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ksazma posted:

So Hannity saying that Cohen is not his lawyer in its purest sense. Does that mean that Cohen is now down to just two clients which includes the President? The dude has no income. No wonder the dude needs a home equity loan to pay off Stormy Double D.

For over 15 years all he has ONLY two clients, and he never collected he only paid out, what a jackass for a lawyer. Trump can't pardon him, he is going to jail or squeel on Trump.

Chief posted:

Trump should have known better not to run for President.

He started this as a joke and he wI'll end up as a joke.

Karma is a bitch. He got blinded by his bigotry when a black man became President. All his birther nonsense blinded his mind from that which is most precious to him. His crooked business operations. Serves the son of a bitch right. Karma is indeed a bitch. There is not too many people I find more despicable than Trump.

ksazma posted:
Chief posted:

Trump should have known better not to run for President.

He started this as a joke and he wI'll end up as a joke.

Karma is a bitch. He got blinded by his bigotry when a black man became President. All his birther nonsense blinded his mind from that which is most precious to him. His crooked business operations. Serves the son of a bitch right. Karma is indeed a bitch. There is not too many people I find more despicable than Trump.



Son of a Bitch!

The man must harmed you in some particular way. Angry like Caribj concering Indian pp.

Trump has opinions too. Because he is white he shouldn't?

Chief posted:

Trump should have known better not to run for President.

He started this as a joke and he wI'll end up as a joke.

Who da Fck are you to decide whether he runs or not.  You washed up on the shores yesterday like a wet fowl fleeing Black Tyranny to be rescued by the White man!

He IS PRESIDENT of the most powerful country.  This coup will not succeed.  A Deep State axis of evil has been formed encompassing the Democrats, Liberals, Islamists, Black Lives Matter, LGBT and all open and closet Anti-Americans.

They will all be crushed like cockroaches!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump should have known better not to run for President.

He started this as a joke and he wI'll end up as a joke.

Who da Fck are you to decide whether he runs or not.  You washed up on the shores yesterday like a wet fowl fleeing Black Tyranny to be rescued by the White man!

He IS PRESIDENT of the most powerful country.  This coup will not succeed.  A Deep State axis of evil has been formed encompassing the Democrats,

They will all be crushed like cockroaches!

I call this a Muhammad Ali master knock out punch. Way to go Base.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump should have known better not to run for President.

He started this as a joke and he wI'll end up as a joke.

Who da Fck are you to decide whether he runs or not.  You washed up on the shores yesterday like a wet fowl fleeing Black Tyranny to be rescued by the White man!

He IS PRESIDENT of the most powerful country.  This coup will not succeed.  A Deep State axis of evil has been formed encompassing the Democrats, Liberals, Islamists, Black Lives Matter, LGBT and all open and closet Anti-Americans.

They will all be crushed like cockroaches!

CHief can say what he wants about Trump or any other person, he don't have to kowtow to him cause he white...after all CHief pays his taxes and adds value to the economy, so he has earned that right...

DOn't know why some of you think we have to bow down to white people because we moved here....these same white people came to our shores and raped our countries, what goes around comes around

Riff posted:
Baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump should have known better not to run for President.

He started this

Who da Fck are you to decide whether he runs or not.  You washed up on the shores yesterday like a wet fowl fleeing Black Tyranny to be rescued by the White man!

He IS PRESIDENT of the most powerful country.  This coup will not succeed.  A Deep State axis of evil has been formed encompassing the Democrats, Liberals, Islamists, Black Lives Matter, LGBT and all open and closet Anti-Americans.

They will all be crushed like cockroaches!

CHief can say what he wants about Trump or any other person, he don't have to kowtow to him cause he white...after all CHief pays his taxes and adds value to the economy, so he has earned that right...

DOn't know why some of you think we have to bow down to white people because we moved here....these same white people came to our shores and raped our countries, what goes around comes around

Listen Banna, this site is punch and counter punch without getting personal.  I don’t know the man one bit except gni.  Everyone pays their taxes and have their voice.  Alyuh does like cuss out who you feel like in Guyana and USA, others take the other side of the trade.  No hard feelings!

And unlike you, I did not come to America as some counter to colonialism.  Infant, it’s the mess made by our own brought us to these shores!  I’m not here to rape America, so speak for yourself!


