you, a bunch of BROWN people, who would be rejected by most Trump supporters, because they hate non whites, foreigners and "Muslims", so eagerly champion the cause of white bigots.

FACT. Polls show that Trump will be the first GOP candidate in 50 years who will lose the votes of college educated whites!

Trump has spent the last week looking foolish in black churches (that video with him swaying in church I am sure led many blacks to be hospitalized because of damaged caused by violent laughter).  Why?  To impress whites that he isn't racist. It is NOT because he expects black votes.

So continue to advocate for white supremacists because even many whites who will vote for him will only do so as they dislike Hillary.

The true Trump believer is a trailer park loser eking out a living on disability payments.

seignet posted:


So far, Obama selling lots of weapons to Saudi Arabia .


Trump will do the same. WHy?  Because the military defense complex own the US gov't.  I do NOT recall any one in the GOP complaining.

WHY? Because the military defense complex funds that party.  It is a GOP affiliated sector of the economy, much as teachers are Democrats.

caribny posted:
Trump has spent the last week looking foolish in black churches (that video with him swaying in church I am sure led many blacks to be hospitalized because of damaged caused by violent laughter).  Why?  To impress whites that he isn't racist. It is NOT because he expects black votes.

Trump's antics at the session was quite laughable ... it was like a Laurel and Hardy show.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Whether or not one agrees with her positions, Mrs. Clinton, formerly secretary of state and once a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, showed a firm understanding of the complex issues facing the country. Mr. Trump reveled in his ignorance about global affairs and his belief that leading the world’s most powerful nation is no harder than running his business empire, which has included at least four bankruptcies.


So Ba$e, how you boy Trump made out at the Commander-in-Chief Forum

Trump will continue as THE Commander-in-Bubbling nonsense.

Of note, it is quite possible that Trump will find excuse(s) to avoid the presidential debates.

While Trump's forte is to avoid discussing details of issues, thus far he has provided nothing of substance in the Republican selection process plus his presentations as the Republican presidential candidate.

You should stop looking at Trump and pay attention to his supporters. I doan think they are concerned about perceived lies conjured up by his opponents. 

seignet posted:
I am certain Trump will win. No matter how many highly intellectuals speak against him, the masses are with him-they are not hearing a single word of those pundits. It is like they succumb to a powerful force.

While there are appearances of masses, thus far the predictions from reliable media sources show that the Democrats are not only leading but will win the presidential election with a sizable majority.

The masses are in the states which have always voted for the Republicans, hence it is no surprise.

Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Trump has spent the last week looking foolish in black churches (that video with him swaying in church I am sure led many blacks to be hospitalized because of damaged caused by violent laughter).  Why?  To impress whites that he isn't racist. It is NOT because he expects black votes.

Trump's antics at the session was quite laughable ... it was like a Laurel and Hardy show.

Trevor Noah showed a video of Trump "swaying to the music".  The man looked like an idiot.  He obviously cannot dance so shouldn't. If he thought that showing how "white" he was would impress blacks he is wrong. He showed himself to be an out of touch ageing white man who obviously doesn't mix with blacks.

seignet posted:

You should stop looking at Trump and pay attention to his supporters.. 

Yes 20% of the population. Another 28% will vote for Trump as they are GOP supporters and so hate Hillary more.

Trump is reviled, even by many GOP supporters.

seignet posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Whether or not one agrees with her positions, Mrs. Clinton, formerly secretary of state and once a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, showed a firm understanding of the complex issues facing the country. Mr. Trump reveled in his ignorance about global affairs and his belief that leading the world’s most powerful nation is no harder than running his business empire, which has included at least four bankruptcies.


So Ba$e, how you boy Trump made out at the Commander-in-Chief Forum

Trump will continue as THE Commander-in-Bubbling nonsense.

Of note, it is quite possible that Trump will find excuse(s) to avoid the presidential debates.

While Trump's forte is to avoid discussing details of issues, thus far he has provided nothing of substance in the Republican selection process plus his presentations as the Republican presidential candidate.

You should stop looking at Trump and pay attention to his supporters. I doan think they are concerned about perceived lies conjured up by his opponents. 

Check the reliable Fact Checkers to note the false statements made by Trump.

Some of them are posted on GNI at periodic times.

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Trump has spent the last week looking foolish in black churches (that video with him swaying in church I am sure led many blacks to be hospitalized because of damaged caused by violent laughter).  Why?  To impress whites that he isn't racist. It is NOT because he expects black votes.

Trump's antics at the session was quite laughable ... it was like a Laurel and Hardy show.

Trevor Noah showed a video of Trump "swaying to the music".  The man looked like an idiot.  He obviously cannot dance so shouldn't. If he thought that showing how "white" he was would impress blacks he is wrong. He showed himself to be an out of touch ageing white man who obviously doesn't mix with blacks.

