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Jagdeo’s personal acquisitions are clear cut and above board legality of former President’s wealth clarified

Georgetown, GINA, September 4, 2012


The contention by the Parliamentary Opposition that Bharat Jagdeo, while serving as Head of State acquired more wealth than any other president of Guyana can be viewed as a justifiable non-issue and a clear case of fixation with the former leader.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs of Guyana Anil Nandlall clearly indicated that the issue is nothing more than obsession as the former president received what other Guyanese got under the Ministry of Housing’s programme. “The difference between Mr. Jagdeo and every other President in this country is that he took power in his thirties. He didn’t own anything, he came back from studies, he worked and he acquired as he was working. He was the only President that is distinguished in that respect,” Mr. Nandlall said.  The former president’s record reflects this.

He obtained a Master’s degree in Economics in 1990, and worked as an economist in the State Planning Secretariat until October 1992 election. After this he became Special Advisor to the Minister of Finance. Jagdeo was appointed as Junior Minister of Finance in October 1993. In the Cabinet, he was promoted to Senior Minister of Finance in May 1995. On August 8, 1999, Janet Jagan announced that she was resigning as President for health reasons, and that Jagdeo would be her successor.

Because the Prime Minister is the President’s legal successor, Jagdeo took office as Prime Minister on August 9, so that he would be positioned to succeed Jagan. He was then sworn in as President on August 11 – at age 35, making him one of the youngest Heads of State in the world. Jagdeo was re-elected for another five-year term on August 28, 2006, and in late 2011 he completed his tenure.

This record indicates very high-paying positions that come with numerous allowances and benefits.  Why then should Jagdeo not have acquired wealth and property?

AG Nandlall stated that Jagdeo as President netted a tax free salary of close to $1M per month, along with other benefits. He therefore, had the wherewithal then, and had, even before from his savings garnered from his previous jobs, to construct a house, and sell it for G$120M.

The selling price is a non-issue since any real estate agent could explain the “buy low sell high” mode of the property dealership environment.

By this time Jagdeo’s two- term tenure as Head of State was approaching its end, he did then what any sensible man would do; he prepared to retire from the Presidency without losing his social standing locally, regionally and internationally.

When another piece of land was made available for distribution to a certain quality of Guyanese office holders, a category in which the former President fell, he naturally took advantage of it. So did other Ministers of the government, former Commissioners of Police and CARICOM Secretariat officials, who were also publicly offered land for sale.

Jagdeo had no property at the time he ascended to the Presidency of Guyana, unlike every other president. Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte, and the Jagans (Cheddi and Janet) all owned property at the time they took office.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It is easy to calculate his salary and imagine he saved every dime and it will still fall short what he displays today.

You mind doing the calculations for us given all that was highlighted above. I'm not too good with math

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

albert doesn't have to guess. He can get hold of all the details including Swiss and Indian account numbers, and how much money is in them.

Proof of these please

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It is easy to calculate his salary and imagine he saved every dime and it will still fall short what he displays today.

You mind doing the calculations for us given all that was highlighted above. I'm not too good with math

He is a crook. That much does not need one reading tea leaves or casting knuckle bones. One just have to look. He did not have a pot to piss in and no chance of making it business but in the presidency he did.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Slimeball Storm seek crooks everywhere.


How about Moses and Ram who collected millions from NICIL. Cat bite your tongue ?

 First moron, if Moses were accepting monies from NICIL illegally then the agency is crooked and in need of reform. No one has claimed these monies were payoff but for services performed. Also NICIL crookedness is in its transforming state assets to private assets of PPP cronies. Show me a property Nagamotto received per some shifty deal with NICIL and I would be the first to ask him to give it back.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It is easy to calculate his salary and imagine he saved every dime and it will still fall short what he displays today.

You mind doing the calculations for us given all that was highlighted above. I'm not too good with math

He is a crook. That much does not need one reading tea leaves or casting knuckle bones.

Ok ...........keep talking. When it comes to Ramjattan and Nagamootoo's payment by the very corrupt NICIL you have a different perspective. Now i ask you to do the simple math with respect to your allegations against Jagdeo and this is your response .......... Such a pathetic little looser you are D2/Storm Born Lol 


You are still defending the millions collected by Moses and Ram. Stick to this important issue. You are as shameless as they come.


Your buddy is rotting in jail, yet you see evil everywhere else but not those close to you. You are as shameless as they come.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are still defending the millions collected by Moses and Ram. Stick to this important issue. You are as shameless as they come.


Your buddy is rotting in jail, yet you see evil everywhere else but not those close to you. You are as shameless as they come.

 I think you are simply stupid. I cannot defend what I do not know of. I said, if those checks were posted here with the declaration that they were payoffs to Moses as some neafarous graft scheme then the posters outht to sayso. The fact is moses insisted he worked for the entity. These checks show payments of a few thousand US for work done.



