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Country drifting away from its democratic principles- Sir Shridath Ramphal

March 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Former Commonwealth Secretary- General, Sir Shridath Ramphal, is of the firm belief that Guyana is drifting away from its democratic principles and what the country needs to take it forward is a national coalition.

Sir Shridath Ramphal during his interview with Kaieteur News

Sir Shridath Ramphal during his interview with Kaieteur News

Sir Shridath made these assertions, among others, during an exclusive interview with Kaieteur News at a luncheon held by the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) at the Pegasus Hotel last week. At that forum, Presidential Candidate for the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC), David Granger, provided to members of the business community, the Opposition’s plan to promote the diversification and improvement of the Guyana economy. Mr Ramphal, who attended that meeting, was subsequently asked to give his take on democracy in Guyana and if he feels, based on his observations, that it is being undermined. He said that democracy is above everything else, a state of mind and it is, of course, enforced by strong institutions. “But what we need is a state of mind in the whole country among the politicians, the parties and the people. We must have a country in which there is freedom of thought, expression and freedom to act and pay respect to the rights of others and to make that a kind of credo where we really believe it and act it out. That is the foundation of any democratic state and Guyana has been drifting away from that from all sides. The recipe for the restoration for democracy, I will say that it has to start with changing the mindset that currently prevails,” the distinguished Guyanese scholar added. Speaking to the way forward in that regard Sir Shridath said that as the nation gears for the May 11 elections, it is important that the process of changing the mindset begins during the election process. He also said that it must be done in a manner that does not see the nation descending further into the state it is in. Rather, he said, the country for its advancement at all levels must rise to a higher level of thinking. On the note of corruption in Guyana and even globally, the former Foreign Affairs Minister said that it is indeed corrosive and any new government in tackling corruption will have to take some institutional steps that rid the population of that disease which affects everyone. Granger at the forum had spoken to the end of the “winner takes all” politics in Guyana. On that particular point, Sir Shridath said that while the concept is an unfortunate one, it was actually inherited from the British but emphasized that it is clear that it does not work for everyone. “Britain has elevated itself as the motherhood of democracies… It has been a homogenous society; it is changing and already Britain has had to enter coalition politics. Guyana’s constitution has itself moved away from the initial Constitution which I drafted. But when I left Guyana in 1975 the Constitution was changed and part of the processes of change, I am afraid, enhanced the winner takes all style,” the former co-chair of the Commission on Global Governance asserted. He emphasized that the winner of the upcoming General and Regional Elections must make moves to “rethink a lot of things” in the Constitution. Additionally, Sir Shridath said that the political system is in fact making changes of its own and that is in the form of coalition politics. “And a national coalition is the direction in which the country has to go,” he added. In terms of economic security, Mr Ramphal said that Guyana has to transition into a climate of development through foreign investment and local entrepreneurship and rise out of its present condition to one of prosperity. He asserted that Guyana’s natural resources are enormous but there is a serious need to have an economic and political environment where the nation can rise to that level of success for all. The academic sought to add, “We don’t have that right now.” Sir Shridath concluded that while there are a whole range of things to be done by the next government to achieve the points raised, he said that if it is one thing Guyana seriously needs now, “is a larger voice for the people.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is the same man who drafted the current constitution that made Burnham Presdident for life.

This is the same brilliant Ramphal who advised Burham to hold a referendum to rig the constitution in his favor.


Gwan so!!


Granger at the forum had spoken to the end of the “winner takes all” politics in Guyana.



On that particular point, Sir Shridath said that while the concept is an unfortunate one, it was actually inherited from the British but emphasized that it is clear that it does not work for everyone.


Britain has elevated itself as the motherhood of democracies… It has been a homogenous society; it is changing and already Britain has had to enter coalition politics.


Guyana’s constitution has itself moved away from the initial Constitution which I drafted.

But when I left Guyana in 1975 the Constitution was changed and part of the processes of change, I am afraid, enhanced the winner takes all style,” the former co-chair of the Commission on Global Governance asserted.

In other words ....

Ramphal is saying he wrote the Guyana Constitution Based on the British System... which was seen as the Motherhood of Democracies....


Ramphal is a Brilliant Diplomat.....what Ramphal Really mean... is...  Burnham Changed the Original Guyana Constitution to Create a Dictatorship & Promote Corruption & Thiefing which is rampant today.


He emphasized that the winner of the upcoming General and Regional Elections must make moves to “rethink a lot of things” in the Constitution.


Additionally, Sir Shridath said that the political system is in fact making changes of its own and that is in the form of coalition politics.


“And a national coalition is the direction in which the country has to go,” he added.


In terms of economic security, Mr Ramphal said that Guyana has to transition into a climate of development through foreign investment and local entrepreneurship and rise out of its present condition to one of prosperity.


He asserted that Guyana’s natural resources are enormous but there is a serious need to have an economic and political environment where the nation can rise to that level of success for all.


The academic sought to add,

“We don’t have that right now.”