Birds of a feather fluck together. Since 2016, Michael Cohen had three clients. Trump on whose behalf he helped negotiate two settlements to keep ***** parties secret. Then he was also involved in the $1.6M settlement   of another ***** party involving Broidy. Then his lawyer was fighting tooth and nails to keep Hannity from being named the third client. The question is why.

Baseman posted:
Riff posted:
Baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump should have known better not to run for President.

He started this

Who da Fck are you to decide whether he runs or not.  You washed up on the shores yesterday like a wet fowl fleeing Black Tyranny to be rescued by the White man!

He IS PRESIDENT of the most powerful country.  This coup will not succeed.  A Deep State axis of evil has been formed encompassing the Democrats, Liberals, Islamists, Black Lives Matter, LGBT and all open and closet Anti-Americans.

They will all be crushed like cockroaches!

CHief can say what he wants about Trump or any other person, he don't have to kowtow to him cause he white...after all CHief pays his taxes and adds value to the economy, so he has earned that right...

DOn't know why some of you think we have to bow down to white people because we moved here....these same white people came to our shores and raped our countries, what goes around comes around

Listen Banna, this site is punch and counter punch without getting personal.  I don’t know the man one bit except gni.  Everyone pays their taxes and have their voice.  Alyuh does like cuss out who you feel like in Guyana and USA, others take the other side of the trade.  No hard feelings!

And unlike you, I did not come to America as some counter to colonialism.  Infant, it’s the mess made by our own brought us to these shores!  I’m not here to rape America, so speak for yourself!

You claimed the man washed up on the shores like a wet fowl like he begging for help from white folks and insinuating that he should forever be grateful....all I saying is he did exactly what the white folks did when they colonized half the world and took what they want...

Baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump should have known better not to run for President.

He started this as a joke and he wI'll end up as a joke.

Who da Fck are you to decide whether he runs or not.  You washed up on the shores yesterday like a wet fowl fleeing Black Tyranny to be rescued by the White man!

He IS PRESIDENT of the most powerful country.  This coup will not succeed.  A Deep State axis of evil has been formed encompassing the Democrats, Liberals, Islamists, Black Lives Matter, LGBT and all open and closet Anti-Americans.

They will all be crushed like cockroaches!

This  false notion thing about black tyranny in Guyana has certainly done a number on you.

Now you are in full worship of the White Man.

No group is trying to depose Trump, the man is his worse enemy, time will prove that.

ksazma posted:

Birds of a feather fluck together. Since 2016, Michael Cohen had three clients. Trump on whose behalf he helped negotiate two settlements to keep ***** parties secret. Then he was also involved in the $1.6M settlement   of another ***** party involving Broidy. Then his lawyer was fighting tooth and nails to keep Hannity from being named the third client. The question is why.

Maybe just another OPP story.  In such cases a lawyer can request name withheld.  This deviation by the judge is part of the deep state conspiracy against trump and anyone who supports him!

Riff posted:

You claimed the man washed up on the shores like a wet fowl like he begging for help from white folks and insinuating that he should forever be grateful....all I saying is he did exactly what the white folks did when they colonized half the world and took what they want...

Actually the Chief was more decent in his entrance to America than the white folks were when they went to Guyana and stole their lands and enslaved their population. I don’t think the Chief ever stole any white person’s land after he came to America.

And is true. Some Guyanese act like they think they need to kiss white man batty because white man allowed to come to America. Not saying that Base does.

ksazma posted:
Riff posted:

You claimed the man washed up on the shores like a wet fowl like he begging for help from white folks and insinuating that he should forever be grateful....all I saying is he did exactly what the white folks did when they colonized half the world and took what they want...

Actually the Chief was more decent in his entrance to America than the white folks were when they went to Guyana and stole their lands and enslaved their population. I don’t think the Chief ever stole any white person’s land after he came to America.

And is true. Some Guyanese act like they think they need to kiss white man batty because white man allowed to come to America. Not saying that Base does.

Base is hoping Trump will dethrone Granjuh and reinstate PPP!   

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Birds of a feather fluck together. Since 2016, Michael Cohen had three clients. Trump on whose behalf he helped negotiate two settlements to keep ***** parties secret. Then he was also involved in the $1.6M settlement   of another ***** party involving Broidy. Then his lawyer was fighting tooth and nails to keep Hannity from being named the third client. The question is why.

Maybe just another OPP story.  In such cases a lawyer can request name withheld.  This deviation by the judge is part of the deep state conspiracy against trump and anyone who supports him!