Do you think linking some fellow from a conversation between me and errol you eves dropped on means I somehow am confidante of this dude? I also knew his father, a good man does that give me any good points? You are not only a low life but one of those especially filthy ones who lacking a moral background is left floundering in the world for grounding. Get it in your head ass hole, what makes you think because I knew a person means I am responsible for what they do?   Worse, I knew him when we were kids and that is the conversation you eaves dropped on!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It is easy to calculate his salary and imagine he saved every dime and it will still fall short what he displays today.

You mind doing the calculations for us given all that was highlighted above. I'm not too good with math

He is a crook. That much does not need one reading tea leaves or casting knuckle bones. One just have to look. He did not have a pot to piss in and no chance of making it business but in the presidency he did.

And you are a ROBBER BARRON and WORST!!!!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are still defending the millions collected by Moses and Ram. Stick to this important issue. You are as shameless as they come.


Your buddy is rotting in jail, yet you see evil everywhere else but not those close to you. You are as shameless as they come.

 I think you are simply stupid. I cannot defend what I do not know of. I said, if those checks were posted here with the declaration that they were payoffs to Moses as some neafarous graft scheme then the posters outht to sayso. The fact is moses insisted he worked for the entity. These checks show payments of a few thousand US for work done.



Do you think linking some fellow from a conversation between me and errol you eves dropped on means I somehow am confidante of this dude? I also knew his father, a good man does that give me any good points? You are not only a low life but one of those especially filthy ones who lacking a moral background is left floundering in the world for grounding. Get it in your head ass hole, what makes you think because I knew a person means I am responsible for what they do?   Worse, I knew him when we were kids and that is the conversation you eaves dropped on!


Hey Scumbag,


You are on record here calling for those who took monies from NICIL to go to jail. As a real crook, you now try to defend Moses cheques as "services" provided to NICIL. Moses and Ram are crooks and you are the biggest fraud here defending them.


You belong to the same category as your best friend. Your record here stinks.


Your intense hate for the PPP shines as you post heaps and heaps of lies on a daily basis yet defend crooks like Moses and Ram. How come all of a sudden their cheques are for "services" provided ?



Your friend is rotting in jail,  he is the one who need some advice. You collect social assistance and waste about 12 hours here daily promoting anti PPP and anti Indo Guyanese hate.


You are a total disgrace to the entire human race. Get a real job and you will get a taste of the real world.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are still defending the millions collected by Moses and Ram. Stick to this important issue. You are as shameless as they come.


Your buddy is rotting in jail, yet you see evil everywhere else but not those close to you. You are as shameless as they come.

 I think you are simply stupid. I cannot defend what I do not know of. I said, if those checks were posted here with the declaration that they were payoffs to Moses as some neafarous graft scheme then the posters outht to sayso. The fact is moses insisted he worked for the entity. These checks show payments of a few thousand US for work done.



Do you think linking some fellow from a conversation between me and errol you eves dropped on means I somehow am confidante of this dude? I also knew his father, a good man does that give me any good points? You are not only a low life but one of those especially filthy ones who lacking a moral background is left floundering in the world for grounding. Get it in your head ass hole, what makes you think because I knew a person means I am responsible for what they do?   Worse, I knew him when we were kids and that is the conversation you eaves dropped on!


Hey Scumbag,


You are on record here calling for those who took monies from NICIL to go to jail. As a real crook, you now try to defend Moses cheques as "services" provided to NICIL. Moses and Ram are crooks and you are the biggest fraud here defending them.


You belong to the same category as your best friend. Your record here stinks.


Your intense hate for the PPP shines as you post heaps and heaps of lies on a daily basis yet defend crooks like Moses and Ram. How come all of a sudden their cheques are for "services" provided ?



Your friend is rotting in jail,  he is the one who need some advice. You collect social assistance and waste about 12 hours here daily promoting anti PPP and anti Indo Guyanese hate.


You are a total disgrace to the entire human race. Get a real job and you will get a taste of the real world.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are still defending the millions collected by Moses and Ram. Stick to this important issue. You are as shameless as they come.


Your buddy is rotting in jail, yet you see evil everywhere else but not those close to you. You are as shameless as they come.

 I think you are simply stupid. I cannot defend what I do not know of. I said, if those checks were posted here with the declaration that they were payoffs to Moses as some neafarous graft scheme then the posters outht to sayso. The fact is moses insisted he worked for the entity. These checks show payments of a few thousand US for work done.



Do you think linking some fellow from a conversation between me and errol you eves dropped on means I somehow am confidante of this dude? I also knew his father, a good man does that give me any good points? You are not only a low life but one of those especially filthy ones who lacking a moral background is left floundering in the world for grounding. Get it in your head ass hole, what makes you think because I knew a person means I am responsible for what they do?   Worse, I knew him when we were kids and that is the conversation you eaves dropped on!