Sir Shridath concluded that while there are a whole range of things to be done by the next government to achieve the points raised, he said that if it is one thing Guyana seriously needs now,

“is a larger voice for the people.”




Ramphal is a Brilliant Diplomat.....

what Ramphal Really mean...

is... Burnham Changed 

the Original Guyana Constitution


to Create a Dictatorship &.........

Promote Corruption & ...........

Thiefing ..........

which is rampant today.


He asserted that Guyana’s natural resources are enormous but there is a serious need to have an economic and political environment where the nation can rise to that level of success for all.


The academic sought to add,

“We don’t have that right now.”


















 to our economic

and political environment

where the nation can rise

to that level of success for all.



All Guyanese......

 must thank the ABC Countries

who are working hard

Behind the Scene

to END De Dictatorship &.........

 END De Corruption & ...........

END De Thiefing ..........


which was started by Burnham

and is rampant today.



Originally Posted by Jalil:



All Guyanese......

 must thank the ABC Countries

who are working hard

Behind the Scene

to END De Dictatorship &.........

 END De Corruption & ...........

END De Thiefing ..........


which was started by Burnham

and is rampant today.



yes continue with this nonsense and Guyanese will fold up their arms. whine the usual " Wha we gun do, we gun mek out some how", and expect the rest of the world to solve their problems.



When will Guyana understand that few in the world know where Guyana is, or care the slightest about it.  Indeed the few times that Guyana (Suriname and French Guyane) are mentioned there is usual a dismissive disinterest.



We do NOT represent strategic value to the rest of the world. especially since the end of the Cold War.  It is ONLY GUYANESE, and Guyanese ALONE, who will solve our problems.  A few comments made by diplomats should NOT be interpreted as promises of any plans to act.


And if folks doubt the scanty role that Guyana plays just ask yourself how many US presidents and VPs have visited Guyana, or are likely to. Clinton and Obama have visited several Caribbean nations, Barbados being one of them!





Note that not one senior US official has EVER visited Guyana!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

Ramphal and his son inlaw Ron Sauders are two of the biggest soup drinkers.

Chief watch at the Bigger Picture...


Do you think it was by Accident

Ramphal was Sitting  

at the Table Reserved for Diplomats

from America, Britain & Canada

at  luncheon held by the

Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA)

at the Pegasus Hotel last week.

Sir Shridath Ramphal during his interview with Kaieteur News  

Ramphal is not like the Engineer

Claiming he giving out Free Fruit Tree

when everyone know dat is Goat Shit Talk.



Ramplal is at the Table

with the ABC Countries

 working hard

Behind the Scene

to END De Dictatorship &.........

 END De Corruption & ...........

END De Thiefing ..........


which was started by Burnham

and is rampant today.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

Well said Carib J.

Chief how yuh gon Compare CaribJ and his Goat Shit

with Ramphal & The ABC Countries.....

While CaribJ preaching Race Hate....

the world still spinning ....

and moving forward....


If CaribJ was someone who matters

he would have been at the Table...


Sir Shridath Ramphal during his interview with Kaieteur News  

We will see what he will be saying after May 11.

Da Blackman....Coolie Talk is GOAT SHIT.


Originally Posted by Jalil:



Ramplal is at the Table

with the ABC Countries

 working hard

Behind the Scene

to END De Dictatorship &.........

 END De Corruption & ...........

END De Thiefing ..........


which was started by Burnham

and is rampant today.

Jalil Guyana means no more to the US government than does Vanuatu.  Indeed MORE Americans are probably aware of that Pacific nation than they are of Guyana, given recent publicity arising from their devastating hurricane.


STOP fooling Guyanese that the ABC nations really have any interest in Guyana.  They DO NOT!  As of now the impending constitutional crisis in Haiti occupies time in Washington DC.  A similar problem in Guyana worries the USA less than they were concerned about St Kitts Nevis' recent political problems, because at least in the latter case the sale of passports to potential money launderers was of concern.


Guyana is NOT on the list of the largest suppliers of drugs to the USA, as most are routed through 3rd countries, prior to entry into the USA.


Guyana is NOT on the list of nations which are concerned threats because of money laundering, because we don't have a citizenship by investment scheme, or a large off shore financial sector.


Guyana exports nothing that the US considers strategic.


Guyana wields little influence, even within CARICOM.


Unlike Haiti/Cuba, a political implosion isn't going to unleash thousands of dead bodies washing up on Florida beaches.


Guyana isn't seen as a nation offering a potential large market for US goods and services as does Cuba.


BOTTOM LINE. Guyana does NOT MATTER!  So stop exciting Guyanese that an impending political change will be engineered by the ABC nations, releasing Guyanese of the responsibility that engineer this feat.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:



Ramplal is at the Table

with the ABC Countries

 working hard

Behind the Scene

to END De Dictatorship &.........

 END De Corruption & ...........

END De Thiefing ..........


which was started by Burnham

and is rampant today.