His antics was like the one about a few weeks ago when he was at a Kentucky Fry Chicken outlet eating fried chicken with knife and fork.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

." Giving back White people power, certainly will crush any threats within.


I just found it hilarious that people like you, a bunch of BROWN people, who would be rejected by most Trump supporters, because they hate non whites, foreigners and "Muslims", so eagerly champion the cause of white bigots.

FACT. Polls show that Trump will be the first GOP candidate in 50 years who will lose the votes of college educated whites!

Trump has spent the last week looking foolish in black churches (that video with him swaying in church I am sure led many blacks to be hospitalized because of damaged caused by violent laughter).  Why?  To impress whites that he isn't racist. It is NOT because he expects black votes.

So continue to advocate for white supremacists because even many whites who will vote for him will only do so as they dislike Hillary.

The true Trump believer is a trailer park loser eking out a living on disability payments.

For every bad white person, there are 200 decent ones. On the other races, they have not progressed economically to be generous or concerned about the poor behaviour of their own kinds.

In this world, the white-man is like the Titan who gave mankind the art of making fire. Warmth, Food and Progress was possible. White people makes that possibility to every race. That is why dey have 16 million illegals in the USA. Everybaaaaady wants to live under the White People Rule.

Why do Black Americans go to Church, just to wukup demselves?  Atleast, that is what you got out of Trump's visit.

The man is going to win. Get use to it.

Demerara_Guy posted:
seignet posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Whether or not one agrees with her positions, Mrs. Clinton, formerly secretary of state and once a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, showed a firm understanding of the complex issues facing the country. Mr. Trump reveled in his ignorance about global affairs and his belief that leading the world’s most powerful nation is no harder than running his business empire, which has included at least four bankruptcies.


So Ba$e, how you boy Trump made out at the Commander-in-Chief Forum

Trump will continue as THE Commander-in-Bubbling nonsense.

Of note, it is quite possible that Trump will find excuse(s) to avoid the presidential debates.

While Trump's forte is to avoid discussing details of issues, thus far he has provided nothing of substance in the Republican selection process plus his presentations as the Republican presidential candidate.

You should stop looking at Trump and pay attention to his supporters. I doan think they are concerned about perceived lies conjured up by his opponents. 

Check the reliable Fact Checkers to note the false statements made by Trump.

Some of them are posted on GNI at periodic times.

My point. THE PEOPLE VOTING FOR HIM DOOOOOOAN CARE ABOUT ALL OF THAT.  U missing the point, they are the ones going make him the President.

ba$eman posted:

Trump looked very good in that church!  Blacks stand to gain a lot from his presidency!

That group represent a wee drop in the ocean of the Afro-American population.

Also, it was shown on TV and published in the media where the minister embellished his resume.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

You should stop looking at Trump and pay attention to his supporters.. 

Yes 20% of the population. Another 28% will vote for Trump as they are GOP supporters and so hate Hillary more.

Trump is reviled, even by many GOP supporters.

Who the establishment people who made uneducated whites poorer. Yuh tink dem rednecks care about those disciples of American DOOM.

seignet posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Check the reliable Fact Checkers to note the false statements made by Trump.

Some of them are posted on GNI at periodic times.

My point. THE PEOPLE VOTING FOR HIM DOOOOOOAN CARE ABOUT ALL OF THAT.  U missing the point, they are the ones going make him the President.

Realities and truth always prevail.

Trump will meet his "Waterloo" in November 2016.

Demerara_Guy posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump looked very good in that church!  Blacks stand to gain a lot from his presidency!

That group represent a wee drop in the ocean of the Afro-American population.

Also, it was shown on TV and published in the media where the minister embellished his resume.

Yuh Black people gat time to look at u-tube. Dey rather watch bump and grind to hip-pop on BET.

Demerara_Guy posted:
seignet posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Check the reliable Fact Checkers to note the false statements made by Trump.

Some of them are posted on GNI at periodic times.

My point. THE PEOPLE VOTING FOR HIM DOOOOOOAN CARE ABOUT ALL OF THAT.  U missing the point, they are the ones going make him the President.

Realities and truth always prevail.

Trump will meet his "Waterloo" in November 2016.

WATERLOO! There was a victor in dat battle. But the focus was always on the defeat.

Yes, for the opponents, it is trump's waterloo. But for Trump, Waterllo will be his victory.


ba$eman posted:

Trump looked very good in that church!  Blacks stand to gain a lot from his presidency!

Good? How so?  He was swinging like a scare crow in the breeze with no correlation to the music.

Even Black republicans don't like Trump.


Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
seignet posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Check the reliable Fact Checkers to note the false statements made by Trump.

Some of them are posted on GNI at periodic times.

My point. THE PEOPLE VOTING FOR HIM DOOOOOOAN CARE ABOUT ALL OF THAT.  U missing the point, they are the ones going make him the President.

Realities and truth always prevail.

Trump will meet his "Waterloo" in November 2016.