Hey Scumbag,


You are on record here calling for those who took monies from NICIL to go to jail. As a real crook, you now try to defend Moses cheques as "services" provided to NICIL. Moses and Ram are crooks and you are the biggest fraud here defending them.


You belong to the same category as your best friend. Your record here stinks.


Your intense hate for the PPP shines as you post heaps and heaps of lies on a daily basis yet defend crooks like Moses and Ram. How come all of a sudden their cheques are for "services" provided ?



Your friend is rotting in jail,  he is the one who need some advice. You collect social assistance and waste about 12 hours here daily promoting anti PPP and anti Indo Guyanese hate.


You are a total disgrace to the entire human race. Get a real job and you will get a taste of the real world.




Former president Jagdeo deserves a house much larger and more expensive than the one shown at Prodoville 2. They should use that house for his Russian and Brazilian women guests. Mr. Jagdeo need a fifty room palace like Queen Elizabeth II. He is our King.



President Bharat is the real king. A man who rose up and took his people out of poverty, racial discrimination, kick down the door bandits, blackout, no water and food. He gave Linden billions.

The list can go on and on.


This is the man who stood toe to toe with the PNC thugs and murders. This is the man who made his people proud. Hail to Bharat.

Bharat Maharaj ki Jay. Jai Hind.


Envy and jealousy are quite evident on this forum. The fact is that preisdent Rammo needs to take a page or two from Bharat's book to deal the the few thugs left over from the PNC era.


He deserves a place larger than the Queen of England. Shame on those who burn with envy.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are still defending the millions collected by Moses and Ram. Stick to this important issue. You are as shameless as they come.


Your buddy is rotting in jail, yet you see evil everywhere else but not those close to you. You are as shameless as they come.

 I think you are simply stupid. I cannot defend what I do not know of. I said, if those checks were posted here with the declaration that they were payoffs to Moses as some neafarous graft scheme then the posters outht to sayso. The fact is moses insisted he worked for the entity. These checks show payments of a few thousand US for work done.



Do you think linking some fellow from a conversation between me and errol you eves dropped on means I somehow am confidante of this dude? I also knew his father, a good man does that give me any good points? You are not only a low life but one of those especially filthy ones who lacking a moral background is left floundering in the world for grounding. Get it in your head ass hole, what makes you think because I knew a person means I am responsible for what they do?   Worse, I knew him when we were kids and that is the conversation you eaves dropped on!


Hey Scumbag,


You are on record here calling for those who took monies from NICIL to go to jail. As a real crook, you now try to defend Moses cheques as "services" provided to NICIL. Moses and Ram are crooks and you are the biggest fraud here defending them.


You belong to the same category as your best friend. Your record here stinks.


Your intense hate for the PPP shines as you post heaps and heaps of lies on a daily basis yet defend crooks like Moses and Ram. How come all of a sudden their cheques are for "services" provided ?



Your friend is rotting in jail,  he is the one who need some advice. You collect social assistance and waste about 12 hours here daily promoting anti PPP and anti Indo Guyanese hate.


You are a total disgrace to the entire human race. Get a real job and you will get a taste of the real world.

 Did the ones posting the checks say they were from a crooked deal? You are too stupid to even reason with.


The PPP is an organization of contemptuous people. One does not hate organizations one deconstruct them. If you went to school you would know that.


I guess you can provide me with as many friends as you choose. Ed is going to jail do you th ink Jagdeo should be there with him? And he is not an imagined friend as you give me but a real one. Trevor and the lot is heading the same way which of their associates in the PPP should be heading that way as well.


It is indeed astounding how a little low life like you can pretend you know me. Well lie me tell you in a little secret. Ask the dudes here what I did to General and Bushmastee. It is comming your way. And by the way, dummy, eat your heart out...I am rich.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Threats will not intimidate me. Bring it on. This is a political discussion forum. Admin gave you a good trashing and you will not intimidate me. 

Tell the admin to go screw themselves. They let low lives like you here so the live with the consequences.


Bharrat is pretty much loved by the people despite the bad portrayal of his character by a hostile opposition media. B.J. did a fine job in stamping out the allies of those who are today crying "dead squad". Your sinister plan was skilfully foiled much to your surprise.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Bharrat is pretty much loved by the people despite the bad portrayal of his character by a hostile opposition media. B.J. did a fine job in stamping out the allies of those who are today crying "dead squad". Your sinister plan was skilfully foiled much to your surprise.

BJ is a pariah to most in Guyana. He will remain so.



These 40 and 20 foot containers, and Courida Park houses ( top right) surround Jagdeo’s L-shaped palatial compound.



Above water: The women of the Ramdass family gather together on Sunday at Radica’s home in Plastic City.



Anand Persaud in front of his home in Plastic City.


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