Jalil Guyana means no more to the US government than does Vanuatu.  Indeed MORE Americans are probably aware of that Pacific nation than they are of Guyana, given recent publicity arising from their devastating hurricane.


STOP fooling Guyanese that the ABC nations really have any interest in Guyana.  They DO NOT!  As of now the impending constitutional crisis in Haiti occupies time in Washington DC.  A similar problem in Guyana worries the USA less than they were concerned about St Kitts Nevis' recent political problems, because at least in the latter case the sale of passports to potential money launderers was of concern.


Guyana is NOT on the list of the largest suppliers of drugs to the USA, as most are routed through 3rd countries, prior to entry into the USA.


Guyana is NOT on the list of nations which are concerned threats because of money laundering, because we don't have a citizenship by investment scheme, or a large off shore financial sector.


Guyana exports nothing that the US considers strategic.


Guyana wields little influence, even within CARICOM.


Unlike Haiti/Cuba, a political implosion isn't going to unleash thousands of dead bodies washing up on Florida beaches.


Guyana isn't seen as a nation offering a potential large market for US goods and services as does Cuba.


BOTTOM LINE. Guyana does NOT MATTER!  So stop exciting Guyanese that an impending political change will be engineered by the ABC nations, releasing Guyanese of the responsibility that engineer this feat.

Wishful thinking on some folks on GNI.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:



All Guyanese......

 must thank the ABC Countries

who are working hard

Behind the Scene

to END De Dictatorship &.........

 END De Corruption & ...........

END De Thiefing ..........


which was started by Burnham

and is rampant today.



yes continue with this nonsense and Guyanese will fold up their arms. whine the usual " Wha we gun do, we gun mek out some how", and expect the rest of the world to solve their problems.......GOAT SHIT





 Chief ignore CaribJ and his GoatShit


When will Guyana understand that few in the world know where Guyana is, or care the slightest about it.  Indeed the few times that Guyana (Suriname and French Guyane) are mentioned there is usual a dismissive disinterest.......GOAT SHIT


We have Walked Away ...

on Winner Take all Politices....




Brooklyn, New York





















We do NOT represent strategic value to the rest of the world. especially since the end of the Cold War.  It is ONLY GUYANESE, and Guyanese ALONE, who will solve our problems.  A few comments made by diplomats should NOT be interpreted as promises of any plans to act.......GOAT SHIT



After the Wedding

there is always things

to be resolved & Settled

But we Must Move Forward

New Jersey Business Meeting








And if folks doubt the scanty role that Guyana plays just ask yourself how many US presidents and VPs have visited Guyana, or are likely to. Clinton and Obama have visited several Caribbean nations, Barbados being one of them! ......GOAT SHIT

We know this would be Difficult...

But we are committed

to making this Work

Everyone will be at the Table





Note that not one senior US official has EVER visited Guyana!


What will CaribJ

Bring to the Table?????



Blackman-Coolieman Politics Dead

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Wishful thinking on some folks on GNI.

Lovely pics Jalil, but what proof do you have that Obama, Cameron and Harper are having daily teleconference chats about Guyana?  While the goodly men are educated so clearly aware that Guyana exists, why do you think that they care more about Guyana than they do about Vanuati, Tuvalu, and other "exotic" Pacific nations.


Guyana and Suriname are also exotic and remote nations, scarcely of interest to any but their nationals.




So please tell us why the ABC nations are going to invest money and time to solve Guyana's problems?  Because these nations suddenly became "moral". Yes the same nations which committed atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan?



You got to come better than that.  Nations act on behalf of their strategic interests, and especially so in this era of scarce resources. 


Unless you can prove that Guyana represents strategic economic or political interests to the ABC nations, keep on being fooled by the remarks of what might well be a very earnest JUNIOR diplomat assigned to an UNIMPORTANT post!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Wishful thinking on some folks on GNI.


What will CaribJ

Bring to the Table?????



Blackman-Coolieman Politics Dead

So please tell us why the ABC nations are going to invest money and time to solve Guyana's problems?  Because these nations suddenly became "moral". Yes the same nations which committed atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan?



You got to come better than that.  Nations act on behalf of their strategic interests, and especially so in this era of scarce resources. 


Unless you can prove that Guyana represents strategic economic or political interests to the ABC nations, keep on being fooled by the remarks of what might well be a very earnest JUNIOR diplomat assigned to an UNIMPORTANT post!


Originally Posted by Jalil:


Unless you can prove that Guyana represents strategic economic or political interests to the ABC nations, keep on being fooled by the remarks of what might well be a very earnest JUNIOR diplomat assigned to an UNIMPORTANT post!


I see.  Rather than respond you re post this well done pictures.


I would rather you show evidence that Harper, Cameron and Obama had a high level conference to discuss Guyana.


Take care that the PPP frauds don't counteract you by showing a picture of Ramotar and Obama smiling into each others eyes at that meeting in Jamaica!


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