WATERLOO! There was a victor in dat battle. But the focus was always on the defeat.

Yes, for the opponents, it is trump's waterloo. But for Trump, Waterllo will be his victory.

And Trump will be in his building, being constructed not far away dreaming of what it would be if he were the occupant of the White House.

Demerara_Guy posted:

And Trump will be in his building, being constructed not far away dreaming of what it would be if he were the occupant of the White House.

It is very evident to all, except self hating idiots, that Trump doesn't want to be President.  This is just another reality show for him.

Case in point. Trump: "I will deal with ISIS by seizing the Iraqi oil fields. It is that simple". 

Yes invading a sovereign nation that is an ally, and stealing their only source of income, is quite simple??????

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

And Trump will be in his building, being constructed not far away dreaming of what it would be if he were the occupant of the White House.

It is very evident to all, except self hating idiots, that Trump doesn't want to be President.  This is just another reality show for him.

Case in point. Trump: "I will deal with ISIS by seizing the Iraqi oil fields. It is that simple". 

Yes invading a sovereign nation that is an ally, and stealing their only source of income, is quite simple??????

Indeed, he is proving it to be a reality show with his daily antics.

He talks, talks and talks without any depth nor substance to the issues.

Kari posted:

Ba$eman, do you or Trump knows that wartime pillage is forbidden by US law and US Army diktats? Is that how uninformed and low-information you boy is?

Times have changed. The enemy of today is not civilized( dem is not Europeans, more like Barbarians who have no mercy for women and children hacking off the heads) . And in the past American Presidents have taken assets from Latin Amrican countries as repayment.  I am certain, the terms of agreement will be re-negotiated  on many things. He has been saying that all the time. The man got no time to discuss the details issues. He knows the masses are like a stick in mud. 

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump looked very good in that church!  Blacks stand to gain a lot from his presidency!

Good? How so?  He was swinging like a scare crow in the breeze with no correlation to the music.

Even Black republicans don't like Trump.


We know Black people gat the moves. Black people in general only like black people. See how quickly they coloured Bill Clinton black suh dey can fool demselves.

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

The enemy of today is not civilized( dem is not Europeans,

Is it your belief that only Europeans are civilized?

Yes. It has been my only thought. Any other races of people so far have not attained the white mans civility. In war and peace. Dem people dat gat conditions how to deal wid the enemy in war time. The Japanese never had it. The Chinese dont. As for Blacks, they more worse-juss consider Boko Haram.

seignet posted:
Kari posted:

Ba$eman, do you or Trump knows that wartime pillage is forbidden by US law and US Army diktats? Is that how uninformed and low-information you boy is?

Times have changed. The enemy of today is not civilized( dem is not Europeans, more like Barbarians who have no mercy for women and children hacking off the heads) . And in the past American Presidents have taken assets from Latin Amrican countries as repayment.  I am certain, the terms of agreement will be re-negotiated  on many things. He has been saying that all the time. The man got no time to discuss the details issues. He knows the masses are like a stick in mud. 

The law is the law is the law. Stchupidy Bill just didn't know it.

seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

The enemy of today is not civilized( dem is not Europeans,

Is it your belief that only Europeans are civilized?

Yes. It has been my only thought.

Ok. Just wanted to clarify.

It is believed that Desmond Tutu said "When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land."

Wonder how this exchange took place?


Kari posted:

Ba$eman, do you or Trump knows that wartime pillage is forbidden by US law and US Army diktats? Is that how uninformed and low-information you boy is?

Baseman thinks that the USA can just go to Iraq and take the oil fields.  This is his boy's solution to ISIS.

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

The enemy of today is not civilized( dem is not Europeans,

Is it your belief that only Europeans are civilized?

Yes. It has been my only thought.

Ok. Just wanted to clarify.

It is believed that Desmond Tutu said "When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land."

Wonder how this exchange took place?


The Christian missionaries were nice.  The Muslims came to Africa which sharp swords and said either the sword in your head, or your head in the Koran.  So all of North Africa was forced to convert to Islam.....or else!

caribny posted:

The Christian missionaries were nice.  The Muslims came to Africa which sharp swords and said either the sword in your head, or your head in the Koran.  So all of North Africa was forced to convert to Islam.....or else!

Really ????

Perhaps, you need to study the historical background on how Islam was brought to Africa, in particular in Ethiopia and other nations.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Really ????

Perhaps, you need to study the historical background on how Islam was brought to Africa, in particular in Ethiopia and other nations.

The history is clear. Muslim warriors poured out of the Arabian peninsular and conquered North Africa with forced conversions.

Ethiopia remained Christian for the same reason that they beat back the Italians.  It is mountainous, so easy to defend.

How many Christians are left in Tunisia now?  Or Libya?  You know Libya had a thriving Christian population even when the Romans were still harassing them.

Muslims should really not talk too loudly about the reasons why the lands that they conquered became so overwhelmingly Muslim.


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