I am fine with that. I don’t care for Trump. He was a lifelong Democrat who switched to Republican probably because he couldn’t deal with a black man living in the White House similarly how he opposed black people living in his own properties. Now he is living in that same White House but he looks lonely and miserable. I had a co-worker who was also a lifelong Democrat but also couldn’t handle a black man in the White House. He took it on so much that he died of a heart attack in 2009.

Riff posted:
Baseman posted:
Riff posted:
Baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump should have known better not to run for President.

He started this

Who da Fck are you to decide whether he runs or not.  You washed up on the shores yesterday like a wet fowl fleeing Black Tyranny to be rescued by the White man!

He IS PRESIDENT of the most powerful country.  This coup will not succeed.  A Deep State axis of evil has been formed encompassing the Democrats, Liberals, Islamists, Black Lives Matter, LGBT and all open and closet Anti-Americans.

They will all be crushed like cockroaches!

CHief can say what he wants about Trump or any other person, he don't have to kowtow to him cause he white...after all CHief pays his taxes and adds value to the economy, so he has earned that right...

DOn't know why some of you think we have to bow down to white people because we moved here....these same white people came to our shores and raped our countries, what goes around comes around

Listen Banna, this site is punch and counter punch without getting personal.  I don’t know the man one bit except gni.  Everyone pays their taxes and have their voice.  Alyuh does like cuss out who you feel like in Guyana and USA, others take the other side of the trade.  No hard feelings!

And unlike you, I did not come to America as some counter to colonialism.  Infant, it’s the mess made by our own brought us to these shores!  I’m not here to rape America, so speak for yourself!

You claimed the man washed up on the shores like a wet fowl like he begging for help from white folks and insinuating that he should forever be grateful....all I saying is he did exactly what the white folks did when they colonized half the world and took what they want...

I was just dramatizing.  I don’t know the guy in any way!

Chief posted:
Baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump should have known better not to run for President.

He started this as a joke and he wI'll end up as a joke.

Who da Fck are you to decide whether he runs or not.  You washed up on the shores yesterday like a wet fowl fleeing Black Tyranny to be rescued by the White man!

He IS PRESIDENT of the most powerful country.  This coup will not succeed.  A Deep State axis of evil has been formed encompassing the Democrats, Liberals, Islamists, Black Lives Matter, LGBT and all open and closet Anti-Americans.

They will all be crushed like cockroaches!

This  false notion thing about black tyranny in Guyana has certainly done a number on you.

Now you are in full worship of the White Man.

No group is trying to depose Trump, the man is his worse enemy, time will prove that.

I came from PNC tyrannical racism.  If it wAs so nice, why you ran away from the good life?  Now you turn around and praise the Pnc and and cuss the ppp and cuss the potus.

ksazma posted:
antabanta posted:

What's anti-american? Sounds like a McCarthy era euphemism.

Funny that it is the Trump supporters who like to label others anti Americans. Yet it is their boy Trump who acts anti American. He just turned down the new sanctions against Russia that Nikki Haley spent the weekend talking about.

Trump don’t want to over reach!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
antabanta posted:

What's anti-american? Sounds like a McCarthy era euphemism.

Funny that it is the Trump supporters who like to label others anti Americans. Yet it is their boy Trump who acts anti American. He just turned down the new sanctions against Russia that Nikki Haley spent the weekend talking about.

Trump don’t want to over reach!

You mean like bombing a country? Would something like that be over-reaching? The Russians committed an act of aggression against the US. What's the US doing? What act against the US did Syria commit?

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
antabanta posted:

What's anti-american? Sounds like a McCarthy era euphemism.

Funny that it is the Trump supporters who like to label others anti Americans. Yet it is their boy Trump who acts anti American. He just turned down the new sanctions against Russia that Nikki Haley spent the weekend talking about.

Trump don’t want to over reach!

Putin doesn’t have any problems overreacting. So far he has reached all the way up Trump’s ass.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:


Funny that it is the Trump supporters who like to label others anti Americans. Yet it is their boy Trump who acts anti American. He just turned down the new sanctions against Russia that Nikki Haley spent the weekend talking about.

Trump don’t want to over reach!

Putin doesn’t have any problems overreacting. So far he has reached all the way up Trump’s ass.

Nonsense, what did Obama do regarding Ukraine?   What happened when chemicals were first used in Syria?   Both he sat on his hands and both trump hit back!


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